Monday, 2014-04-28

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openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Corrects spelling typos
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SushilKMhey hub_cap, please revert your -2 from
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/trove: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritshivam shukla proposed a change to openstack/trove: Tests for heat based instance workflow
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openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Removes statements after return from method
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openstackgerritDenis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: Add backup size validation at restoring
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TomasR_Hi, guys, I installed trove conductor from as suggested by esmute, I see that /usr/local/bin/trove-conductor got created. However it didn't fix the problem I had on Fridaay. The problem is:09:58
TomasR_On guest agent I see:09:58
TomasR_2014-04-28 09:58:06.929 4929 DEBUG trove.conductor.api [-] Making async call to cast heartbeat for instance: None heartbeat /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/trove/conductor/
TomasR_On Conductor I see:09:59
TomasR_2014-04-28 11:57:26.844 20579 TRACE trove.openstack.common.rpc.amqp ModelNotFoundError: InstanceServiceStatus Not Found09:59
TomasR_And the configuration file for conductor has these paremeters:09:59
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TomasR_verbose = True10:00
TomasR_debug = True10:00
TomasR_control_exchange = trove10:00
TomasR_trove_auth_url = http://controller:5000/v2.010:00
TomasR_nova_compute_url = http://controller:8774/v210:00
TomasR_cinder_url = http://controller:8776/v110:00
TomasR_sql_connection = mysql://trove:trove@controller/trove10:01
TomasR_rpc_backend = trove.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu10:01
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TomasR_It looks like heartbeat isn't working and instead of instance id, there is "Making async call to cast heartbeat for instance: None heartbeat"10:02
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openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Corrects spelling typos
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denis_makogonTomasR_, InstanceService not Found means that you have had instances not so long ago, but you deleted it11:06
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denis_makogonTomasR_, but conductor queue is full of outdated messages, that being sent to conductor11:07
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denis_makogonTomasR_, conductor tries to update instance service status, but instance model has already gone11:07
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TomasR_denis_makogan, thanks. I'm going to recreate trove mysql database and will try creating a database from scratch and see if it helps. We had some configuration fixes after mysql trove instance got created11:09
openstackgerritSushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Adds code to BaseInstance._delete_resources
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TomasRdenis_makogan, I'm having the same problem after recreating trove mysql database: Making async call to cast heartbeat for instance: None heartbeat13:01
TomasRI also have to say that I ran into a problem when running Trove guest as trove user. It's not able to ping mysql database and returnes the status as BLOCKED.13:02
TomasRAfter logging in into the guest agent machine and starting guest agent as root, I'm able to get database status RUNNING, but then that that just "instance: None heartbeat"13:03
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denis_makogonTomasR, my nick is denis_makogon13:22
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denis_makogonTomasR, you need to investigate guest logs13:22
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TomasR_Guys, I'm still trying to troubleshoot this error: 2014-04-28 14:51:43.842 934 DEBUG trove.conductor.api [-] Making async call to cast heartbeat for instance: None heartbeat /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/trove/conductor/
TomasR_In the task manager logs I see this error:14:52
