Wednesday, 2024-05-22

jamespageyou can certainly ask me about charms08:22
jamespageboth projects (sunbeam and openstack charms) are both active - tinwood and freyes are working on the Caracal release for 2024.1 of the openstack charms project which has been somewhat complicated by some changes in the ecosystem tooling using to build charms (which is making in challenging to support both Ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04 from the same codebase)08:24
jamespagesunbeam is obviously still active and incubating nicely - currently 2024.1 is generally usable08:28
jamespagethat said there is alot of backlog in the reviews for openstack-charms that needs some housekeeping08:28
jamespageslaweq, fungi, gouthamr ^^08:29
jamespagelast two weeks have been quieter as two weeks of Canonical company planning and engineering events08:29
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/election master: Update PTL and TC election dates
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: Add configuration for 2025.1/"E" elections
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: [tool] setup-election-config: fix indent
fungijamespage: i think the query arose because freyes never followed up on the ptl volunteering change14:36
fungiso tc members thought it might be the usual pattern we see of 1. project doesn't get a ptl candidate during nominations, 2. tc says the project will be considered inactive if it has no ptl, 3. someone volunteers to serve as ptl to keep that from happening, 4. volunteer immediately disappears again leaving the project with no ptl14:38
jamespageah right I missed the context14:41
fungiso, yeah, probably easily resolved if he just drops a one-sentence comment into that governance change14:45
jamespagewill nudge15:48
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: There will be a short Gerrit outage while we update to the latest 3.8 release in preparation for next weeks 3.9 upgrade.17:02
gmannjamespage: I think we need to remind  freyes about governance change. he is active in project activities but might forget about governance change. 17:30
gmannfreyes is offline in charm channel but I dropped a msg about it17:30

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