Monday, 2016-07-18

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cbaderhas anyone seen an issue with zuul service not creating a /var/run/zuul/ I have restart my zuul and it doesn't run patches when I kick them off.12:31
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asselincbader, it's possible it fails to start due to a bad configuration file15:21
asselinthere's a way to start it in the foreground which will tell you the error15:22
cbaderasselin: which configuration file?15:22
cbaderasselin: I don't know that process.15:22
asselineither zuul.conf or layout.yaml. The error message will tell you15:22
asselinlook at /etc/init.d/zuul-something which has the full command line15:22
asselinuse -h to look at the help15:22
asselinone option will be "run in foreground or not-daemon mode"15:23
asselincbader, you can also ask other folks in the 3rd party ci meeting going on now in #openstack-meeting15:24
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cbaderasslin: if I run tox on the zuul I get a markupsafe error, I did a tox -r to get lastest and seems like zuul upstream has an error16:27
cbaderlooks like jinja2 was updated but it did include the markupsafe to install it.16:28
asselincbader, this is in your own project-config repo17:47
asselincbader, you can see here for an example:
cbaderasselin: found out what was the cause. you can't have all the job in a section commented out. that will cause zuul to fail.17:48
cbaderasselin: where is the jenkins job builder script.17:48
cbaderthe tox issue I have is upstream has a requirement for markupsafe but it isn't in the file.17:49
cbaderasselin: I created a new ci for india and after fixing the other error I don't have any job in jenkins after reseting to 1.642.1 I re-ran the update puppet but don't see job.17:50
asselinok, different topic than above17:51
cbaderasselin; yes your right sorry my bad having bad week and only monday17:51
asselincbader, which eventually drills to:
cbaderasselin: thank you very much that is what I was looking for.17:57
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