TomasR_2014-04-28 16:50:44.626 17218 TRACE trove.openstack.common.periodic_task   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/", line 236, in request14:52
TomasR_2014-04-28 16:50:44.626 17218 TRACE trove.openstack.common.periodic_task     raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)14:52
TomasR_2014-04-28 16:50:44.626 17218 TRACE trove.openstack.common.periodic_task Unauthorized: The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401)14:52
TomasR_2014-04-28 16:50:44.626 17218 ERROR trove.openstack.common.periodic_task [req-c86c001b-67a1-415d-b720-f6353199f1a9 222c54b44c4746aa8072537e9f05e8cb 7d359600815144eeac268a10efaba62b - - -] Error during Manager.publish_exists_event: The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401)14:53
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TomasR_Conductor logs:14:53
TomasR_2014-04-28 16:53:03.835 17444 TRACE trove.openstack.common.rpc.amqp   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/trove/db/", line 99, in find_by14:53
TomasR_2014-04-28 16:53:03.835 17444 TRACE trove.openstack.common.rpc.amqp     cls.__name__)14:53
TomasR_2014-04-28 16:53:03.835 17444 TRACE trove.openstack.common.rpc.amqp ModelNotFoundError: InstanceServiceStatus Not Found14:53
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TomasR_trove list14:56
TomasR_|                  id                  |    name   | datastore | datastore_version | status | flavor_id | size |14:56
TomasR_| 617580a6-abac-4f35-a4e8-c05749473530 | mysqldemo |   mysql   |     mysql-5.5     | BUILD  |     2     |  2   |14:56
TomasR_api.log:2014-04-28 16:55:20.176 16974 ERROR trove.common.exception [req-c86c001b-67a1-415d-b720-f6353199f1a9 222c54b44c4746aa8072537e9f05e8cb 7d359600815144eeac268a10efaba62b - - -] Cannot find compute instance b1b7cfb9-ab12-4cb7-b018-5df919188e70 for instance 617580a6-abac-4f35-a4e8-c05749473530.14:56
TomasR_So I see that compute instance gets created, but Trove api seems not able to find it14:57
TomasR_And instance that is actually created is: "617580a6-abac-4f35-a4e8-c05749473530-lay" . It has "-lay" at the end14:58
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TomasR_# nova list15:00
TomasR_| ID                                   | Name                                     | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks                          |15:00
TomasR_| b1b7cfb9-ab12-4cb7-b018-5df919188e70 | 617580a6-abac-4f35-a4e8-c05749473530-lay | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | admin-net=, |15:00
TomasR_# trove list15:00
TomasR_|                  id                  |    name   | datastore | datastore_version | status | flavor_id | size |15:01
TomasR_| 617580a6-abac-4f35-a4e8-c05749473530 | mysqldemo |   mysql   |     mysql-5.5     | BUILD  |     2     |  2   |15:01
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hub_capTomasR_: plz use gist or paste.openstack15:30
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit downtime for upgrade begins in 30 minutes. See:
TomasR_hub_cap, ok15:37
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mat-loweryCore: What is the policy for submitting disk image builder elements? When you submit a new one, must you also submit for all other OS'es? Example: See Morgan Jones' comment on
mat-loweryAnd here:
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed a change to openstack/trove: Remove usages of deprecated name LoopingCall in rpc
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hub_capmat-lowery: in the past the answer was yes, and that prolly still holds true16:05
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mat-loweryHi hub_cap. The only reason I ask the question is that cassandra and couchbase don't have fedora elements. So I wasn't sure what was allowed.16:08
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SushilKMhello hub_cap16:23
SushilKMcan u please revoke ur -2 from
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esmuteHi all, Can you review these? They are short and sweet. Thanks16:31
openstackgerritSaurabh Surana proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: updating sources list as part of percona elements
openstackgerritRamashri Umale proposed a change to openstack/trove: Fix prepare call for redis guest agent
SushilKMHi All please review
