Friday, 2013-10-11

radez --region regionOne00:00
radezToken aquired! Saving to /root/.apitoken...00:00
radezthat was it...00:00
radezthx for the tip off amcrn00:00
radezhub_cap:  I'll be in touch soon I hope, finishing leanrning enough to pass off that i can test the package for submission to fedora00:00
amcrnone could argue if there's only a single region, it should pick that (despite it not exactly matching RegionOne)...00:01
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hub_capcant wait to have pkgs00:01
radezamcrn: yea our installer for some reason thinks it needs to set the region in a different case... kinda nutty00:01
radezso we have to make adjustments :(00:01
radezhub_cap: amcrn: one more question if I could... what's the difference betweek trove-api and trove-server?00:02
radezI see files in bin/ for both of them00:02
radezbut it doesn't appear I should run them at the same time00:03
hub_captrove-server is for tests only00:03
hub_capdont pkg it00:03
amcrnah, <i>that</i> trove-server00:03
hub_capya dude00:03
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radezah, gotcha00:04
radezI'll yank it out00:04
radezand use api instead :)00:04
amcrnhub_cap: i've got a searing headache, gimme a break :P00:04
hub_capnononono i was lamenting00:04
amcrnhaha i know00:04
hub_caprolling my eyes w u00:04
hub_capok now im rolling them at u00:04
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amcrnwell deserved rolling on my part00:04
hub_cap(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻00:05
radezkk, so -api -taskmanager and -guestagent should be running correct?00:05
hub_capguestagent should be running only _in_ a vm00:05
hub_capwe really need to split the guest into its own pkg00:06
hub_capapi and tmgr run the infrastructure00:06
hub_capeach vm runs a guestagent00:06
hub_capand -cli is not used anymore, we can remove it00:06
hub_capas well as mgmt-cli00:06
hub_capnow its just trove00:06
hub_capand thats the troveclient binary00:06
radezhub_cap: yes, it is00:07
radezthe guest is in it's own pkg00:07
hub_capit is? great!00:08
radezhub_cap: is it just trove in the 2013.2 stuff or in 2014.100:08
hub_capthatll make our life easier00:08
hub_capwe just released it, id like to see it in 2013.2 too00:08
radezhub_cap: yea I put taskmgr and guest agent into their own pkg00:08
hub_capif that ship hasnt sailed00:08
radezand there's allso a common pkg that all of them dep on00:08
radezkk, I've been using -2013.2-1.a5700:09
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radezto package and test on a havana host00:09
radezbut it still has -cli in it00:09
radezis there a new branch I should build from that's havana and doesn't have -cli in it?00:10
radezon a side note... hub_cap will you be at HK? would love to meet you and some of the trove team00:10
hub_capradez: yes all of core will be ther00:10
hub_capsame here00:11
radezvery cool, I'll have to stop by some of the design sessions00:11
hub_capplz do00:11
hub_capamcrn: was gonna go00:12
hub_capbut apparently he has a saying00:12
hub_capbro's b4 hk's00:12
hub_caphes a best man at his buds wedding i think00:12
radezamcrn: good choice...00:13
radezso is there a particular commit/branch something that I should be building from?00:13
hub_capwe have a h200:14
hub_capthats what we will make our 2013.200:14
radezI'll build from that to finalize what I submit to fedora00:15
radezoops, sry00:15
hub_capis that a gpg key or something00:15
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radezI have a yubi key on my laptop that I hit sometimes00:15
hub_capok i must go now, gotta get redy for 10th anniversary dinner00:16
hub_capthx radez for doing great things w our pkgs00:17
radezhub_cap: congrats, pleasure to help you guys out00:17
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amcrnhub_cap: 'grats on the anniversary, ttyl.01:33
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openstackgerritSlickNik proposed a change to openstack/python-troveclient: Fixed minor typos with trove-client help info
