Thursday, 2024-08-15

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fricklergmann: gouthamr: what about DPL/PTL status for the oslo team? with the election period having started, switching off DPL seems no longer an option? cf.
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gouthamrfrickler: i pinged damani to rescind his -1 and look at the reinstatement/change of liaisons; he’s probably on PTO …07:41
gouthamrI don’t expect Oslo will want to elect a PTL; but it felt like everyone was okay with either model, and some conversations seem to have occurred outside of gerrit07:43
gouthamrfrickler: tangential question, are you available during the TC meeting next week? I am not; and was going to ask if you do me a favor of chairing/running the meeting :)07:46
fricklermaybe for next time we should also pre-announce a fixed timeframe for the DPL cleanup so that people can plan ahead and prepare something in case of longer absences07:47
fricklergouthamr: I'll be around and I can prepare accordingly to run the meeting. will you still do the weekly mail?07:47
gouthamrfrickler: \o/ thank you; yep can do07:48
* gouthamr has already drafted it and it’s scheduled to send on Sunday :)07:48
fricklergouthamr: so how long will you be away? asking just in case something else comes up in term of reviews or similar07:50
gouthamrfrickler: just Tuesday technically; although I’m off at work, I’m keeping up with upstream.. I might just be slow to respond07:59
fricklerok, no big issue then :)08:09
opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/election master: Add James Page as candidate for OpenStack Charms PTL
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gmanngouthamr: frickler I am not sure what is blocking the reset change to merge ?16:56
gmanngouthamr: it can be blocked if all liaisons are -1 there which is not16:57
gmannI think we should merge the reset one now which is as per the policy
gmannand wait for readoption of DPL model until we get +1 from dainel
gmannfrickler: I am not sure if pre-announce will work here as reset DPL should be merged without delay and that is whole point of reset. If we wait on those then no point of monitoring and we can just wait for their response on IRC or ML etc16:58
gmanngouthamr: we can ask more tc-members to vote if it is not eligible for the merge
fricklergmann: well if we drop DPL from a team, it would need to have a PTL election. but we cannot add an election after the nomination period started?17:08
gmannfrickler: yeah, it should have been done before but at this stage we cannot change the election things so we just wait for 926154 to merge until then oslo team is leaderless.17:09
gmannuntill we do not merge the reset change then we are not reflecting the 'leader required' state there17:10
gmannand not fair for other projects where we merge the DPL reset state change and they took appropriate action17:10
gmannas per process, reset state must happen and what is next solution that is something we can work on along with team17:11
gmannif we do not implement this policy as defined then I am afraid that we are going in same situation as before where DPL things were hanging without monitor  17:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Add Michal Nasiadka candidacy for Kolla 2024.1 PTL
fungianother option would be to decide the team is leaderless (due to not agreeing on liaisons before the deadline), though that's probably an extreme reaction17:22
fungiespecially with this being the first cycle we've done this17:22
fungibut it's definitely an opportunity to think about and set expectations for how the tc should handle (or avoid having) similar cases in the future17:23
gmannyeah, that is what current policy are and reset state does that. 17:23
gmannand after state is reset which means it reset project to leaderless then team can adopt DPL or PTL election17:24
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Add Guillaume Boutry candidacy for Sunbeam 2025.1 PTL
gmannwe did the same for all other project except oslo17:24
gmannuntil we do not reset state then we will be stuck on these for long time and oslo is good example here17:25
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Add James Page as candidate for OpenStack Charms PTL
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