Wednesday, 2024-01-17

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/governance master: Retire heat-cfnclient: Retire Repository from the Governance Repository
timburkeclarkb, thanks for raising the eventlet issue here! i was working on other things for the most part today, only had time to write up the fix :-)05:14
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/governance master: Retire heat-cfnclient: Retire Repository from the Governance Repository
tkajinamI also found a strange error in manila unit tests which seems to be related to eventlet bump.06:40
tkajinamI'm not sure I have time to dig into this but in case anyone has any idea then that'd be great06:41
tkajinam^^^ fyi gouthamr fungi clarkb JayF06:42
slaweqtc-members: one question about Monasca because I'm not sure which path should we choose. Do we want to retire it completly (option 1)( so no stable branches in the openstack/ namespace anymore too, or do we want to deprecate master branch only (option 2)(
fricklerslaweq: IMHO all should be retired, since there will be noone to support the stable branches either11:42
slaweqfrickler that's what I though but wanted to make sure :)12:30
rosmaitaslaweq: i agree with frickler, complete retirement makes sense for monasca14:13
fungiso that would include eol'ing all open stable branches, even if they're not yet out of standard maintenance14:14
spotz[m]How would that affect current users?14:43
spotz[m]In RDO we plan on leaving the inactive projects in for 1 cycle as long as they're not breaking the CI so folks have time to move off14:44
spotz[m]We are warning they're unmaintained14:44
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fungii think it just means current users would no longer be able to pull from those stable branches and would instead have to checkout the corresponding eol tags. also any bug fixes would have to be patched in downstream, if any14:59
fricklerthe question is who would push bugfixes if there are no maintainers around? making the branch go away seems like a good tool to alert users that may not notice the inactive state otherwise15:05
fricklermaybe part of the retirement process could be adding a red warning reno to all stable branches and publishing those renos before removing the repo content?15:06
JayFIt is worth noting we are operating under a policy that is already written. As I understand it our options are retirement, remaining inactive, or making it active. 15:07
JayFIt also could lead to significant confusion if there are two active sets of repos for this, one for stable branches and one for master15:07
JayFI cannot think of any scenario where it would be positive for openstack to maintain stable branches for monasca.15:07
fricklerwell users who deployed the 2023.2 release of it could come complaining "you promised to maintain this for 18 months" and they would be right, be I also see no way around that15:09
JayFI don't disagree with you, but I would rather us be upfront with them today than imply that we're keeping that promise when we aren't.15:10
JayFThis is why one of the things I strongly consider when thinking about if a project should be reactivated is if they would be able to commit to an 18-month support cycle.15:10
frickleryes, that's the issue. we can only try to learn from that and try to be more active in marking projects as inactive earlier15:11
ianychoifrickler: I am not a tc member but can add about google analytics. Previously during Atlanta PTG I got access to the ga when i was i18n ptl. i could get some insights for i18n and docs and I shared via mailing list like: . Now I don’t have the access but i think it will be great if ga provides insights for docs & i18n + will be great if some available information15:50
ianychoiis publicized for healthy community.15:50
fricklerhberaud: I think would warrant some global discussion, since even a single project merging this will essentially enforce this onto all others at least for coinstallable setups. cc tc-members16:26
fricklerand I think timburke's objection in is valid16:26
JayFThere has been chatter about this in -ironic and -oslo already, was going to make an ML thread about it in a few hours when I'm free. We need better comms around that for sure16:26
fricklerah, o.k., thx16:27
fungicouldn't it use environment markers?16:29
fungiso only bump eventlet when using python 3.12 or later?16:29
JayFthere is value in bumping beyond py3.1216:29
JayFthat is the context missing from comms16:30
JayFI cannot have this conversation now, am closing IRC to avoid distraction even though I want to have it now :D 16:30
* frickler goes reading osle and ironic backlog16:40
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JayFfrickler: thanks for waiting :D I am working with a PT grad student this year, getting him onboarded to OpenStack and this morning was our pairing session :). (If his proposed changes land, I think he'll be up to 5 changes :D). Gotta get him warmed up for helping with the excising of Eventlet :D 17:40