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hub_capGD bart strike06:53
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dmakogon_homehub_cap: still up ?)))07:04
hub_capnot working07:05
hub_capjust goofing off till my son goes to sleep07:05
hub_caphe woke up07:05
dmakogon_homecould we talk about delivery of GA ?07:06
hub_caphahah no ;)07:06
hub_capu can talk but i will likely not answer07:06
dmakogon_homebeer ?07:06
hub_capa lot07:06
hub_capand more beer07:06
dmakogon_homedrunk ?07:06
hub_capi hold my liquor well07:06
hub_capbut ive had a good bit07:07
hub_capi ate raw chicken too07:07
hub_capi had one of the best dinners ive ever had07:07
amytronhub_cap:  smh07:07
hub_capamytron: !! :)07:07
amytronoh yea, happy anniversary07:07
hub_capi had 2x raw chicken dishes07:07
hub_capand some other thigns im not even sure what they were07:07
dmakogon_homedo not forget about eating fruits)))07:08
dmakogon_homehealth food07:08
hub_capdmakogon_home heh i had a apple and a banana today!07:08
hub_cap^ ^ health food07:08
hub_capbut srsly dmakogon_home, id like to get a few peoples opinion on delivery of the guest agent07:09
hub_capmy requirements are that it gets new code every time a instance is provisioned07:10
dmakogon_homehub_cap: have you ever traveld to Aspen ?07:10
hub_capso that if you are editing it, you can just provision a new instance07:10
hub_capdmakogon_home: nope, but ive been to lucerne ;)07:10
dmakogon_homedo like winter sports ?07:11
dmakogon_homeamytron: hi, Amy, nice ti see(read) you07:11
hub_capi watch teh winder olympics :)07:11
hub_capamytron: no its not ;)07:11
hub_capits 2am your time07:12
hub_capu should be dreaming of your condo07:12
dmakogon_homemine is 10AM07:12
amytronim so excited about it!!07:12
hub_capdmakogon_home yup... going to HK will be so crazy07:12
amytronthey accepted my offer07:12
hub_capnow u feel like a realty pimp07:12
dmakogon_homehub_cap: swag07:15
hub_capthats me07:15
dmakogon_homei know07:15
hub_caplook at how young i look07:15
hub_capthat was like 6 yrs ago almost now07:15
hub_capdmakogon_home hell ya dude07:16
amytronwhoa. i was about to say.. zander is so big now!07:16
hub_caphes gonna be a pretty boy07:17
hub_capnot like my gross beardo butt07:18
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amytroni dont think he's yours07:19
hub_capi know!!!!07:19
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hub_capi was staying up for one reason07:31
hub_capbart strike averted07:31
hub_capdmakogon_home: think of some ways you can imagine the guest being installed. my only requirement is that if you are developing locally, you can edit the code, prov a new instance, and have the new code be in the new instance07:32
dmakogon_homehub_cap: seems like automated package building07:33
dmakogon_homehub_cap: post-setup-configuration hooks07:34
hub_capyes possibly but i dont want to have to build a package every time i spin up an instance07:34
hub_capits not going ot be an easy solution07:34
hub_capand frankly, a _real_ solution might be different from teh development solution07:34
hub_capbut ill leave it to you to think of creative soltuions07:36
dmakogon_homehub_cap: i mean, after trove gets installed one of the hooks will build deb/rpm and push it to some repo07:36
hub_capyes but if i want to edit a line of code in the guest07:36
hub_capdo i want to do a bunch of "build/package/push to some repo" to test it07:36
dmakogon_homeyou are suppose to rum this hook again07:36
hub_capthat slows development time though07:36
hub_capthats why the existing system just rsync's the trove/ directory in07:37
dmakogon_homethan OpenShift-Git style07:37
hub_capedit code, provision new instance, new code is in the instance07:37
hub_capyes possibly dmakogon_home07:37
hub_capbut then you have to be running a git server locally07:37
dmakogon_homesomehow i like it07:37
dmakogon_homeit doesn't works that way07:38
dmakogon_homeyou current repo is pushed via ssh to instance07:38
