Thursday, 2024-09-05

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opendevreviewFrancesco Di Nucci proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: docs: rewrite CentOS guide for Stream 9
opendevreviewFrancesco Di Nucci proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: docs: rewrite CentOS guide for Stream 9
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opendevreviewFrancesco Di Nucci proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: docs: rewrite CentOS guide for Stream 9
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fricklertc-members: I'm pointing once again at the release team project health scorecard after recording some new entries
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gmannthanks frickler 16:30
gmannavanzaghi1: ^^ as you are continue volunteering to lead Mistral, ^^ Along with leadership, these are the activities we expect from project leader/release liaisons to continuously doing for their project.
gmannI am also more worried about Keystone, we do have PTL and I see meeting happening regularly but not sure why release things are missed16:33
JayFKeystone meetings are happening, I suspect it's just something where without someone having it as a primary focus, it slips through the cracks.16:35
gmannI pinged keystone PTL 'Dave Wilde' in keystone channel, let's see16:36
gmannmaybe that is reason. 16:36
fungid34dh0r53: ^16:39
fungithough you also used his nick in #openstack-keystone, so yeah hopefully visible enough16:40
gmannyeah, did not know he is here also. thanks. two pings are better just in case he missed one :)16:41
JayFyeah, I know with Ironic usually if we miss something like that it's literally just that /we missed it/ 16:46
JayFwell, I think there's a nonzero amount  of stylistic differences: Ironic is one of the less structured projects in general, we work well that way, but it's not conducive to making sure we check boxes on time, so to speak16:47
JayFnot saying that makes it okay; just that there's a way people can care, be active, and still miss a thing16:47
frickleryes, everyone can miss things, but if bot-generated patches until the stable branch is about to be eol^wunmaintained, that's a different story IMO (just picking this as an example because it is the first in the list)16:51
fricklerand that sentence is missing a "stay open" ;-)16:51
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gouthamrfrickler: thanks for sharing.. as we're following up with multiple teams, we might have status updates and more discussion to have during the next week's meeting:
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