Friday, 2024-06-07

opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/governance master: Update criteria for the inactive projects to become active again
opendevreviewHervĂ© Beraud proposed openstack/governance master: Remove Eventlet From Openstack
opendevreviewHervĂ© Beraud proposed openstack/governance master: Remove Eventlet From Openstack
fricklergouthamr: fungi: during the pypi cleanup I noticed that stackviz on pypi doesn't seem to be openstack/stackviz, see also my comments at , seems this was listed there in error?14:29
fungii didn't generate the list, only provided guidance that the package names should be pulled from the setup.cfg files found in each repository rather than taken from repository names14:35
fungiit does appear that is set to stackviz though14:35
fungibut the project has never been released (no git tags)14:36
fungiso yes, seems like we can skip that (and also propose a patch to the stackviz repo to change the package name in case it does ever end up getting tagged)14:36
fricklerah, I was thinking that the collaborator list for each project was somehow gathered with the help of the openstackci account, so only projects where that account is owner should appear. but I agree with changing the metadata just in case14:42
fungigenerating the list from the managed projects view on pypi would be challenging since it's not something that can be requested via api and the rendered pages are paginated (and we have so many projects that it would involve scraping many, many pages of it)15:08
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit will be restarted at around 17:45 UTC to pick up some small image updates16:46
gouthamrfrickler fungi: late ack; that list was generated with this:
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Fixing the validate-legacy script
gmanntc-members: ^^ updated the change to fix the validate-legacy script: 1. Ignore existing uncleaned repo 2. proper validation for the new retirements (complete or partial retirement )18:10
fricklergouthamr: ah, nice, rerunning that script confirms that I've now cleaned up all but xstatic-*18:33

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