hub_capbut git+ssh:07:38
hub_capmight just work07:38
amytronhi dmakogon_home :)07:38
hub_capamytron: latest. response. evar.07:38
amytrongoing to bed guys … have a good one07:38
amytroni know07:38
amytroni just realized i was being rude07:38
amytronmy bad07:38
hub_capgl w/ the house contract07:38
dmakogon_homehub_cap: slowmotion07:38
hub_caphahahha dmakogon_home07:38
hub_capmaybe she had whiskey07:39
dmakogon_homehub_cap: not even once07:39
amytronpeace out07:39
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hub_capdmakogon_home: im about ot sleep too, but think of a solution that involves git+ssh07:39
dmakogon_homehub_cap: ne 207:39
hub_capthats the best solution07:39
dmakogon_home*me 207:39
dmakogon_homelast thought07:39
dmakogon_homedon't leave07:40
hub_capwhats up07:40
hub_capim here07:40
dmakogon_homeAgent as a Service07:40
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dmakogon_homesavanna would need it, we need it07:40
dmakogon_homesomeone else would need it07:40
hub_capyes we have spoken already about moving the guest to its own repo07:41
hub_capits on teh list of things to do07:41
hub_capso that its separate07:41
hub_capis that what u mean?07:41
dmakogon_homealmost, but not07:41
hub_capall of core agrees its best07:41
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dmakogon_homeOS service that would deliver agent on VM07:42
dmakogon_homeand than create heat resource for it07:42
hub_capahh ic07:42
dmakogon_homeand each service that needs it07:42
dmakogon_homewould just use specific managent api impl and deliver it as parameter07:43
hub_capsure i think we could get there eventualy07:44
dmakogon_homei suppose this agent would have RPC (standard) interface07:44
hub_capits a good idea i tink07:44
dmakogon_homeMirantis has Murano service07:44
dmakogon_homeit also delivers agent that could do anything on VM07:45
dmakogon_homei would speak with those guys, possibly today, and i would ask them what they think about such concept07:45
hub_capdo that while we are sleeping07:46
dmakogon_homealso, we need to design framework in oslo for agents impl07:46
hub_capok i relly must to go to sleep07:48
hub_capor else i wont be able to wake up tomrrow :)07:49
hub_captalk to murano and savanna07:49
hub_capsee if they like the idea of a consolidated guest07:49
hub_capi like the idea07:49
dmakogon_homecu 207:49
ikhudoshyn_Den, u seem haven't sleep too))07:51
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dmakogon_homeikhudoshyn_, nope08:01
dmakogon_homeikhudoshyn_ i'm onmy way to office, could be late08:02
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openstackgerritDenis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: Update statuses on GA timeout
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openstackgerritDenis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: Update for mysql execs
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openstackgerritDenis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: Update for mysql execs
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openstackgerritIllia Khudoshyn proposed a change to openstack/trove: Initial support for single instance MongoDB support
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openstackgerritIllia Khudoshyn proposed a change to openstack/trove: Initial support for single instance MongoDB support
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datsun180bSo what do I need to do to get eyeballs on my Conductor work15:08
datsun180bI think I need one more devstack +2 so that gets merged, at least15:09
datsun180bMy review in trove won't pass real tests until the devstack review is merged, though.15:10
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kevinconwaydatsun180b: i put a review into devstack this morning. i should expect it to merged soon right?15:23
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openstackgerritEd Cranford proposed a change to openstack/trove: Implements trove-conductor.
