Tuesday, 2022-10-25

mkarpiarzThank you, leifmadsen and mrunge!12:41
mrungemkarpiarz, my pleasure12:42
mkarpiarzSo with Panko no longer being an option and support for MongoDB long gone, how are people storing/processing events these days?12:42
mrungeerr, I don't know how many people store..., but my understanding is, they are using different tools12:43
mrungelike elasticsearch or Grafana Loki12:44
mkarpiarzAh, interesting! I see neither of them on the list of supported publishers here: https://docs.openstack.org/ceilometer/zed/admin/telemetry-data-pipelines.html#publishers. Do you mean there is a way to convert to ES/Loki using, for example, the "http" publisher?12:45
mrungeyes, you could be using the http publisher12:47
mkarpiarzOK, so is the basic idea to treat events like logs, send them to logstash for parsing and backing to ElasticSearch?12:52
mrungein that case, you'd send them directly to ES, if you want to deal with elastic12:54
mkarpiarzSo just send events as payload of requests to ElasticSearch's APIs?12:57
mrungehowever, you don't get an integration in the openstack CLI with this12:59
mrungeand I am not sure what you'd get out of events in this case anyways12:59
mkarpiarzCeilometer appears to be sending lists of JSON-formatted objects through http.13:01
mkarpiarzIs there a better solution then?13:01
mrungelet me ask you the other way around: what do you want to get out of it?13:02
mrunge... which events are important that you don't want to miss13:02
mkarpiarzAh, a good question! All I need (at least for now) is events relating to instance creation and deletion.13:04
mrungethey would be sent when a user creates or deletes an instance13:04
mrungeiirc, they are not sent when an instance died e.g13:04
mkarpiarzThat's fine. All we need is to be able to tell that this many VMs have been running at any given time.13:06
mkarpiarzWe also want to know their flavours.13:06
mrungethat is something you should be able to get out of nova13:07
mrungewithout any events13:07
mkarpiarzYeah, just tap into the notification bus, right?13:07
mrungeuhm, it's been a little since I looked into that. iirc you can directly ask for the number of running vms13:08
mkarpiarzSure, I can poll APIs for this.13:09
mkarpiarzAlso, the Prometheus exporter for OpenStack keeps a tally of VMs in different states.13:10
mrungeis there an exporter?13:10
mrungethe one I've seen was not maintained for a long time13:11
mrungeoh, nice!13:13
mkarpiarzThe `openstack_nova_server_status` metric is what I've been using.13:13
mkarpiarzThe problem with a metrics-based approach is that the state of VMs doesn't update in real time.13:15
mkarpiarzBut I guess for such a simple use case it might not make sense to maintain all the components required for processing/storing events.13:17
mrungehmm, so how much real time do you need?13:17
mrungeyou'd be using a lot of resources to keep track of the changes otherwise in a different data store13:18
mkarpiarzVery true.13:25
mkarpiarzHowever, from my experience a question about measurements in real time or with very fine resolution pops up every time sooner or later.13:27
mkarpiarzAlso, personally I like the idea of having an alternative for polling APIs all the time just to get information which rarely changes.13:29
mrungethe question of getting metrics in a high resolution comes up. and then you'll discover that you rarely have a monitor to display the collected data13:30
mrungewe had the request to collect (and display) data in sub-second interval. And suddenly 10 minutes of data will require a larger screen, or you realize, that you could also sample at a lower rate without changing anything on the screen13:32
mkarpiarzHaha, that's a good one! In the end all people care is aggregates. xD13:32
mrungeyes. I agree, if you want events and reaction on events in real-time, then you don't want metrics13:32
mrunge"my network connection died" -> bring up a new one13:33
mrungethat's something you want instantly13:33
mrungecpu count on server machines: maybe interesting, but not likely to change in a fast pace13:33
mkarpiarzAwesome! Thank you again for your time and all the food for thought!13:35
mrungethank *you* for the questions and the link to the exporter. I really thought it was dead.13:36
mrungebut apparently it's not13:36
mkarpiarzYou are welcome! :)13:40

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