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hub_capSushilKM: remind me in a bit, what review is that? gerrit is down17:04
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esphub_cap: I interrupted the dude that was doing an update to gerrit this morning.  so I feel partially responsible for this.17:08
hub_caplol in -infra?17:09
espyep, I was just saying good morning...17:10
hub_capand it obviously wasnt for him :P17:10
espwell I can’t think that would be a fun thing for anyone..17:10
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cp16netanyone had issues running redstack install?17:46
cp16neti keep getting an error related to using bad auth creds to update the default glance images running devstack17:47
cp16netbut i just run devstack by itself and didnt have a problem17:47
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cp16netsomething is goofy with either my integration dir or the creds we are using17:47
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SlickNikcp16net: I ran it on Friday, and didn't have any issues.17:49
espcp16net: I try to bring one up in a min17:49
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cp16neti'm running again without my bp changes17:49
cp16netto see if its something i screwed up17:50
cp16neteven tho it should not have changed anything around the creds..17:50
dougshelley66i just started redstack install about 1 minute before you posted here17:50
dougshelley66will let you know17:50
_shal_khHey all . Why is not working?17:50
_shal_khAny idea?17:50
cp16net_shal_kh: its down for maintence17:50
esp_shal_kh: it’s beeing updated17:50
_shal_khFor how much time?17:51
dougshelley66cp16net: redstack install just finished successfully17:51
cp16net_shal_kh: openstackstatus:#openstack-trove- NOTICE: Gerrit is unavailable until further notice for a major upgrade. See:
esp_shal_kh: not sure17:51
cp16netdougshelley66: well poop!17:51
_shal_khOk thanks17:51
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SlickNikremider: BP meeting in 5 minutes.17:55
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dougshelley66SlickNik - remind me - is that here?17:55
SlickNikdougshelley66: Yes, that one is in this channel.17:55
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cp16nethmm i still get it.. 3de4922d8b6ac5a1aad918:00
cp16net Invalid OpenStack Identity credentials.18:00
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SlickNikcp16net: :(18:00
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cp16netanyways... its time18:00
SlickNikcp16net: Let's try and find a solution after the bp meeting18:00
cp16netmight just be a problem on my end...18:01
SlickNik#startmeeting #trove_bp_review18:01
openstackMeeting started Mon Apr 28 18:01:34 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is SlickNik. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:01
openstackThe meeting name has been set to '_trove_bp_review'18:01
openstackMeeting ended Mon Apr 28 18:01:56 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)18:01
openstackMinutes (text):
SlickNik#startmeeting trove_bp_review18:02
openstackMeeting started Mon Apr 28 18:02:01 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is SlickNik. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:02
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'trove_bp_review'18:02
SlickNikSorry had an extra '#' in there.18:02
cp16net|o| gooooooool18:02
glucascp16net, lol18:02
SlickNik#topic Percona support18:03
SlickNikmattgriffin: Around?18:04
amrithseems to be online18:04
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denis_makogonhub_cap, looks like your proposal for design session will be very useful18:04
denis_makogonsingle implementation to rule them all18:05
SlickNikLet's give him a minute, if not we can table the discussion it for later.18:05
juicelooks like mattgriffin's proposal here is to upgrade the percona components18:05
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denis_makogonjuice, it seems like yes18:05
mattgriffinSlickNik, hey... sorry. OTP... doh meeting!18:05
juiceappears that it will benefit the backup since there is direct integration with swift/s3 yes?18:06
mattgriffincan we talk about my BPs at the end of the meeting?18:06
SlickNikjuice: Yes, and I had some questions around backward compat.18:06