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datsun180bhub_cap: finally changed that commit title for you btw15:26
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dmakogon_homewhat's up ?16:32
SnowDusthello dmakogon16:35
SnowDustfree ?16:35
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dmakogon_homemaybe yes16:45
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dmakogon_homeSnowDust: come back and fight !17:06
SnowDusthello demakogon_home17:06
SnowDusthello yogesh17:06
dmakogon_homeSnowDust: nick misspell17:07
dmakogon_homeSnowDust: just copy it))17:07
SnowDustdmakogon_home i see17:07
SnowDustpep8 aah !!!17:07
dmakogon_homehub_cap: here ?17:07
SnowDustyogeshmehra:  u thr ?17:08
dmakogon_homeso, for development process i'm wondering to use git + ssh17:08
dmakogon_homebut (!!!) only for development reasons, not in production (dep/rpm)17:09
dmakogon_homeadv's of git+ssh in development: avoiding pushing tar or external git repo by dint of cloud-init17:10
SnowDustbut still we have a single repo ...17:10
SnowDustwe need to split . .the agent and the server ..17:10
dmakogon_homei know that *cores like the idea to sepparate it17:10
yogeshmehrahey guys17:10
SnowDustyeah .. idea of core is best17:10
dmakogon_homeyogeshmehra: hi !17:10
SnowDustbut .. int-tests will take the wrath !17:11
yogeshmehradmakogon_home: hello...need to get the idea17:11
dmakogon_homebut, as you know, this is not so easy to split it17:11
dmakogon_homeguestagent is like venom for spider-man17:11
dmakogon_homeyogeshmehra: what the idea ?17:12
yogeshmehrabasic question: why split...17:12
SnowDustdmakogon_home .. could not take ur analogy .. it sucks ;)17:12
dmakogon_homeSnowDust: oh, sir, ok))17:12
SnowDustbut .. understand .. its a tie for a salesman !17:12
dmakogon_homeSnowDust: how about duel ?)))17:13
yogeshmehraits a bang for the big-bang... :-)17:13
dmakogon_homeyogeshmehra: i dont understood you, what the idea you need to get ?17:14
yogeshmehrawhy do we need to separate...17:14
yogeshmehrathe idea of separation?17:14
dmakogon_homedelivery process17:14
yogeshmehrais there a bp/gist where i can get some background17:14
SnowDustrt nw its just concept ..17:15
dmakogon_homenobody wants to pull whole trove repo because of GA17:15
SnowDustdmakogon is proposing .. how to get trove .. in heat templates17:15
dmakogon_homei'll make a BP17:15
dmakogon_homei'm still walking around with this idea17:15
SnowDusthmm ..17:16
yogeshmehrayeah, plz prepare a bp (ur style is good)..17:16
SnowDusti meant .. how to have the agent code while the box is made ..17:16
yogeshmehrawill be great help for mere mortals.. :-)17:16
dmakogon_homewe, hub_cap and i, like the idea of git+ssh for development process17:17
SnowDustrt now its a lot  of extra things we pull using the single git repo17:17
dmakogon_homeyes, definitely17:17
SnowDustthats where .. is dmakogon's proposal for a split17:18
dmakogon_homeany other thought of guestagent delivery will me acceptable17:19
yogeshmehrayeah and the guestagent gets cloned than rsync from host...`17:19
dmakogon_homei like OpenShift style of code delivery(please google in don't know what is it)17:19
dmakogon_homeOpenShift is pure SaaS17:20
dmakogon_homethey use git+ssh to push users application code to prepared VM17:21
dmakogon_homebut, users code is user responsibility17:21
yogeshmehrais the idea not to have the GA pull what it needs17:21
dmakogon_homethe idea to push custom GA code(for now whole trove repo) to instance with it already spinned17:22
SnowDustpush into vm .. he means ..17:23
dmakogon_homesorry for being not to clear17:23
yogeshmehrai would love ur bp on this17:23
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datsun180byou mean something like a selfupdate command?17:27
dmakogon_homeokay, yogesh, i'd do that by monday.17:27
dmakogon_homedatsun180b: what do you mean under "selfupdate" ?17:28
yogeshmehrathanks much...17:28
datsun180bas in, tell a guest agent to shut down, update itself and restart17:28
datsun180bit's that 'update itself' that gets fun17:28
dmakogon_homedatsun180b: there is no selfupdate on already spinned VM17:29
datsun180bthen that would be one application of a separate ga repo17:29
dmakogon_homethe main approach to push fresh code into new VM17:29
SnowDustself update is just possible when its a binary .. over  *.deb / *.rpm17:29
datsun180bi follow you here17:29
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dmakogon_homehere small workflow of it17:30
dmakogon_home1. nova.server.create(...)17:31
dmakogon_home2. Git push current trove repo17:31
dmakogon_homeagain, we using it only for development17:31