fungiexcising but also exorcising!17:55
fungigotta drive out those eventlet d(a)emons!17:55
gmannslaweq: I agree on retiring the monasca completely, As there is no maintainers, we cannot really keep stable branches. That is same we did in past for any project/deliverables got retired due to no maintainer 18:00
fricklerso essentially the message is "we as openstack community think that eventlet <0.34 is so broken that no deployment should use it any longer and we feel so strongly about this that we want to essentially enforce this onto all distributions"18:04
fricklerI can kind of agree to that, except I think a bit more testing (like maybe two weeks) of the whole setup might be good, also possibly giving time to make another patch release to fix the issues that were seen with swift (and manila)? 18:06
fricklerthe one thing that concerns me is how this transfers to stable branches that are running with those older eventlet versions that we are now shunning18:06
dansmithI definitely don't agree with that sentiment if it doesn't include an asterisk of "on python3.12"18:07
fungiand if it's "on python3.12" specifically, environment markers can be used to limit it to that18:08
dansmithand since 3.12 isn't even on the runtime list for 2024.1 I really don't see the problem with allowing it in u-c but avoiding the minimum change18:09
dansmithif there is some reason we can't lift the limit, then I'd delay the bump personally18:09
fricklersince we don't officially support py3.12 yet, this would kind of make the whole patch almost useless, exactly18:09
dansmithfurther, if the just-released eventlet isn't in 22.04 we'd be requiring something that can't be satisfied by the distros right?18:12
dansmithwe don't bump requirements for libvirt the day it's released upstream because nobody can actually use that yet18:12
JayFI take the question posed by those patches as "projects should strongly consider using latest eventlet" not "we require latest eventlet for all openstack" but I guess that's a distinction without a difference when you consider coinstallability18:13
JayFavailability in supported platforms is not something I had thought about either, and would be a good thing to point to on that ML thread18:13
dansmithbumping the u-c is the "strongly suggest".. bumping the minimum across the board is a different story entirely18:15
JayFwell, by projects I mean, e.g. Ironic/Nova/Glance/etc individually18:16
JayFbut I see the flaw in that independent thinking combined with coinstallability18:16
JayFand am now trying to reconcile how anything ever makes sense with many projects having version locks in their requirements.txt18:17
fungiwas proposing the per-project changes an attempt to get better test coverage to see what jobs would fail, since the cross jobs from the requirements repo don't really have much coverage?18:17
* JayF suspects it's possible for two openstack projects to make things not-coinstallable with independent project changes, without breaking any CI18:17
fricklerwell uca does carry library updates when they are required by openstack advancing beyond what is in stable lts, and I think zigo handles debian similarly18:17
fungiin which case, dnm changes with a depends-on to the proposed constraints change in requirements would probably be equally effective18:18
fricklerwe do not have lower constraints at all in reqs18:18
JayFin global-reqs, no. In individual project reqs ,yes18:18
JayFwell, constraints the general term, as written in requirements files18:19
fungithough most projects have discarded the lower-constraints.txt files/jobs18:19
fricklerI assumed fungi was talking about g-r, as in openstack/requirements repo18:19
JayFnot constraints-files the python/pip concept18:19
fungii was talking about the proposed change to increase the eventlet version declared in upper-constraints.txt in openstack/requirements18:19
JayFfrickler: I'm just trying to think about the system as a whole now, because I'm confused what is keeping the house of cards up :D 18:19
* JayF applies more gorilla glue to the seven of diamonds18:20
fricklerlots of black magic and a bit of luck? ;)18:20
JayFI suspect a *lot* of the latter combined with manual noticing and effort here and there18:20
JayFwhich occassional blows up ala tooz/sqla issues 18:20
dansmithI think one pillar that keeps the house of cards up is "conservative updates and careful attention"18:21
dansmithnot "I released this yesterday, here is 100 changes to bump the minimum"18:21
JayFYeah; we failed at that one a bit by not paying careful attention to Eventlet and taking action before it was in such a bad state.18:21
JayFSo now we're left with a handful of undesirable choices.18:21
fricklerthe other thing to talk about is that we have had previous examples of such mass patching and iirc it was always agreed that discussing them with the community before submitting them would have been a good idea. and I wonder what we as tc can do to improve this culture18:22