juicevery risky mattgriffin :)18:06
amrithmove on?18:06
SlickNikmattgriffin: okay. But no guarantees the other discussions won't be a black hole.18:06
denis_makogonmattgriffin, go-go-go with your BPs18:06
SlickNikLet's come back to this.18:06
SlickNik#topic Percona support18:07
amrithvertica support, maybe?18:07
SlickNik#topic Support for Vertica18:07
denis_makogonamrith, yup18:07
SlickNikyogeshmehra: go for it18:07
yogeshmehraThis is for adding vertica as a datastore in trove18:08
denis_makogonwhat's the justification for it ?18:08
denis_makogonsimple googling: Vertica has 600 customers and has been around since 05...18:08
yogeshmehrait offers the devs another db to work within trove18:08
juicedenis_makagon: choices18:08
vipulwhat's the justification for mongo/cassandra/anything18:08
hub_capdenis_makogon: :) sry was afk18:09
amrithdenis_makogon, huh? i don't understand the point you seem to be making18:09
denis_makogonvipul, customer envolvement18:09
grapexWhat's the emoticon for a stick figure rushing in late while raising his hand?18:09
juicedenis_makagon: to be clear this is a product that HP owns and has a vested interest in offering in dbaas18:09
SnowDustjustification :- it's a big data DB18:09
hub_capis there a free version for testing?18:09
hub_capthats my biggest gripe18:09
yogeshmehrathere are numerous justifications18:09
denis_makogonhub_cap, ++18:09
hub_capif there is no version we can use for validation / verification18:10
amrithhub_cap, yes18:10
SlickNikSo, I'm fine with this given: a. The trove API makes sense for vertica (i.e. including the backup / restore parts), and b. We will have some way of testing this.18:10
hub_capthen im a-ok w/ it18:10
yogeshmehrathe best one is to offer the trove users another option..18:10
hub_cap++ by me18:10
hub_caplets add it in18:10
grapexAlso it adds flexibility to Trove18:10
juiceyogeshmehra: does vertica need to be installed as a cluster?18:10
amrithso, a question for core18:10
amrithas we add new data stores18:10
yogeshmehrathe cluster part comes with teh trove cluster support18:10
amrithsome of them are going to need special options18:10
cp16netvipul: i dont want to register tho...18:10
amrithin the case of vertica, cluster is one of them18:10
yogeshmehrait moves with trove18:11
amrithdoes it make sense to have a notion of "core" datastores and "beta" datastores18:11
vipulcp16net: yogeshmehra: there is a apt repo somewhere that doesn't require registration?18:11
denis_makogonamrith, we can't, all datastores are equal18:11
yogeshmehravipul:the community edition is free and is available from vertica18:11
grapexamrith: I think we shouldn't restrict what datastores run, but we should think before putting in features that no one can easily try or test18:11
denis_makogonamrith, we cannot promote or have favorite18:11
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hub_capdenis_makogon: yes we can18:12
denis_makogongrapex, agreed18:12
vipulwithout registering yogeshmehra?18:12
amrithbecause all code won't be equally stable and mature18:12
hub_capif 99% of us work on mysql, mysql is fav18:12
denis_makogonhub_cap, its from customer perspective18:12
SnowDustdenis_makogon : you answered the best justification18:12
hub_capif hp wants to spend a billion dollars and 200 developers on trove+veritca18:12
yogeshmehraone time registration is required but the CE can be taken and dropped to apt18:12
juiceamrith: this sounds like a documentation issue18:12
hub_capthen trove+vertica will be the best supported :)18:12
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amrithjuice, not true18:13
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hub_capamrith: thats how other projects do it18:13
amrithwhat will adding new datastores do to testing time?18:13
hub_capi ++ juices idea, thats the whole point of the support matrix18:13
juiceamrith: on the product page we can just state the level of testing/stability18:13
cp16nethmm in the vertica docs it doesnt say anything about an apt-repo to install it18:13
hub_capheh amrith ask nova if they test anything besides libvirt ;)18:13
amrithit is *also* a documentation issue18:13
SlickNikamrith: hub_cap correct me if I'm wrong here: Right now our stance is that the other datastores (other than mysql) are 'experimental'.18:13
hub_capand ask cinder how many backends they test18:13