dmakogon_home3.Launching GA17:33
datsun180boh you're trying to avoid needing to spin a new instance to make small changes to the guest agent17:33
dmakogon_homewe could test new guestagent code only at new compute server17:34
datsun180bi get you, i've done it before but involved rsyncing the new binaries to the right place on the hosts's file system17:35
dmakogon_homedatsum180b: do we understood each other ?17:35
datsun180bif i understand you then you don't like having to make a new instance to test changes you just made to the GA code17:35
dmakogon_homevise versa17:36
dmakogon_homenew code = new instance17:36
dmakogon_homejust as you said rsync17:37
datsun180byou want to make changes to the code on the instance and have those changes reflected outside the instance?17:37
dmakogon_homebut more intellectual by using git17:37
dmakogon_homeno =((17:37
dmakogon_homei'm making changes on server-side17:37
dmakogon_homethan i use git+ssh to push new code to whole new instance17:38
datsun180bso i had you the first time17:38
dmakogon_homethat provising now17:38
dmakogon_homei'm very glad that we finally understood each other))))17:38
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dmakogon_homedatsun180b: so what are you thought of it ?17:39
dmakogon_homeany complains ?17:39
datsun180bmaybe i'm not certain that i understand you yet17:39
yogeshmehradmakogon_home: no complaints but i am pushing myself hard to understand the gain..17:39
dmakogon_homei could show you where it would happen in code17:40
datsun180bso far my only complaint is categorically classifying git+ssh as "more intellectual" than rsync17:40
hub_caphello crusty crew17:40
datsun180bbut that's neither here nor there17:40
dmakogon_homegit allows us to do branching17:40
dmakogon_homebut, yes you are right17:40
datsun180blet's not get caught up in the how before we figure out the why17:40
dmakogon_homepush almost the same as rsync17:41
hub_capi have not looked up to see what yer talking about but ++ datsun180b17:41
datsun180bhub_cap: gist is something along the lines of syncing new GA code to a living instance if i'm following this right17:41
dmakogon_homehub_cap: git+ssh for guestagent code for development reasons17:41
yogeshmehradmakogon_home: can u mention the 'gain' in the bp/gist17:42
dmakogon_homeyogeshmehra: i would try17:43
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hub_capyes we talked about git+ssh for development17:43
hub_capi think its a good idea to copy from local machine for the dev environment17:43
dmakogon_homehub_cap: few hours ago)))17:43
datsun180bwait if i'm reading this right then you want the prepare call to possibly also fetch the guest agent code?17:43
hub_capand git+ssh gets it done17:43
hub_capi think the heat template will need to fetch the code datsun180b17:43
hub_capand turn it on17:44
datsun180bmakes sense17:44
dmakogon_homeyes, hub_cap right17:44
datsun180bit's not a trove instance until it has our ga on it and the ga is allowed to nest17:44
hub_capthe guest gets turnt up17:44
hub_capdatsun180b: i prefer turnt up to nest17:44
datsun180bturnt up17:44
datsun180bthat sounds like a malt beverage only available at gas stations17:45
dmakogon_homehub_cap: could we do git+ssh not in heat templates ?17:45
hub_capturnt up: drunk, wasted or otherwise impaired17:45
hub_capdmakogon_home: ya the vm init can do that too17:46
hub_capright now the vm init rsync's it17:46
datsun180bBOOM! rsync'd17:46
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dmakogon_homei'm wondering to do that when server is already active17:46
hub_capimsplitbit: knows what turnt up means17:46
hub_capdmakogon_home first boot17:46
dmakogon_homewhy not after ?17:47
datsun180bthose aren't even words17:48
dmakogon_homehub_cap: i'd like to have functionality that opens ssh session and pushes code17:48
hub_capdmakogon_home: it just has to happen some time int he beginning, it doesnt matter when17:48
hub_capdatsun180b:  so turnt up so turnt up so turnt up17:48
datsun180bdoesn't ssh to the instance go against the whole point of a db-only machine17:49
dmakogon_homeyes, i'm suggesting to do that after heat/nova would return server with active status17:49
dmakogon_homedatsun180b: the point is to use it only while development17:49
dmakogon_homeidatsun180b: at staging/production - deb/rpm17:50
datsun180bhow about i just quit interrupting you for a while17:50
dmakogon_homei know the deffinition of DBaaS and i would never let ssh'ing to the VM in production17:51
openstackgerritTim Simpson proposed a change to openstack/trove: Fixes trove-api daemon fake mode functionality.
