Thursday, 2022-12-01

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rosmaitadoes anyone know if keystone has a 2023.1 PTL, or is it a distributed leadership project this cycle?14:39
fungithere is a ptl this cycle14:40
rosmaitajust wanted to verify that was accurate14:40
fungiif memory serves, d34dh0r53 had to be appointed post-election because of not having any qualifying changes merged to keystone deliverables in the prior year14:41
rosmaitaok, that makes sense14:41
rosmaitafungi: since you're better at finding this stuff than me, is he a keystone-core?14:41
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rosmaitathe context is that we need one more +2 on the service role spec patch:
rosmaitaok, hovering over his name on the patch says only +1 powers14:43
fungiftr, here's the appointment change: Appoint Dave as Keystone PTL (you voted on it)14:44
rosmaitaknikolla[m]: how do you feel about +A'ing with only one +2, given that the PTL has said it's ok14:44
fungieasy to forget, i know ;)14:44
rosmaitafungi: i blame covid14:44
dansmithRTFM'd twice in ten minutes, ouch14:45
dansmith(all the rubber-stamping becomes a blur to me)14:45
fungirosmaita:,members does not list the ptl as included14:45
rosmaitafungi: ty14:46
rosmaitadansmith: i did RTFM, just did not believe what it said14:46
dansmithheh, right14:47
rosmaitaguess that makes me a Republican14:47
rosmaitaoops, did not mean to hit enter on that14:47
knikolla[m]rosmaita: hopefully dmendiza and Grzegorz Grasza can also review before we merge. at least for a spec like that :) 15:00
gmannI pinged dmendiza multiple times, added in keystone meeting agenda but this is not moving forward15:04
knikolla[m]oh, i forgot he is on leave15:04
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knikolla[m]i'll bring the topic up tomorrow in the keystone reviewathon and i'm hopeful we can get it merged tomorrow15:07
gmannthanks. that will be helpful 15:07
rosmaitaknikolla[m]: ty15:37
xekrosmaita, knikolla, gmann, I'll take a look at it tomorrow morning17:10
gmannxek: thanks 17:32
rosmaitaxek: ty18:08
d34dh0r53sorry, I was tied up in meetings this morning and missed the ping, reading the scrollback everything stated is correct.  [1] I am keystone ptl, [2] I only have +1 powers for now [3] I did give the patch a +1, I read it over and it makes sense to me but my RBAC foo is limited, [4] dmendiza is on leave until middle of Feb, [5] we can review the patch tomorrow 21:10
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