Monday, 2022-06-06

*** gibi is now known as gibi_summit06:01
gmannThis is zoom url for Board meeting, Berlin in case any other TC members also would like to join
gmannI am joining virtually and slaweq is present in-person06:54
gmannand spotz[m] too. I think arne_wiebalck joining in 2nd half.07:05
gmann diablo_rojo_phone you also there?07:05
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fungishe is sitting next to me07:20
fungi(at the board meeting in person)07:20
gmann+1, thanks 07:20
fungithe office techs here are still working on getting the soundboard hooked up to zoom07:20
fungihopefully they'll have it worked out in a sec07:21
fungilooks like they got it working so we can hear you on zoom07:26
fungithey're still trying to figure out audio in the other direction07:27
diablo_rojo_phonegmann: yep I'm here07:33
diablo_rojo_phoneAt last. 07:33
gmanndiablo_rojo_phone: thanks, +107:34
diablo_rojo_phoneYes! 07:34
fungiricolin: were you joining the board meeting zoom?07:37
fungigmann: can you hear us? we can't hear you again07:37
diablo_rojo_phoneIt seems like you froze. 07:38
diablo_rojo_phoneYay! Got you now. 07:41
gmannmy zoom stuck at the right time, but I am in now. 07:44
diablo_rojo_phoneYes we can hear you08:43
diablo_rojo_phoneQuick break I think. 08:44
diablo_rojo_phoneOh yay. 08:44
diablo_rojo_phoneDid you want to mention the k8s meetings, gmann? 09:32
diablo_rojo_phoneat the PTGs09:32
diablo_rojo_phonelol nvm 09:43
diablo_rojo_phoneThey are interested in actually attending the PTG in October09:43
diablo_rojo_phoneYep I have two interested parties. 09:44
fungithat's awesome news for cross-community collaboration09:44
diablo_rojo_phoneYeah really :) I hope it manifests. 09:44
gmannslaweq: thanks for brining diversity point during the slides review and it was an important point in discussion.10:25
gmanno/, sleeping time now. all in-person have a safe and great summit. 10:38
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slaweqgmann I'm happy it was useful, good night11:29
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add community infrastructure contributor in upstream investment
fungisorry i missed that change, would have been happy to help review it20:13
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Clarify "ATC" and "AC" terms from the bylaws perspective
gmanntc-members ^^ one change to comply the "ATC" term with what we have in bylaws20:15
gmannfungi mentioned it in original review also and I also confirmed that we should state that both are same so that we comply with bylaws but somehow we lost track of that comment
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Clarify "ATC" and "AC" terms from the bylaws perspective
TheJuliagmann: thank you for jumping on that!22:11
* TheJulia crashes now22:11
gmannnp! thanks for point that from mark observation. 22:13
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