grapexhub_cap: ++18:14
denis_makogonhub_cap, heh, nova is a good example =)18:14
amrithSlickNik, if that's the case, you have (already) addressed my issue18:14
juicewe do however need to start working on running tests against the various data stores..I think we have a private one that runs for percona18:14
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hub_capSlickNik: that was the case, but im not sure we can say tha tanynmore18:14
amrithI suggest we document and move on as juice says18:14
SnowDust:) LOL on testing consensus18:14
hub_capits more of they have different levels of implementation18:14
hub_capplz see the support matrix hehe18:14
amrithraise glass of juice to toast: +118:14
juiceamrith: hopefully not prune juice18:15
hub_capjuice: i think thats the general openstack consensus, private tests for other impls18:15
juiceany other questions for yogeshmehra :)18:15
amrithjuice, I agree18:15
SlickNikI think we need to discuss this at the Wednesday's meeting.18:15
hub_capbut we might need to confirm w/ some peoples at the OS summit18:15
SnowDustjuice it's most general canberry18:15
SlickNikI'll put an agenda item in.18:15
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vgnbkrIs vertica impl just for testing, or intended for production?18:15
vipulthe only thing i'd say is.. make the binary available for folks running Trove and we're good.  If someone decides to run Trove with Vertica on their laptop.. the image should build.. it should just work for them18:15
SlickNikThat'll give us some time to think about it as well.18:15
amrithso, back to the BP18:15
hub_capSlickNik: ++ inv mordred and sdague and co plz18:15
amrithare we all ok with the BP?18:15
SlickNikhub_cap: Will do.18:16
yogeshmehravgnbkr: for productiona s well..18:16
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hub_cap++ on the bp18:16
denis_makogonthere's example of Sahara project18:16
yogeshmehrabut it is more for devs to taste and enjoy18:16
SlickNik#startvote Add vertica implementation? yes, no18:16
vgnbkrDoes it make sense to use vertica on a single instance, or did you have something else in mind?18:16
openstackBegin voting on: Add vertica implementation? Valid vote options are yes, no.18:16
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.18:16
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amrith#vote yes18:16
vipul#vote yes18:16
denis_makogonMirantis has putted hbase/hadoop packages into the our out repo and it's 100% available18:16
SlickNik#vote yes18:17
denis_makogon#vote yes18:17
SnowDust#vote yes18:17
grapex#vote yes18:17
juice#vote yes18:17
cp16net#vote yes18:17
amrithfinal tally, 8 yes, 1 boo18:17
SlickNikOkay enough data points.18:17
openstackVoted on "Add vertica implementation?" Results are18:17
openstackyes (8): SlickNik, amrith, denis_makogon, grapex, juice, cp16net, vipul, SnowDust18:17
yogeshmehravipul: yes + boo  :-)18:17
juicedenis_makogon: what is the take away/point you just made?18:17
SlickNikLet's move on.18:17
denis_makogonjuice, after meeting18:18
juiceok let's move on18:18
yogeshmehrathanks guys18:18
SlickNik#topic Resource management driver18:18
denis_makogonit's mine18:18
denis_makogonAt current state Heat support in Trove is nothing else than experimental. Trove should be able to fully support Heat as resource management driver.18:18
denis_makogonWhy is it so important? Because Trove should not do what it does now (cloud service orchestration is not the part of the OS Database Program). Trove should delegate all tasks to Cloud Orchestration Service (Heat).18:18
denis_makogonWhy is it needed? The first answer is: To split-out two completely different resource management engines. Nova/Cinder/Neutron engine etc. called “NATIVES” and Heat engine called “ORCHESTRATOR”. As you can all know they cannot work together, because they are acting with resources in their own manners. But both engines are sharing more than enough common code inside the Trove.18:19
hub_capare u just copy/pasting from the bp denis_makogon ?18:19
vipulso are we talking about refactoring the "use_heat" code path.. to be plugin driven?18:19
denis_makogonhub_cap, i got some notes18:19
denis_makogonvipul, yes18:19
hub_capok those notes should be on bp :)18:20
hub_capand there is no need for a plugin18:20
hub_capwe should use heat and heat only18:20
