Monday, 2016-12-05

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lennybmmedvede, asselin, I have a question, I need to add a patch   to my devstack local.conf.  I added LIBS_FROM_GIT=os-vif , but how/where can I add a refs/changes ??16:08
mmedvedelennyb: depends how you configure your job. Basically anywhere after os-vif repo gets clones16:09
mmedvede*gets cloned16:09
mmedvedeand before it gets used16:09
lennybit's not a job yet, just manual POC,16:09
mmedvedelennyb: I guess you then just pull the ref you want after you clone the repository.16:10
mmedvedee.g. git fetch git:// refs/changes/77/398277/3 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD16:11
lennybi see your point, I thought it can be done by local.conf16:11
mmedvedehehe, I do not think so16:11
mmedvedethere would never be support for checking out custom refs.16:11
mmedvedeI do not know if local.conf support running custom code snippets16:12
lennybok, thanks.16:12
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vikshi all need some help in applying :q19:50
vikssudo puppet apply --verbose /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp19:51
viksgetting error  Error: Could not run: (<unknown>): could not find expected ':' while scanning a simple key at line 11 column 119:51
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