Sunday, 2016-06-19

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reduxiohello. can anyone here help with a nodepool issue?14:18
reduxioI keep getting the following error:14:19
reduxioERROR nodepool.utils: Exception while testing ssh access14:19
reduxiothen an exception, and then:  [Errno 110] Connection timed out14:19
reduxioon the cloud side, an instance is created, is starting to load, and then 2 minutes later (when the connection times out) nodepool deletes it and tries from the start.14:20
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mmedvedereduxio: nodepool is unable to ssh into the instance within 2 minutes and deletes it. Did you make sure that the VM is up in 2 minutes? You can try increasing nodepool boot timeout. Another thing is to make sure that nodepool uses valid credentials when it tests ssh access20:32
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