denis_makogonhub_cap, it's on the 2 ML's18:20
hub_capand deprecate the old way18:20
hub_capand then remove the old way18:20
hub_capjust like weve talked about since day one18:20
denis_makogonhub_cap, heat is not 100% ready18:20
hub_capthen make it 100% ready18:20
grapexdenis_makogon: ++18:20
hub_capim not saying we do i tnow18:20
yogeshmehrahub_cap: ++18:20
hub_capim saying instead of a silly plugin approach18:20
hub_capfix heat18:20
denis_makogonit doesn't support volume resizes18:20
hub_capdeprecate old18:20
hub_capthen add that to heat18:21
yogeshmehramaking heat a resident trovian...18:21
grapexWell here's the thing- I think we're already at the point where we need an interface in Task Manager we can switch out for different strategies18:21
hub_caphow would a plugin model help that?18:21
denis_makogonSo, there are three valid options:18:21
denis_makogonuse NATIVES if there's no available Heat;18:21
grapexWe can say "don't waste time on that, fix heat" but fixing heat is a much larger effort than refactoring our code to read better.18:21
SlickNikDo we need a plugin approach if the goal is for heat to be the only way of doing things?18:21
denis_makogonuse ORCHESTRATOR to work with Heat only;18:21
hub_capgrapex: no one is touching that code :)18:21
grapexAlso... I'd prefer we not use "plugins" but just a simple strategy pattern as we do in dozens of other places in Trove18:22
denis_makogonSlickNik, of course we need18:22
hub_capif there are defeciencies in heat, we should fix them18:22
denis_makogoncurrent code looks strange and messy18:22
SlickNikdenis_makogon: Don't just say of course, please list the reasons.18:22
hub_caprather than do 70% heat, 30% trove homegrown18:22
hub_capjust like the other projects, we need to use heat or dont use it18:22
yogeshmehradenis_makogon: why not enlist the improvements required in the heat integration and work them out18:22
hub_capwe cant use heat for some thinkgs, then use non heat, and make heat out of sync18:22
denis_makogonyogeshmehra, it's already done18:23
hub_capif w edont have volume resize in heat18:23
hub_capand we resize18:23
hub_capthen our heat volume size is wrong18:23
yogeshmehradenis_makogon: then second step, to fix them :-)18:23
hub_capso when u call get info what do we use for the volume?18:23
SlickNikSo the takeaway I'm getting from this is that we need to work with devs on the heat team to fix heat to make sure it can support all our use cases.18:23
hub_capitll get _more_ confusing18:23
amcrnas hub_cap said, the long-term goal is to have heat as the only option, but since the existing path will continue to exist for awhile (as deprecated), there's no reason to add yet another path to workaround heat "deficiencies" considering the deprecated path will still exist.18:23
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grapexhub_cap: I agree with what you're saying long term18:23
hub_capyes SlickNik18:23
grapexbut I think denis_makogon's want here is to refactor some of the code-18:23
hub_capgrapex: and short term, no one use heat till the long term is done :)18:23
denis_makogonall i say, resource provisioning should be done through heat18:23
hub_capid rather see us 1) fix heat, 2) refactor our code18:24
denis_makogongrapex, that's the first step18:24
grapexI guess I'm with him on this- though maybe we'll need to talk more on the particulars of how it looks.18:24
hub_capthan 1) refacotr our code, 2) fix heat 3) refactor _again_18:24
denis_makogongrapex, in parallel implement required use cases in heat18:24
amcrn+1 hub_cap18:24
hub_cap1) dont touch anything 2) fix heat 3) refactor once18:24
denis_makogon3d step - re-use it in trive18:24
SlickNikgrapex: I think the question is prioritization; i.e. what do we do first.18:24
grapexThis is why we can't have nice things. :)18:24
denis_makogonhub_cap, no refactoring after18:24
vipulamcrn: +1 i don't really care to refactor our code that we're goign to deprecate, but i also don't see getting out of the two code paths anytime soon18:24
hub_caplol grapex18:24
hub_capdenis_makogon: thats bs there will def be refactoring after18:24
hub_caponce u add volume resize18:25
denis_makogonhub_cap, no18:25
hub_capu will need to refactor the code to use it18:25
hub_capboom, refactor18:25
denis_makogonhub_cap, you would need just to write new method - nothing else18:25
