Wednesday, 2024-01-31

fricklerfwiw, see for an example of why I think skyline is not yet ready for full integration06:43
fricklerthis is somewhat related, too
jrosserfrickler: I found skyline to be pretty coupled to the deployment route chosen by the primary contributors, and not as easy as I’d hoped to use outside that08:42
fricklerjrosser: what? you don't use kolla? ;) but sure, that's another valid concern of course08:50
jrosseri did wonder how it might fare with one of the distro packaging efforts as a result08:52
fricklerack, took a quick look and it seems there isn't anything for debian or ubuntu. and with lack of py3.11 support I think checking py3.12 is even further in the future08:59
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clarkbis there more to it than a typical python package install? Maybe beacuse it has js/html/css artifacts to build and deploy?16:10
clarkbfwiw zuul does a precompile step with the js toolchain then the pip packaging step bundles that up and seems to work well as far as avoding weird install steps for end users/deployers16:10
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/governance master: Add Jens Harbott as Release Management liaison
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