Monday, 2022-08-08

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dansmithit's interesting that there have been no replies to the announcement13:38
fungito the ptg announcement?14:09
dansmithI expected a lot of angry villagers with pitchforks14:15
fungiwell, it was announced to lots of different places, but yeah it seems like the event coordinators so far haven't gotten much negative feedback on the sudden change in direction14:16
dansmithI've heard plenty of non-public grumbling about the "sudden" part, but less so about the "change" part14:19
gmannmay be discussion happening on individual emails foundation sent to registered members? 14:55
gmannhopefully, those emails or announcement are read/noticed. 14:55
dansmithis there an agenda for this TC/board meeting on Weds?15:45
dansmithit's a bit short notice, so I assume it's something important enough to justify the sudden-ness15:46
clarkbdansmith: it is this meeting aiui been in planning for about a month and a half15:51
dansmithclarkb: okay, it's the first I'm hearing of it and given the audience, I would have expected a doodle15:52
gmanndansmith: in this call we will continue the discussion on keys points we presented in board meeting in berlin. but we can add more topics in the etherpad
dansmithgmann: okay, I remember there was another one, just... two days notice with no time poll is kinda :/15:55
clarkbthere was a time poll ?15:56
dansmithhah, right, okay, I forgot about that, fair enough15:57
fungidansmith: there was a time poll. you even filled it out:
dansmithlots of time between "is this free on your calendar" and the reserving of that spot15:57
dansmithso the poll is pretty much no longer accurate15:57
fungii gave everyone two weeks to fill it out, then picked the top three choices and provided those to the board chair who then worked with the board members to select their preference, after which i forwarded the meeting invite the board chair sent me15:58
dansmithack, my fault for not linking the two events across three weeks15:58
fungii understand that things change. maybe trying to start organizing these things so far in advance is the problem15:59
dansmithtwo weeks to fill out a time survey is a pretty wide window.. most of the non-skippable things (i.e. non periodics) are scheduled in less than two weeks time anyway,15:59
fungithere were also delays on the board of directors end, unfortunately, which led the meeting invite to not go out until less than a week ahead16:00
dansmithwhich is why my availability was pretty solid, because none of the non-periodic meetings were even schedule there16:00
dansmithanyway, my fault for missing the connection16:00
fungiand yeah, i get that giving people two weeks to fill out a survey seems like a lot, but i wanted to catch people who might be on vacation the week i sent the survey out16:00
fungiespecially since this is the height of european vacation season16:01
dansmithby the same token,16:01
dansmithonly 2 days between the scheduling of the final slot and the actual thing doesn't let those people even have a chance to change things16:02
dansmithI guess that's the thing that's hardest.. things scheduled on wednesday of this week are already pretty well set16:02
dansmithanyway, I know it's a hard problem16:02
dansmithsounds like if I can't move things it won't be the end of the world16:03
fungiyeah, i think TheJulia had a hard time getting feedback from board members on the proposed schedule for all the projects too16:03
TheJuliahard time is a bit of an understatement16:03
fungiand also, yes, the idea is we'll do this a few times a year, so missing one is fine, you can always hopefully catch the next instead16:03
TheJuliaIt is more about building connections than anything else.16:04
TheJuliaSpreading mutual context :)16:05
funginext time i'm tempted to try a different approach: ask to get a general idea of what days of week and times of day work well for people months out, then pick a date minimizing holiday/event conflicts and publish that well in advance. if people are available they can show up, if they aren't then there'll still be another a few months after that16:09
gmannas this exercise is to build connection also, we should directly finalize the time for next call between board and each project governance. that should minimize the effort and gap16:12
dansmithfungi: yeah, knowing the final date well in advance is what I'm asking for I guess16:13
gmannadded it in etherpad to select the next call time. if that need poll we should plan well in advance 16:13
dansmithfilling out a random time survey (which I do constantly) definitely didn't let me play defense for all those possibilities for three weeks ;)16:13
fungigmann: great idea. i like picking the next meeting as soon as we hold this one, just be wary that there's a possible selection bias favoring the people for whom this meeting time worked out16:16
fungiso might result in picking a bad date/time for people who were unable to make the first meeting too16:17
gmannfungi: yeah but if we have next call time selected then other members can make them available. at least that will be more than one month in advance 16:17
gmannand also, we can publish the call time and if it is objection from large group then we can change 16:17
fungiat a minimum, let's make sure we leave a little time at the end of the call to discuss how soon to hold the next one16:19
fungilike whether we want a quarterly cadence or something else16:19
gmannthat also we can select. but I think most of the time audience will be same so selecting the exact time can also work16:20
fungisounds good to me. thanks16:23
TheJuliafungi: I like the idea as far out as possible. It seems ot be getting harder and harder to schedule mutually agreeable times easily.16:39
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/governance master: Add Python3 zed unit tests
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