dansmithI don't think we're at the undesirable choices stage yet, because we've got a working runtime for the next release, and eventlet is fixe for 3.12 well in advance of our next runtime buimp18:22
JayFI think part of what we've done already: disparte conversations happened, they were noticed by TC members and brought into a larger discussion. This larger discussion is surfacing larger issues.18:22
JayFdansmith: My confidence in eventlet has eroded significantly through seeing the march of frightening bugs and bugfixes through there in the last months. I think that is a strong influence on my take here. Perhaps too much, honestly.18:25
dansmithI understand, but I'm less concerned about it in the short term than I am a hasty u-turn18:27
JayFYeah. I think there's no right answer here, but I am less keen on the kinda middle ground my mailing list post posits after this conversation.18:29
JayFWe should probably be all-in or all-out, and it's after C-2 :/18:29
JayFI'll be curious to see what Herve's perspective is. I wonder if he saw something specific that made him want to push this upgrade.18:30
fungiit seems like both the prior and latest eventlet versions could go in upper-constraints.txt split by an environment marker for python <3.12 and >=3.12 so that non-voting 3.12 testing can proceed unhindered in preparation for the next cycle when it should become voting, while not introducing regressions for the current cycle18:33
fungialternatively, a wip change to update fully to latest eventlet in upper-constraints.txt (without environment markers) could be more thoroughly tested with dnm depends-on changes in relevant projects that rely on it18:34
fricklerwell that change has already been merged, do you propose to revert it?18:34
fungii don't see why not, it wouldn't be the first time we've reverted a constraints update18:35
fricklerI'm not sure yet why it should be reverted. we do regularly bump all kinds of libs to their latest pypi versions18:36
fricklerthat's assuming the known issues with swift and manila can be fixed otherwise18:36
JayFSwift is already fixed/patches up both in Eventlet for a perm-fix and in Swift for a now-fix18:37
fungisure, forging ahead and fixing regressions as they crop up is clearly also an option (and our usual default one), it just sounded like there was some concern about doing it in this specific case18:38
JayFfungi: I think the concern raised was around *actual changes to requirements.txt* being pushed to all openstack repositories, changing them to require eventlet=>0.34.318:38
fungisomewhat to do with a lack of good cross-project test coverage for constraints updates18:38
JayFI've not heard concerns over the constraints other than the technical issues which appear to be being worked from a technical perspective.18:39
fungiJayF: oh, well yes it seemed to me that was just a mistake18:39
fungii assumed we were already past that18:39
fungi(specifically that the per-project requirements.txt changes will get abandoned as incorrect process)18:39
fricklerI think the reqs team is always open to add more cross testing if it makes sense, but I don't think running every job for every project is reasonable18:40
JayFI don't want to assume we can get past anything in two hours while some of our community (including likely the person who authored the change) is asleep.18:40
clarkbwhat is the motivation of updating requirements.txt?18:41
clarkbif its merely that users will be better off then you can communicate that to them without enforcement via pip18:41
clarkbalso pip will eb default install the newest thing18:42
fungiclarkb: theoretically? to indicate that those projects will in no way ever work correctly with any earlier version of eventlet, which seems patently untrue and why we don't normally do that18:42
JayFI posted a whole thing to the mailing list about why I think it's a decent idea to do it18:42
JayFbut only Herve can say why *he actually did it*18:42
clarkbso for users using pip they'll already get the new thing by default (even when using constraints). For everyone else the distros can decide if they want to update or not18:42
clarkboh sorry catching up on email now. I just made sure I can walk from my front door to the sidewalk without dying18:43
clarkbmuch ice was chipped off the concrete18:43
fungidistro package maintainers already can (and do) completely ignore the versions of things in requirements.txt files when they need to18:43
fungiand in our central constraints list too18:44
fricklerso one question might be do we want to mass-abandon/-1/wip all those patches before unaware projects merge them and we later have to revert? kind of like what we had with the drop of py3.8 support earlier18:45
fungiit's not my call, but seems like a prudent safeguard18:46
fungiproject maintainers are on the hook anyway to update requirements.txt files if they merge changes that they know will require a newer version of some dependency, which is how that's normally handled18:47
