Wednesday, 2024-05-08

opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/governance master: Show TC and SIG repos in projects page
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/governance master: Show TC and SIG repos in projects page
*** logan_ is now known as Guest482405:45
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/governance master: 2023 User Survey TC Question Analysis
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/election master: Add Slawek Kaplonski as an election official
*** iurygregory_ is now known as iurygregory11:21
opendevreviewBartosz Bezak proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Add Kolla Caracal guides
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: Add Kolla Caracal guides
opendevreviewFrancesco Di Nucci proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Full review of obtain-images
fricklertc-members: old patch of mine, but still valid afaict (that repo is part of reference/technical-committee-repos.yaml)17:54
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/service-types-authority master: Drop override for venus api-ref
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/service-types-authority master: Correct the tox option for skipping sdist generation
gouthamr^ rebasing these to get CI to run; these are ancient 18:14
opendevreviewMerged openstack/service-types-authority master: Correct the tox option for skipping sdist generation
opendevreviewMerged openstack/service-types-authority master: Drop override for venus api-ref
frickler(moving this here from #-ironic, after an (likely inadvertent) spam wave caused by launchpad) would it make sense to delete that team? seems to hold a number of very outdated information only
fricklerI confirmed that all the people that replied with "unsubscribe" are members of that team (mostly since 2013 or longer)20:14
fungii don't think we need to keep it, that was part of our old method of agreeing to the foundation's icla before we started using gerrit's cla feature20:19
fungibasically you submitted your agreement to an account manager who then added you to that lp team after reviewing your form20:20
fungiand we had a periodic script which "synced" users from that lp team to create corresponding gerrit accounts20:21
fungione of my very first activities when i got involved in 2012 was to replace that slow, manual process, so the lp team has been obsolete for nearly 12 years now20:23
clarkboh I just said I didn't think we could get rid of it as its the root of the tree20:23
clarkbbut maybe that is a wrong interpretation of it20:23
clarkbfungi: so none of the other teams are subteams of that team? and we don't use that for transitive admin access?20:23
funginope. we have an openstack project group but i don't think the "part of" feature in lp depends on having a team with the same name20:24
fungithe ~openstack-admins team is the one we use for administration20:25
* fungi fades back into the bar harbor fog to find dinner20:26
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Add Slawek Kaplonski as an election official

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