Thursday, 2024-02-22

opendevreviewDale Smith proposed openstack/election master: [2024.2] Propose dalees candidacy for Adjutant
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spotz[m]Hey all: New topic for discussion from the ML -
opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed openstack/election master: Add Martin Kopec candidacy for QA 2024.2 PTL
opendevreviewAxel Vanzaghi proposed openstack/election master: Adding Axel Vanzaghi candidacy for Mistral
fricklerJayF: according to there is a known issue with latest dnspython and eventlet, would have been nice to tell the reqs team18:51
JayFI am not actively working on eventlet, more doing some early coordination and now shifting to trying to get the migration plan done18:52
JayFThis is the first knowledge I have of any of this18:52
JayFdtantsur: ^ could this be related to the issue you saw this morning18:53
fricklerhmm, seems a fix is already in eventlet, just waiting for a release :-/18:59
JayFgetting *that* done more quickly; that I can do :D 18:59
fricklerbit of bad timing with reqs freeze next week, but can't blame external projects for it I gues19:00
JayF#919 says 0.35.2 is out, fixing that issue19:00
JayF confirmed19:00
clarkbthat release is from yesterday.19:00
clarkbperhaps just race in communication and testing?19:00
JayFwas there some newer break? The issue frickler linked was 2 days ago last updated19:01
JayF(the dnspython issue)19:01
fricklerno, the bot will see new eventlet only on saturday19:01
fricklerI'll propose a manual bump instead of the dnspython revert
dansmithsafest thing to do is lower dnspython to known-working, and then test eventlet and new dnspython together right?19:02
dansmithnew eventlet could have any number of other impacts19:02
dansmiththis is blocking merges right now19:02
fricklerdansmith: that's true, will put both together on top of the revert19:02
gmann++, agree let's get back to 2.5.0 working one first19:03
dansmithfrickler: thanks, if we weren't in FF rush right now it might be different but I'd rather go for quickest resolution first :)19:03
gmanndansmith: just wondering, it is not caught by the cross project (glance) job in requirement gate right? those are unit/functional only19:04
dansmithgmann: actually glance jobs aren't failing IIUC, it's nova while talking to glance19:05
dansmithbut they run our job and it's only the ceph-multistore job,19:06
dansmithmaybe because ceph involves more network IO at image upload time or something19:06
gmannohk, nova-ceph-multistore 19:06
gmanni see19:06
dansmithabhi and cyril have been debugging in -glance all day so they have the deets19:06
dansmithgmann: redhat is on holiday tomorrow so we're all starting to disappear, but I assume someone will be around to get this pushed right?19:08
fricklerreqs only runs a single tempest-full job, not sure it would make sense to add more complicated, likely more unstable tests19:08
dansmithabhishekk_ has been debugging all day on the eve of his holiday so he wants to cut loose of course :)19:08
abhishekk_If this gets cleared, I can use sometime of weekend to recheck glance patches19:09
gmannfrickler: agree, but how about the experimental and those can be run on demand if we see multiple external deps bump19:09
gmannbut agree that we cannot cover all the cases19:09
fricklerhmm, the error in that bug doesn't actually look related to eventlet IMO19:09
fricklergmann: oh, some experimental jobs that we can run manually on bot patches, that's a good idea19:10
gmanndansmith: pinged prometheanfire in requirement channel, he is pretty fast on review, let's see19:10
gmannfrickler: yeah19:10
dansmithgmann: ah thanks I looked for him in -qa and didn't see him so I figured he wasn't around19:11
dansmithoh frickler got it19:11
gmann++ thanks frickler 19:11
dansmithabhishekk_: go to sleep :)19:11
JayFMy only concern with a rollback; I know 2.6.1 was a CVE fix19:11
JayFthat impacted only 2.6.0, right? /me checks19:11
dansmithJayF: yeah it fixed the security hole all right :)19:11
abhishekk_ack o/19:12
dansmithairgapped is very secure19:12
JayFservice iptables panic # in library form (don't run this on old(?) rhel, it blocks everything)19:12
JayF is what we lose, it looks like it'd impact 2.5.x as well but per and imply it's not that big of a deal19:14
fricklerhmm, so we shouldn't have been using 2.6.0 anyway?19:14
JayF2.6.0 had the CVE fix19:14
dansmithwell, if the eventlet bump fixes it we can roll to it asap19:14
JayFthe reason 2.6.1 released is to fix an issue in that CVE fix afaict19:14
JayFyeah, that's mainly what I'm saying: roll back is OK as long as we don't trap ourselves on the vuln version for Caracal19:15
JayF^ that opinion is very weakly held fwiw19:15
dansmithsure, I'm just saying: not working at all is not a whole lot better than "has a mild CVE"19:15
JayFbut we do have working versions of dnspython and eventlet in pypi right now19:15
dansmith..we think :)19:16
JayFso it should be rollback to preserve, roll forward PR pushes we test in it and roll forward19:16
JayFsome things are trust, but verify. Eventlet+DNSPython is suspiciousness+verification LOL19:16
prometheanfiregmann: yep, reviewed, but frickler beat me to it19:16
gmannprometheanfire: yeah. thanks19:17
fricklerproposed + 26 now for latest eventlet and dnspython, so these can get tested independently. likely a depends-on patch in glance would be the best test?19:19
dansmithor nova19:20
dansmithactually, I have a DNM nova patch in the glance stack they were working on, let me use that19:21
fricklerdansmith: ack, will watch that, thx19:26
fricklerhrm, huge stack of reqs patches in gate, that can take some time. also a cinder gate failure, if someone wants to take a look
frickleraand a second one. wonder if that eventlet issue might only be triggered sporadically there or whether there's another timeout issue
frickleranyway I'm out now, will see what has happened further tomorrow20:02
dansmithfrickler: the nova patch failed the same way.. is depends-on a requirements patch good enough to make sure it is honored?21:35

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