Thursday, 2024-07-18

thuvhHi @gouthamr, from
thuvh18:53:52 <gouthamr> #link (Inactive state extensions: Freezer)04:23
thuvh18:54:08 <gouthamr> #link (Inactive state extensions: Monasca)04:23
thuvh18:54:42 <gouthamr> ^ these two will ofcourse conflict; don't know if its worth rebasing right away, if folks have concerns with one or the other04:23
thuvhI can resolve conflict if mr of freezer is merge before the other one of monasca 04:23
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gouthamrthuvh: thank you for checking.. I’ll workflow the freezer patch first since it has had more votes; please go ahead and rebase on it if you’d like…04:45
fricklertc-members: I have some concern about the growing backlog of non-upgradeable libs in requirements, someone needs to make dedicated patches to track those and nag projects to fix their issues. see e.g. the commit message for
fricklerI also pinged the requirements team about this multiple times already, but with no success so far06:27
fricklerthere is also an issue with the latest oslo.log release, which has broken multiple projects, this has been reverted but the path forward still seems unclear to me06:28
frickleractually there was a revert merged , so this may only need a fresh release for at least temporary resolution06:30
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/governance master: Update criteria for the inactive projects to become active again
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gouthamrspotz[m]: o/ can you add your RC +1 to this: ; charter changes need two-thirds majority to approve (6 out of 9).. this one's stuck for a long time unfortunately; we _need_ this to land some AC tooling changes and affect the upcoming election16:42
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Inactive state extensions: Freezer
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Transition watcher project to DPL
spotz[m]gouthamr: I hadn't as it was mine but done now16:50
gouthamrspotz[m]: tyty; it probably sounds silly - but it helps in the formal counting 16:52
gmannactually it is valid as author is just proposing/writing idea (their own, others, agreed in meeting or so ) and their vote for motion as TC individual should get counted.16:54
gmannfor code change etc it should not and I think we cover that in house rules16:54
gouthamrah i don't have the prior context for this change.. but i gathered this change was a result of consensus during a TC meeting16:55
gouthamrgmann: +116:55
spotz[m]I just normally dont + anything I proposed unless it's a quick grammar change on someone else's patch. I'm loving the suggest edit feature as I can suggest without editing:)16:59
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Update to include docs and miscellaneuos repos for AC status
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