JayFI replied to my list email: suggesting that projects hold off on merging these changes until a larger discussion happens.18:50
JayFI do not personally intend on mass abandon/-1/wip'ing any patches outside of Ironic.18:50
fungiit could certainly wait for hberaud to do that, and then if projects happen to merge any of them in the meantime, recommend that they merge a revert18:51
JayFfungi: e.g.? :D 18:52
fungiit's too bad other changes don't get such quick turn-around on reviewing ;)18:53
JayFDo you submit changes to Ironic frequently?18:53
JayFWe have extremely good review turnarounds.18:53
fungiclearly not!18:53
fungiit's more that the projects i'm on the hook for reviewing don't get nearly the attention from me that they deserve18:54
JayFAs a project, we prioritize reviewing changes -- it avoids rebase churn, helps ensure cores have a large amount of context on new code. It's really nice. Probably somewhat of a luxury based on us being in the "sweet spot" size wise.18:54
timburkei'd just note that swift has no now-fix at the moment -- eventlet 0.34.3 broke our gate in a way that the cross-project testing missed. yesterday, i wrote a patch to get swift tests passing with tip-of-master eventlet, but there hasn't been a release that includes yet18:54
timburkeso our gate will remain broken until there's a u-c change to take eventlet back to a working version, or forward to some new release18:54
JayFtimburke: oh, I thought there was a patch in swift side that monkey-patch fixed the broken code?18:55
timburkethere was for eventlet 0.34.2, but not 0.34.3. but at least now it's just some unit test failures, rather than segfaults!18:56
fungiand we can in theory merge a revert of the constraints bump, however that's also going to break networking-generic-switch and any other projects that merge the proposed requirements.txt minimums between now and when the constraints revert lands (after which the requirements.txt changes will fail in the gate at least)18:56
fricklerso we should actually revert the u-c bump and that should implicitly block the requirements.txt updates18:56
fricklerplus what fungi says18:56
JayFtimburke: passing this ( ) on to itamar downstream as well18:56
timburkegiven how there were another three PRs up shortly after my fix, i figured another release would be in-bound before so very long, and so i wasn't planning on freaking out until next week or so :-)18:59
frickler ... I'm essentially eoding now, maybe someone else can review and approve. tonyb prometheanfire or some infra-root?19:00
fungii can pull my tact sig chair hat on more firmly, sure19:00
clarkbnot sure if this was mentioned but we have eventlet in zuul so you can depends on changes to it19:02
clarkbwhat this means is that swift and manilla et al can depends on the fixes and confirm that their test suites are happy and not rely on the multi pass step through requirements first19:02
clarkbwe can also theoretically act as third party ci on eventlet but that requires the eventlet project in github to do things on their end19:03
clarkbor maybe not. I guess we'd mostly need an ack from them that they want that to ahppen19:03
clarkbwe only need to configure the app if gating in github which we don't do19:03
clarkbadding the app is a nice thing either way as it improves api rate limit quotas19:04
fungii think any jobs wanting to test cross-project dependencies on eventlet still need variants with the eventlet repo as a required-project though19:04
clarkbfungi: yes and no. If you explicitly use depends on and it is a tox job then the siblings code path will install the correct version19:05
fungiand should probably be set non-voting since they'd be testing latest eventlet default branch tip rather than the latest release from pypi19:05
clarkbother jobs like devstack would need it as a required project and devstack would need to be updated to add eventlet to the install from source list19:06
clarkbLIB_FROM_GIT or whatever it is called19:06
fungiclarkb: wouldn't switching automatically from release to default branch create a potential for deadlock? i'm pretty sure job definitions have to opt into consuming a project from source19:07
clarkbfungi: yes they do thats what I'm saying. You would need to modify devstack to support it and then have jobs that set eventlet in LIBS_FROM_GIT19:07
clarkbbut depends-on in tox jobs will work today without anything changing due to siblings19:07
fungithe devstack job does auto-populate LIBS_FROM_GIT from required-projects19:07
clarkbfungi: ya but LIBS_FROM_GIT has explicit handling for each lib I think19:08
clarkbso its a noop until you explicitly add support19:08
fungiprobably worth moving this to the zuul matrix channel, but if your project has only unit test jobs and can merge a change with a depends-on to a merged (but unreleased) change in another project while normally installing that project from a release on pypi in the same job, that would break the ability to merge future changes until the next release19:09
