Wednesday, 2024-10-16

fungicardoe: sorry, i wasn't around for the tc meeting since i had a talk at oid-na at that time, but the most recent official statement from openstack on non-source artifacts can be found here:
fungiif the current tc thinks the situation should be different, then you should supersede that resolution with updated guidance11:47
fungialso requirement #2 for vmt oversight is somewhat relevant to this topic:
opendevreviewchenker proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Ke Chen as PTL for Watcher
bauzasugh, just saw that we would have both the eventlet-removal and the i18 sessions at the same time on Wed14:05
bauzasI thought some of them would be on Monday, I also need to run the nova sessions :(14:05
gouthamrthey would be - we have the topic you suggested on Monday at 1545 UTC in the TC room:
gouthamrEventlet-removal is before that 14:07
gouthamrthese other sessions would be hosted by the SIG; and by the to-be pop up team14:08
gouthamrI expect #eventlet-removal’s topics for Wednesday to build up over the week - or just be an AMA with hberaud and zzeeek :)14:09
* gouthamr had to relocate before finishing up that thought14:14
gouthamrso.. if we have conflicts, we'd have to work around them.. 14:15
bauzasgouthamr: we'll see at the end of the TC meeting on Monday14:19
bauzasat least the conversations will start on that day14:20
opendevreviewchenker proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Ke Chen as PTL for Watcher
cardoefungi: thanks for bringing that up. Not really suggesting a change. I'm more bringing up the illusion? perception? by external people coming to the OpenStack project and the current projects offering up artifacts that I feel contradict the existing policy from those people's eyes.15:10
gmanngouthamr: bauzas I think better is to schedule in TC sessions to avoid such conflicts and make sure TC members are present in such related discussion18:33
gouthamrwhere is the conflict?18:37
gouthamrgmann: sorry I might be missing something - so point out any issues you see :)18:39
gmannwell, I am saying if TC related sessions which are not happening in TC slots, there are chances that TC members might miss those but anyways18:40
gouthamreverything cross project can start to sound like TC material :) I was going to suggest we do divide ourselves over the week and pay attention to multiple discussions18:41
gouthamrI may not have confirmation from speakers on a couple of topics already on the TC etherpad… so there may be room to move something formally into our schedule18:43
gouthamrs/may not have confirmation/don’t have confirmation yet18:43
gouthamr(I’ll follow up and drop things  from the schedule if people don’t respond by Monday)18:44
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