Tuesday, 2016-06-14

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mmedvedeja3: asselin: here?17:05
ja3well that was fun17:05
mmedvedeI am scratching my head. Something is not right :)17:05
asselin_i'm here17:05
ja3"cloquet hated reality, but he realized it's the only place you can get a really good steak"... Woody Allen17:06
mmedvedewe can do an informal meeting17:06
mmedvedeAs I do not have any extra agenda items17:06
ja3my only item falls in Open17:07
mmedvedeja3: what do you mean?17:08
ja3misha, the only thing I would talk about falls into the "open discussion" bucket17:08
mmedvedeall right17:09
mmedvedeja3: what did you want to discuss?17:09
ja3...just our adoption of the puppet refactoring17:10
mmedvedeja3: any feedback?17:11
ja3mmedvede: just progress.  building our dev CI system now, on top of the upstream refactored puppet stuff.  Bob likes the changes.17:12
ja3...by next meeting, he should be done it looks like.17:12
mmedvedeja3: sounds great17:14
mmedvedeja3: are you using snapshot images or dib with nodepool?17:15
ja3mmedvede: checking; as of Friday, he had not fiddled with nodepool yet (even, IIRC, on our prod CI)17:17
mmedvedesnapshot images are being deprecated https://review.openstack.org/#/c/325339/17:17
mmedvedeasselin_: are you aware if it is possible to do distributed nodepool dib builds? i.e. dib is not on the same VM as nodepool.17:18
ja3mmedvede: ah, I didn't fully grok the TLA.  He likes disk image builder.17:18
asselin_mmedvede, I though there was a worker module, but I haven't played around with it.17:19
asselin_let me lookup the spec17:19
mmedvedeok, that's what I thought. There is nothing in the nodepool doc it seems17:19
mmedvedeneed to look through nodepool source17:19
asselin_Create a new worker (independent process which may run on either the main nodepool host or one or more new servers) which perform image build related tasks called “nodepool-builder”."17:20
ja3...confirmed, DIB and no nodepool17:20
mmedvedeasselin_: so it is not implemented yet. thanks17:21
asselin_lots of patches: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:+nodepool-workers17:21
mmedvedeso maybe it is implemented, or at least usable17:22
mmedvedeanother topic - there was a patch to third-party docs to have recheck syntax documented better, it merged, but being reverted https://review.openstack.org/#/c/329049/17:24
mmedvedeasselin_: ja3: does your CI use any special recheck syntax?17:26
mmedvedee.g. that allows to recheck only your CI, but not jenkins17:26
asselin_cinder folks have a 'run <name' syntax adopted17:26
asselin_mmedvede, also look at this for 'future' snapshot build support: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-infra/2016-June/004383.html17:27
ja3mmedvede: no, zuul works exactly like upstream17:28
mmedvedeasselin_: good find17:29
mmedvedeasselin_: is that cinder syntax documented?17:30
mmedvede*cinder recheck syntax17:30
asselin_probably...need to find it though17:30
asselin_it was discussed in a recent meeting17:31
ja3(ignore, fat fingers)17:31
mmedvedeI have no more topics17:34
asselin_https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cinder/tested-3rdParty-drivers#How_do_I_trigger_my_CI_to_rerun_on_gerrit_comments.3F is cinder documentation17:35
mmedvedeasselin_: thank you. Exactly what I was looking for17:36
mmedvedeja3: asselin_: anything else to discuss?17:38
asselin_nothing from me17:38
ja3nor I17:38
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