Monday, 2024-06-03

* gouthamr loves the new gerrit features after the upgrade... hat tip, clarkb fungi tact folks.. 17:31
clarkbgouthamr: which ones are you using? suggested edit maybe?17:32
gouthamryes; and “bring to the attention of” seems to work well.. it automatically populates the person if I mention their name, or I can modify the list myself :)17:34
clarkbcool, I was hoping people would find suggested edits useful. I haven't had an opportunity to use them yet since the upgrade but did test them prior to upgrading17:35
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint ChunYang Wu as PTL of Trove
gouthamrclarkb: it works well the few instances i've tried; i haven't written out large snippets yet; folks might mis-format spaces while suggesting python/yaml/code.. but we'll eventually learn18:03
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Add TC liaison in DPL model implementation
gmanntc-members: ^^ rebased this. noonedeadpunk: I added you also as tc-liaison for freezer project18:11
gouthamrack gmann 18:19
diablo_rojoHello tc-members - Was brought to my attention a link at the bottom of the docs is doing a 404 - the training labs?
diablo_rojoLooks like it needs to be cleaned up here - ?22:09
gouthamrdiablo_rojo: ah; thanks for pointing that out.. 22:25
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Drop "training labs" from the manuals

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