Wednesday, 2025-01-29

*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh08:08
*** tkajinam is now known as Guest733409:05
*** whoami-rajat_ is now known as whoami-rajat14:02
*** Guest7381 is now known as bbezak14:56
knikollao/ how's everyone doing? 15:36
fungilong time no see15:36
knikolla:) hey fungi15:37
fungii can't complain. life treating you okay?15:37
knikollasurviving, not thriving, haha. can't complain. 15:38
fungiyou still in the dc area?15:41
knikollayep. it's been an interesting past few weeks. 15:41
fungidid you get snow like we did out here at the beach?15:42
fungion the barrier islands we ended up with 9" recorded snowfall that night15:42
fungilast of it finally melted yesterday15:43
knikollawe did! we were spared the last 2 years but this time we got around 7-8 inches in one go. 15:43
knikollayeah, same here. only finally melted this week. 15:44
knikollado you usually get that much snow? 15:44
knikollai was used with Boston weather, so that amount felt like nothing to me, haha. 15:44
funginot really. maybe once every 10 years here15:44
fungiright, i grew up in the mountains so this was nothing new for me but unusual for where i live now15:45
knikollayeah, for me the lack of snow in the past few years was new15:52
fungii think a lot of folks in here are either in or en route to brussels for fosdem right now16:17
knikollai'll try to make next year's one. 16:19
knikollaam a bit too scared to be leaving the country while on a work visa at the moment. 16:20
fungii can't even begin to imagine16:36
fungiand yeah, i didn't go this year16:36
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/election master: Add 2025.2 election nomination dir for oslo

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