Friday, 2016-07-22

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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Remove discover from test-requirements
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azvyagintsevmmedvede: it's quite similar with call from job, and its work's - successfully clone master13:37
azvyagintsevmmedvede: migrated :)13:37
azvyagintsevmmedvede: so , INFO:zuul.Cloner: clone master. but didn't switch to commit. i'm almost sure that i skip\push uncorrect another one option for ref13:39
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: yes, sorry :)13:43
azvyagintsevnp :)13:43
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: so we are on the same page, which job do you want to run? and are you just testing sandbox project?13:46
azvyagintsevmmedvede: actually i'm working on new job - gate-murano-apps-shellcheck. its pretty simple one-liner. but i want to test it in my ci-sandbox13:47
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: an you have a VM handy?13:48
azvyagintsevand currently i found all builder-deps , such like zuul-git-prep      >>>- install-distro-packages   which clone murano-apps repo . then i want to test against job, to be sure that flow cover other-requirements.txt file from patch13:49
azvyagintsevmmedvede: sure, i can do any changes in jenkins\slaves\and so on13:49
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: so it seems you got all the steps down, and just need to checkout the patch of the project you test?13:50
azvyagintsevexactly so13:51
mmedvedezuul-git-prep is only to clone project, it is not checking out the patch itself13:53
azvyagintsevok, so what should i use for checkout ?13:53
mmedvedeiirc, gerrit-git-prep script gets the correct ref.13:55
mmedvedeso you can either to use that, or simply fetch the ref you want manually13:55
mmedvedee.g. with 'git fetch <gerrit_url> refs/changes/NN/NNNN/n13:57
mmedvedeand '13:57
mmedvedegit checkout FETCH_HEAD13:57
azvyagintsevok, will try include gerrit-git-prep . and, i don't want to do anything manually- i want repeat 1:1 flow from infra13:59
azvyagintsevgerrit-git-prep need to add extra variables ? such GIT_REF and so on?14:00
azvyagintsev for example , i can't find anyting specific for git in
azvyagintsevmmedvede ^^14:03
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: I might have mislead you. gerrit-git-prep is used when you are not using devstack-gate14:04
mmedvededevstack-gate should checkout the correct revision based on environment variables14:05
azvyagintsevexactly so, i don't use devstack-gate, let me paste whole 'job'14:05
mmedvedeso we are still not on the same page :)14:05
azvyagintsevmaybe :) i want really simple job : clone repo => checkout to change = > run tox -e shellcheck :)14:06
mmedvedefor something that simple, you can start simpler. All you need is two builders, gerrit-git-prep and tox14:09
mmedvedethis assumes you have 'yourcheck' in tox.ini14:12
mmedvedelet me scribble expansion to manually test it14:12
azvyagintsev>> this assumes you have 'yourcheck' in tox.ini  <<< it exist only in review change:) but job *didn't* fetch review patchset14:13
azvyagintsevso i need to pass some variable, which told 'gerrit-git-prep' builder that they should apply
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: I did not have to deal with gerrit-git-prep to run job manually, only with devstack-gate14:20
azvyagintsevlooks like its good idea to read scripts/ give me some time to play with variables, which this script use...i guess answer in it :)14:22
mmedvedeyes, but also remember it is not called just as is, there is jenkins job macro around it14:22
mmedvedethe only thing it does though, is to call it as "/usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/ git://"14:23
mmedvedethis means the rest is done with env variables14:23
azvyagintsevYUUP! works) finally ! need to set correct : ZUUL_REF=refs/changes/22/344922/2 and ZUUL_URL= then gerrit-git-prep will do everything else14:25
azvyagintsevmmedvede thanks!  finally i can continue testing )14:25
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: try these variables:14:26
mmedvedeyou then should see gerrit-git-prep do something like 'git fetch refs/changes/22/344922/2; git checkout FETCH_HEAD'14:28
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: best of luck14:28
azvyagintsevmmedvede: looks like its work. thx! are you ready for next question? )14:51
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: a bit busy for the next few hours. But ask, I'll answer if it is simple one14:52
azvyagintsevok. so the idea pretty simple - contain many of subprojects in folders, which actually independent . is it possible to add\implement trigger for zuul to changes on folder?for example change was only for murano-apps/ApacheHTTPServer , so need to run test tox -e ApacheHTTPServer_test  only ?14:55
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: it is possible15:59
mmedvede  - name: ^gate-.*-tox-checksyntax$16:01
mmedvede    files:16:01
mmedvede      - '^.*\.ent$'16:01
mmedvede      - '^.*\.po$'16:01
mmedvede      - '^.*\.pot$'16:01
mmedvede      - '^.*\.wadl'16:01
mmedvede- '^.*\.xml$'16:01
mmedvedesorry, meant to link it
mmedvedeazvyagintsev: you can configure zuul to run certain jobs on certain files16:02
azvyagintsevmmedvede: awesome! thanks!16:02
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pglasscan i get this account/email added to the third party mail filter list: ?18:55
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asselin_pglass, added Rackspace CloudDNS CIdnsaas@rackspace.com19:35
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