hub_caponce u add proper flavor resize18:25
SnowDusthub_cap  +1 on approach18:25
hub_capthats a refactor denis_makogon18:25
denis_makogonhub_cap, that's feature coverage18:25
ramashriif resource provisioning can be done using heat why have another strategy for provisioning18:25
grapexIt's like living next to a creek bed everyone dumps garbage into; we keep saying "that land is scheduled for development so don't bother." I think we should at least be open to the idea- though I don't know if it should be an entire blueprint18:25
hub_capif u move from using A to B and not chanign how the api looks its a refactor18:25
hub_caprewriting existing code18:25
SlickNikdenis_makogon: Are you looking to make the heat changes needed for trove?18:26
vipuldenis_makogon: why don't you fix the missing things in Heat and then we can revisit this18:26
denis_makogonSlickNik, yes18:26
SlickNikvipul: ++18:26
denis_makogonSlickNik, i filed and delegated several BPs in Heat to my college18:26
hub_capdenis_makogon: why not just do that work?18:26
amrithvipul, fix the missing things or identify them?18:26
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hub_capif u want it done so bad, do it! :)18:26
SnowDustyogeshmehra : how is yor bp different from denis_makogon s BP being discussed18:26
vipulamrith: i am assuming they have been identified..18:26
amrithvipul, ok; thx.18:27
amrithvipul, I wasn't making that assumption.18:27
yogeshmehraSnowDust: denis_makogon wants to abstract the exact orchestration/resoruce-provisioning out18:27
vipuli hope :) amrith18:27
yogeshmehraand use heat just as an implementation18:27
yogeshmehramy BP was about makinng complete heat/trove integration18:27
denis_makogoncurrent heat support is nothing else than experimental18:27
yogeshmehraits not complete, true18:28
juicedenis_makogon: i think what most folks are saying here is that when Heat has the features we need, then rip out the old code and go with a pure Heat timplmentation18:28
SnowDustthat's for no benefits if orchestration will b thru heat18:28
juiceuntil then, don't change the code18:28
denis_makogonjuice, what about backward compatibility ??18:28
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amcrndenis_makogon: the existing path will still exist as hub_cap stated, it will just be deprecated.18:28
denis_makogonwe can't just rip out use of native services18:28
yogeshmehradenis_makogon: i think we need to go incremental on this and need to see how it goes along the clustering also18:29
hub_capright, no one will use heat until it works for the use cases, if not we wil have to do data migrations every time we add "somehting" in heat18:29
SlickNikOkay, I think the consensus is that we should revisit this bp only once denis_makogon has the gaps in heat which are needed by trove (resize, et al) fixed.18:29
hub_capdenis_makogon: think about this18:29
hub_capyouve done all of the "core" stuff, now someoen adds volume resize18:29
hub_capwell all your existing voumes are out of sync18:29
hub_capso u have to write a migration in heat as well18:29
juicewhat about denis_makogon's question on backward compatibility18:29
hub_capon top of changing what trove is referencing18:29
denis_makogonhub_cap, heat would not do migration18:30
juiceif you have some instances that are currently running that were provisioned the old way, how would the new heat only approach work18:30
denis_makogonhub_cap, that's why Trove needs think about migration18:30
denis_makogonhub_cap, it's only our problem18:30
vipulwe'd migrate them juice by creating whatever's needed in Heat18:30
hub_capits only our problem if we do it yoru way18:30
denis_makogonjuice, let me show18:30
espI think we said there could be a migration script one day that would populate heat’s db (backfill)18:30
hub_capits no ones problem if u fix heat first18:30
SlickNikjuice: That's something we need to think about before we deprecate the old way.18:31
hub_capdoes anyone else feel like the horse is beaten to death? i want to -2 this18:31
hub_capand say the prereq is to make sure heat works for our use cases18:31
hub_capand encourage denis_makogon to fix heat to work for us18:31
SlickNikOkay, time for vote18:32
vipulhub_cap: +118:32
denis_makogonhub_cap, i'm not working at heat, tasks were deletegated18:32
amcrn#vote no18:32
