Friday, 2024-08-30

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opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Withdrawing Walt Boring Candidacy for cinder PTL
spotz[m]I put this in the election channel but I thought we were in the campaigning phase not the voting for TC phase18:26
dansmithI too was surprised to find a ballot in my box18:30
fungiyes, many of us were, presumably18:30
fungipinged the officials in the election channel, but i fear they're all off until the weekend (and possibly busy with the summit after that)18:31
dansmithlike the real world though, I made up my mind months ago based on what I read on social media, so no need to wait for the campaigning phase to vote, IMHO :D18:31
gmannmaybe we can wait for slaweq  and Ian 18:31
fungier, until after the weekend i mean18:32
gmannyeah many might have voted already and re-initiate election can cause confusion ?18:32
gmannmaybe let it be what it is and continue campaign and election in parallel which is little odd but to avoid more confusion 18:32
fungianyone who votes and changes their mind can use their voting receipt url to revise their choices anyway18:33
dansmithyeah, best not to restart it at this point, IMHO18:33
gmannyeah but people hardly vote and expecting them to vote again is not good :) 18:33
gmannend date of election (Sep 18, 2024 23:45 UTC) is correct though so it is more of extending the poll duration for a week18:36
JayFIf anything it gives me more time to lean on my new downstream contributors to ensure they jumped through all the flaming hoops to election :)18:36
gmannextending - > start in advance18:36
gouthamroh :( missed this..18:58
gouthamri agree with not restarting at the moment18:58
gouthamrwe'd have a really long election window, but, that's okay18:58
gouthamrs/really long/long enough perhaps 18:59
spotz[m]Normally it really wouldn't be an issue but Jay did ask a question and so far 2 candidates have answered19:06
spotz[m]I do think we will need to just leave it open until the end of the posted voting cycle19:07
spotz[m]Make that 4 answered:)19:08
gouthamrspotz[m]: agreed... four have responded so far :) 19:08
gouthamrgmann isn't a sticky around here 19:08
gouthamrs/isn't/is :D sorry - mega fail19:08
gouthamrJayF++ thank you for the questions19:08
JayFYour vote doesn't lock in though19:16
JayFso if you changed your mind, you click the receipt and change your vote19:17
gouthamrmaybe i can remind people about this with the TC email this week19:17
JayFI am +MAXINT to leaving the election open. Any churn will be way, way more confusing than any value (I'm not even sure there is any value in this churn) generated.19:17
gouthamrtotally; we must value the voters' time for sure... even if there's one person that won't open their ballot the second time, it'd be undesirable19:18
spotz[m]Just leave it open from now until the offically posted end of voting. I think with Walt withdrawing the only PTL election will not need to take place?19:19
fungithe only times we've restarted an election i can remember is when ballots went out missing one of the candidates due to an error on the part of the election officials19:19
gouthamrspotz[m]: yes, was merged by ianchoi and slaweq - so they didn't start an election19:20
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