dmakogon_homedatsun180b: oh, all ok, please stay17:51
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dmakogon_homehub_cap: what would you say for it ?17:52
dmakogon_homeif development: git+ssh17:52
dmakogon_homeif production: deb/rpm17:52
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SnowDustif we will maintain a *.deb / *.rpm in production17:53
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SnowDustwhy not start building them from today ?17:53
dmakogon_homeSnowDust: we weill17:53
SnowDustand have the same thing from day 117:53
SnowDustthat helps testing the production path ..  and less distraction17:54
SnowDustand even validates the binaries ..17:54
dmakogon_homeSnowDust: only one complain - storage for them, CI,17:54
dmakogon_homeand fast devepopment17:54
dmakogon_homewe would need to build new deb/rpm for each repo update17:55
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dmakogon_homeso, this is huge pain in ass, for now17:55
SnowDustif we can do int test for each patchset ..17:55
SnowDusti think the building *.deb / *.rpm .. be the first step of it ..17:55
dmakogon_homeint tests doesn't stores nothing17:56
SnowDustwhich will be few secs ..17:56
dmakogon_homefew secs ?)))))17:56
dmakogon_homeCI + testing = how about 1 hour or more ?17:56
SnowDustrpm build will take time ?17:56
dmakogon_homethis is not so easy17:56
SnowDustno no .. not CI .. that was my point .. the binary creation .. will be 0.X percent of the whole CI process for each patchset17:57
dmakogon_homebest practicies telling us, that we should build deb/rmp for each of dependecies17:57
dmakogon_homei don't like this idea17:57
SnowDustso .. thats .. roughly the tox run .. for  first time :)17:58
dmakogon_homefrom this point it is not enough to have only packaging system17:58
SnowDustwhen it downloads the deps17:58
dmakogon_homewe need full cycle17:58
dmakogon_hometox downloading *.eggs17:59
dmakogon_homebut we need deb of each python package which placed it requirements.txt17:59
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dmakogon_homeSnowDust: we could argue all day/night, but or complains to each other costs nothing))18:00
SnowDustno argument .. dmakogon_home .. but curious to learn18:00
dmakogon_homeso, i'm agree with you, if not git+ssh, than dep/rpm18:00
dmakogon_homewith deb/rpm it would be easy18:01
dmakogon_homewe could place package name in heat template18:01
dmakogon_homeor in user data perform wget than dpkg -i/yum install18:01
dmakogon_homethat's the easy way18:02
dmakogon_homebut as developer i dont want to wait while somewhere my code would be packaged and it would take time18:02
dmakogon_homefor us time costs a lot18:02
dmakogon_homewe could even measure our time in customer units18:03
dmakogon_homecustomer = money18:03
dmakogon_homeit's business, nothing personal)))18:03
dmakogon_homeso, i'm goint to grab some food, i'm starving18:04
SnowDusttrue observation18:04
SnowDustok u eat .. :D .. thats pretty normal ... to be u ..18:04
hub_caphey i just came back18:04
dmakogon_homeSnowDust: i'm really glad that we are able to understand each other)))18:04
dmakogon_homeit means a lot18:05
hub_capwrt tests18:05
dmakogon_homehub_cap: tests for what ?18:06
hub_capeach test set (not int-tests, but the ones ill be starting in tempest) will be run in parallel18:06
hub_capi saw yall talking about it above18:06
hub_capi just wanted to lvl set18:06
dmakogon_homehub_cap: could you share your progress with tempest, i know few guys(QA), they could help you18:07
hub_cap0 progress right now18:08
hub_capbut its the highest priority for me18:08
hub_capif i need help i will ask you to ask them dmakogon_home18:08
hub_capSlickNik:  also wants to help18:08
hub_capill try to break up the tasks, but likely ill build the framework18:08
