Friday, 2024-07-05

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thuvhhi, i create merge quest for release in openstack/releases and make monasca active
thuvhbut, with release, there are some errors related to git tag of monasca repo 03:54
thuvhcould anyone guide me the flow03:54
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gmannI think frickler has good points on governance change and those should be resolved before we mark it Active16:06
gmanndansmith: any news on watcher things? As it is m-2 week, we should mark it Inactive unless you are planning to release it?16:07
dansmithgmann: unfortunately not given everything going on. however, the board call about these things seemed to indicate there may be some more interest there, and:16:08
dansmithgmann: as far as I can tell after my fixes it seems to be working as expected and passes its tests, even in tempest, which seem like decent coverage16:08
dansmithso given the test state, if people are willing, I'd keep it active and release it this time since we know interest is at least pending16:09
gmanndansmith: ok, I am fine with the plan. I think the only concerning thing is it is leaderless.16:10
dansmithack, well, if the concern is a "leader" for zuul config errors, test fails, etc I can offer to be the contact person if nothing else16:12
fungithe leader question also applies to who's going to propose/acknowledge release requests for it, who's going to respond to reports of potential security vulnerabilities in it...16:13
fungibasically the same things we lay out for liaisons in the dpl model16:14
gmanndansmith: ++, as gate is green and you have release plan I think either we can appoint you as PTL there or move it to DPL model with you as liaison ?16:14
dansmithfungi: yeah, I don't know that I would really be qualified to address security things, but presumably we're on the hook for the last cycle's release for that anyway, so it probably doesn't really change the landscape to keep it right?16:14
gmannseeing more people might come to help (also as leader) in future I think that can be good path16:15
fungidansmith: right, it's basically that if there are vulnerabilities reported and nobody to address them, it's criteria for removing the project (like we saw with murano)16:16
dansmithfungi: yeah, well, as long as we retain that right even if I'm on the hook to make that call, then I guess that's okay16:17
gmannyes, that is applicable irrespective of any project have leader or not16:17
fungiand as a community we try really hard not to get into that situation, murano was a rather embarrassing case16:17
dansmithgmann: so whatever you think dpl vs ptl .. I definitely don't need more paperwork to do, but if it's going to be mostly point me at a thing to click approve on for the releases I think it's worth buying another cycle16:18
dansmithalso this one is non-SLURP right?16:18
fungithe upshot of the murano event was that we'd rather not continue to include a project in openstack if there's nobody willing to fix vulnerabilities in it, rather than waiting until we find out that we need to rip it out16:18
gmanndansmith: yes non-SLURP16:18
gmanndansmith: I think DPL can be good in this situation and anyways we need to reset the DPL state also in next cycle so it will be a good temporary handling of situation and you can decide if you want to continue or someone else can take up leadership role16:21
dansmithpotentially relevant to this and other things, gouthamr I'm out next week starting tuesday to try and recuperate after the last few weeks16:22
gmanndansmith: do you want to push governance change otherwise I can do16:22
gmanndansmith: also, I think m-2 release is pending by today? if it is not released yet16:23
dansmithgmann: can you point me to an example to copy?16:24
gmanndansmith: this one is latest one
gmanndansmith: one extra thing in this is ' tc-liaison' to add, you can add my name or your in that, example
gmanndansmith: I rebased my watcher-tempest-plugin change and if that pass, i can handle its release next week (tempest plugins are with cycle-with-intermediary so not hurry to release them)16:29
dansmithgmann: remove appointed: zed?16:30
dansmithI guess not, looks like I leave that16:31
gmanndansmith: yeah, just for history we can keep it. hope that will be confusing for DPL projects but let's leave for now16:31
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/governance master: Transition watcher project to DPL
dansmithokay see if that looks right16:33
gmanndansmith: yes, thanks16:33
gmanndansmith: I pinged elodilles about m-2 release in #openstack-release channel16:35
dansmithack just joined (No history)16:36
gmanndansmith: one small fix needed
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/governance master: Transition watcher project to DPL
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