clarkbyou cannot merge because of the depends on19:09
clarkboh I see what oyua re saying19:10
fungidepends-on only blocks changes from merging while the depended-on change has not yet merged19:10
clarkbya so thats a potential gap in the tox sibling sstuff19:10
clarkbbut I don't think its a big enough concern when used deliberately19:10
clarkbyou would have a specific change to test that the upstream fixes work and not make any changes downstream19:10
fungimy understanding is that jobs have to explicitly opt into consuming a dependency from source (via required-projects list), and then the siblings role uses that same list to decide what gets installed into the tox venv19:11
fungiwhich is how zuul avoids the deadlock i described19:11
clarkbfungi: yes but depends on creates an implicit entry in required-projects iirc19:12
fungii find that surprising, if so19:12
clarkbpretty easy to test with a throwaway change19:12
clarkbor look at old changes. /me starts there19:15
clarkbthat is a glance tox-py38 job with a depends on grenade. I'm fairly certain that job doesn't normal have grenade as a required project but it is in the project list19:17
fungiclarkb: it checked out the repository, but did not add it to required-projects based on what tox-siblings installed:
clarkbfungi: siblings won't install grenade because it isn't a dep of the project19:25
fungigranted, i doubt a glance tox-py38 job would even want to install grenade, so this is probably an incomplete test19:25
clarkbyes this is just showing that a depends-on not in your required-projects goes in the projects list19:25
clarkbthen if you read the siblings code it should install any project from source listed in the projects list19:26
clarkbbut onyl if that project is a dependency of your project19:26
clarkb*a pip installed python dependency19:26
fungiyou're sure it gets reflected in required-projects, not just replicated to the node in case it's in required-projects?19:26
clarkbfungi: zuul refines required-projects and depends on into that projects list. The siblings code doesn't really know about required-projects just the zuul.projects dict19:27
fungigot it. still surprised and somewhat worried then, in that case19:27
clarkband looking at the inventory file I don't think zuul distinguishes where projects entries come from once running jobs19:28
fungidefinitely not a behavior i would want in a job19:28
clarkbI think it is maybe less than ideal, hwoever the act of using a depends on is deliberate19:28
clarkband developers and reviewers should have some understanding of what the end result is19:29
clarkbunlike say a wedge where two people acting independently without knowledge of one another can stop the assembly line19:29
fungiwhile true, it sort of flies in the face of zuul's promise to not merge broken changes19:30
clarkbzuul does prvent those. But this is a deliberate informed act19:30
fungii suppose this is less a gap in zuul itself, and more a gap in the tox abstract job (or tox-siblings role)?19:31
clarkbya its tricky because the change itself isn't broken if its dependencies merge. But this is a corner case where zuul doesn't actually know that the state of master is broken as a result19:31
clarkbyes exactly. The job is saying all is well. That is the signal zuul uses to determine if a change is broken or not19:31
clarkbits possible that improving zuul would allow for smarter siblings use, but off the top of my head I can't really think of a good way to address this without the current risk19:32
clarkbyou want to be abel to test if a library you normally consume from releases works from tip of master or from bug fixes19:32
fungiright, in the past we did that by having separate non-voting jobs that used the project from source (by extending required-projects)19:36
clarkbya and in many cases people completely ignored the results. That said with sibligns I think few people realize its an easy option and don't use it to get the needed info either19:38
timburke...which is surely a thing i ought to do for swift+eventlet, now that i think about it...19:38
fungiso just to circle back around after hashing this out in the zuul matrix channel, you do still need to add the project to required-projects in order to get the siblings install behavior, and so do need a separate (probably non-voting) job variant that puts the eventlet repo in required-projects for testing it from source and with cross-project dependencies19:55
clarkbyou wouldn't need a separate job if you were always installing the particular code from source rather than releaes19:56
clarkbjust to clarify since some projects may use siblings that way19:56
fungiright, but i wouldn't recommend that except for situations like devstack installing from source for things in the integrated projects queue19:57

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