hub_capand let others actually write all the tests18:08
hub_capso thats when your qa guys can help18:08
dmakogon_homeyes, thanks)))18:08
dmakogon_homei'll vote for you)))18:09
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dmakogon_homeso, i will summurize our conversation about delivery: git+ssh with custom code, deb/rpm CI for trove since now18:10
dmakogon_homeany thought are appriciable18:11
hub_cap++ dmakogon_home, plz blueprint so we can see18:13
dmakogon_homeokey, as i said, i'll do that by Monday18:14
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SnowDust+++ dmakogon_home18:21
hub_caplunchtime cu in a while18:22
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robertmyersvipul: SlickNik: if you have time please look at
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SlickNikwill take a look today, robertmyers, Thanks!18:44
openstackgerritEd Cranford proposed a change to openstack/trove: Quote and escape pagination markers
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datsun180bthat should help18:47
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dmakogon_homeguess who's back ?19:23
hub_capʕ •ᴥ•ʔ koala bear ?19:24
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hub_caplifeless: around?20:01
amcrnhub_cap: fyi, your new client has one small backwards incompatible change, but it's not a big deal20:02
amcrnthe previous client used to be able to flavor-list w/o trove in the service-catalog, because it would rely on the compute service-type20:02
amcrnbut the new client wires the service-type as 'database' for every call, even do_flavor_list20:02
hub_caplike it only called compute?20:02
lifelesshub_cap: o/20:03
hub_capand bypassed troves flavor-list call?20:03
hub_caplifeless: im a moron, disregard20:03
amcrnthe new client requires trove be in the service-catalog for every call, even calls that don't need to talk to trove at all (e.g. flavor-list)20:03
hub_capi was just gonna ask u about the image elements to download fedora20:03
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lifelesshub_cap: \o/20:03
hub_capbut thats just in dib.....20:03
amcrnold client didn't20:03
hub_capflavor-list is a trove call tho amcrn20:03
amcrnthe old one went straight to nova when trove was absent :)20:04
hub_capoooh so it, if failing trove, went right to nova?20:04
amcrnagain, the new behavior is more "correct", but just an fyi20:04
amcrnit caught me while i was trying to do a flavor-list on a new devstack install (w/o trove)20:05
hub_capamcrn: duly noted.. that old behavior sounds liek a kludge lol20:05
hub_capits possible somoen will file a bug hah20:05
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dmakogon_homeagain here20:26
dmakogon_homeis there anything that we could discuss ?20:27
kevinconwaydmakogon_home: we can talk about the weather20:29
dmakogon_homeoh, the weather is good20:29
dmakogon_homei've took 42 km ride on bicycle20:30
kevinconwayhis whole life20:30
dmakogon_homenope, only today20:31
dmakogon_homeodometer shows 1047km from the day it was installed20:32
dmakogon_homei've installed it in june20:33
kevinconwayi used to walk 25k and run1.5k every day… now i am getting fat from sitting down20:34
dmakogon_homehub_cap: probably this one too
dmakogon_homekevinconway: try to do workouts20:35
kevinconwayi do, but there is not enough time to do more20:36
dmakogon_homelast one important20:36
dmakogon_home9-12h per week in guy would be enough20:36
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openstackgerritAndrey Shestakov proposed a change to openstack/python-troveclient: Support service types
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ashestakovhub_cap: vipul SlickNik
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