Monday, 2024-06-24

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opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/governance master: Minor documentation fixes
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gouthamrtc-members: bit last minute of a request, i will be in an inconvenient place to run tomorrow's IRC meeting; any chance any one would like to volunteer? I still hope to join, but don't know if it'd primarily be through my mobile phone.. 22:53
JayFI would, but I have a meeting just before which is a nonzero chance of going over. So maybe put me down as a possible, but it'd be best if someone else did22:54
gouthamrJayF++ ah, thank you :) 22:55
gouthamri'll wait if any one else can.. but in case of the inevitable, we can chat closer to the meeting and decide..22:56
spotz[m]Love the new suggest edit!!!:) If frickler or jayf can't I can run the meeting23:09
gouthamrthank you spotz[m]! :) awesome, i can relieve JayF and add you and frickler as co-chairs :) (the meetbot technically allows any of us to start a meeting i think :P) .. it'd be nice to have the know-how spread across the team.. 23:14
gouthamrspotz[m]: on the suggested edit feature, sorry for the DM earlier.. i think your patch is still under "Draft"; you'll need to click "Publish Edit" 23:16
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/governance master: Minor documentation fixes
* gouthamr realized you were talking about this patch spotz[m] ^ 23:26
spotz[m]gouthamr: anyone can start a meeting and you can add everyone as chairs if you want them to be able to set topics and such23:27
opendevreviewAmy Marrich proposed openstack/governance master: Update to include docs and miscellaneuos repos for AC status

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