Tuesday, 2023-02-28

gmanntc-members: TC chair nomination closed today at  23:45 UTC and we have only one candidate knikolla[m] so no election is needed https://github.com/openstack/governance/tree/master/reference/tc-chair-candidates/2023.202:42
gmannknikolla[m]: As next step, please propose the patch to add 'chair' in reference/members.yaml file https://github.com/openstack/governance/blob/master/reference/tc-chair-elections.rst#tc-chair-election02:43
knikolla[m]Will do, thanks gmann 14:46
opendevreviewKristi Nikolla proposed openstack/governance master: Add chair role to knikolla for 2023.2  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/87574214:54
*** kopecmartin_ is now known as kopecmartin15:00
gmanntc-members: need one more vote/verification on Chair election outcome of knikolla[m] as Chair https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/87574221:29
JayFack; looking21:43
JayFRC+1 on it21:43
gmannthanks 21:46
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add chair role to knikolla for 2023.2  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/87574221:53
gmannknikolla[m]: ^^ Welcome to the Chair role. 21:55
knikolla[m]Thank you :)21:56
gmannknikolla[m]: added you in 'tech-committee-chair' gerrit group, sending email about update. 21:56
gmannknikolla[m]: and I hope you will all set to chair the tomorrow meeting? I will update the wiki page accordingly and you can send the agenda on openstack-discuss ML21:57
knikolla[m]yes, i can chair tomorrow's meeting21:58
gmannknikolla[m]: perfect21:58
gmannknikolla[m]: wiki page is updated. Hand over to you now onwards and feel free to let me know any help you need https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee#Next_Meeting21:59
knikolla[m]gmann: thanks, really appreciate it. I definitely will take you up on that while I learn the ropes. 22:01
gmannknikolla[m]: I think we have almost all things covered in chair.rst but feel free to contact me for any query/help https://github.com/openstack/governance/blob/master/CHAIR.rst22:03
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/governance master: Volunteer to serve at 2023.2 TC vice chair  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/87578722:18
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/governance master: Correct CHAIR.rst: reflect vice-chair nom practice  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/87578822:20
JayFI've been talking to knikolla[m] and would like to volunteer to be vice-chair. In practice, historically, that's meant a self-nomination PR. The docs say it should be chair-nominated. I'm OK with either way, but if we continue to self nominate we should merge 875788 to make the doc reflect reality.22:21
gmanneither way is ok as we have done via both way in past22:28
JayFYeah; I have no preference other than if the doc exists, that we follow it22:28
JayFand it's awkward, especially given OpenStack's tradition of self-nomination for leadership roles, to ask the chair to post the patch to voluntell someone to do it :)22:29
JayFbut I really don't have a strong preference other than consistency between docs and actions22:29
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/governance master: Correct CHAIR.rst: reflect vice-chair nom practice  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/87578822:33
JayFgmann: great suggestion ^ 22:33
knikolla[m]Awesome, thank you JayF ! 22:37
fungii agree that self-nomination is the openstack way22:38
JayFTBH I, personally, hate having to self-nominate. It feels self-serving even if we know in reality there's very little glamour in being in governance.22:38
JayFThat is not the same as thinking it's bad policy; but it's just uncomfortable for me personally. I wonder if there are others who feel the same who don't volunteer as a result.22:39
fungiwe could rename it from nomination to volunteering22:45
fungibecause it's really just a euphemism for that anyway22:46
JayFI'm sitting here chuckling to myself, because it's the obvious solution and it wouldn't have occured to me in a million years22:46
JayFthat's a really good suggestion22:46
knikolla[m]fungi: you're a genius22:46
fungionce you're no longer on the tc, you get to pitch random ideas over the wall at tc members too22:47
knikolla[m]even though you've destroyed the world in a certain tv show based on a video game 22:47
fungidestroyed? or just made it home?22:48
knikolla[m]ah, that's how you see it from your perspective22:49
knikolla[m]About the volunteering vs nomination. It does indeed feel more like the former. It takes some convincing to get people to run, so it isn't even much of a self-nomination anymore at that point. 22:51
fungihow many things have you (accidentally on purpose) killed to make your home more comfortable? ;)22:51
gmannmore of that it is Chair ask for volunteer and tc members raise hand. After that it hardly matter who propose the patch22:52
fungisome of it is that proposing yourself means an implicit acceptance of the responsibilities, rather than having to acknowledge someone else's nomination of you22:52
knikolla[m]fungi: i just run away screaming from everything that is alive22:53
JayFfungi: knikolla[m]: Which game are you referring to?22:53
JayFI'm very confused lol22:54
knikolla[m]The Last of Us22:54
JayFaha; I never played that and haven't seen the show, but I assume the ... infection at the center of the story is fungal?22:54
knikolla[m]Yes, the same that makes zombie ants22:56
fungiyes, makes for a convincing apocalypse because human immune systems are more accustomed to fighting off viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, not so well-practiced at dealing with a fungal contagion22:56
fungi(ergot poisoning as a real-world example)22:58
JayFA podcast I listen to had a borderline-medical-horror story about a middle-ear fungal infection. It really did just sound like our body has minimal defense23:01
dasm|offJayF: The Last of Us? :)23:04
* dasm|off disappears again23:04

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