SlickNik#startvote Resource management driver? yes, no, postpone_after_heat18:32
openstackBegin voting on: Resource management driver? Valid vote options are yes, no, postpone_after_heat.18:32
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.18:32
hub_capdenis_makogon: and they are being worked on now by people? u cant take them? like someone is actively coding on them?18:32
grapexI'm for this blueprint being drastically reduced in scope, but as is it's too big18:32
hub_cap#vote no18:32
amcrn#vote no18:32
cp16net#vote no18:32
vipul#vote no18:32
SnowDust#vote no18:33
denis_makogonhub_cap, yes18:33
SlickNik#vote postpone_after_heat18:33
juice#vote no18:33
hub_capthen ask them if u can help :)18:33
hub_cap#vote postpone_after_heat18:33
juice#vote yes18:33
* hub_cap changes his vote18:33
hub_caplol juice your vote is yes now18:33
hub_capu cant make a dependent vote18:33
juiceI saw the post pone after heat :)18:33
hub_capi know ;)18:34
juice#vote no18:34
denis_makogonhub_cap, tasks already being spreaded, i can only wait18:34
SlickNikanyone else?18:34
openstackVoted on "Resource management driver?" Results are18:34
openstackpostpone_after_heat (2): SlickNik, hub_cap18:34
openstackno (5): amcrn, juice, cp16net, vipul, SnowDust18:34
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hub_capdenis_makogon: plz send me the blueprints18:34
hub_capso i can talk to the people about it18:34
hub_capand make sure that they are all being worked on _immediately_18:34
denis_makogonhub_cap, search in your mailbox, i sent at least 2+ emails18:35
denis_makogonwith [Trove] tag18:35
SlickNikdenis_makogon: It would be good if you could drive that work and make sure that all the scenarios needed for trove are covered in heat.18:35
SlickNikOkay, moving on.18:35
hub_capdenis_makogon: and the have the heat bps in them ?18:35
denis_makogonSlickNik, thanks what i'm dling18:35
denis_makogonhub_cap, yues18:36
hub_capwonderful thx18:36
SlickNik#topic Managed Instances18:36
juiceso we talked a few weeks back about locking down nova vms which are managed by Trove.  The first proposal was to have Trove Admin own the Instances in Nova.  That was shot down.  I went back to the nova team to discuss18:36
juicephil day proposed using the lock/unlock feature in Nova (wow!)18:36
grapexjuice: lock / unlock?18:37
juicethe basic concept is that Trove Admin will put a lock on instances preventing users from compromising the integrity of the vm18:37
juicegrapex  - yes18:37
hub_capdenis_makogon: you do realize youre assigned to one of the bps right?18:37
juicebasically there is a user level lock and an admin level lock18:37
hub_capassignee denis m18:37
hub_capso u can do that work :)18:37
amrithjuice, what does a "lock" do? in reality?18:37
denis_makogonhub_cap, yes, i haven't update it yet18:37
hub_capwell u should do that work!18:38
juiceamrith: it just puts a flag in the db18:38
juicenova checks this flag on just about every modification call18:38
hub_capso we just need to send lock=true for it?18:38
esmutejuice: will it hide it from users when doing a nova list18:38
amrithjuice, and it will lock down ssh and things as well? or is that at a different level of protection?18:38
juiceif the instance is locked, it rejects the call (assuming that your role is lower than the lock holder)18:38
juiceesmute: no18:38
juiceamrith: no but the user cannot ssh into the instance because their key does not exist on the server18:39
amrithjuice, thx18:39
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juiceunfortunately security groups are still modifiable but just about everything else is locked down18:39
amcrnif this won't protect security-groups, won't protect volumes, and won't protect swift objects (backups), i'd be hesitant to vote yes for this if the scope of work is high.18:39
juiceTrove Admin will be the only thing that can delete these18:40
vgnbkrShould this (locking) be an optional feature?18:40
juiceit will protect volumes since there is not much you can do to a volume that is already attache18:40
juiceand you can't detach the volume from a locked server18:40
amcrnjuice: it'll protect a detach? oh, neat.18:40
amcrni take back my comment :)18:40
SlickNikvgnbkr: It is being proposed as optional.18:40
juicevgnbkr: it will be optional18:40
juicejust a flag that say's "lock the instances" or some such18:41
vipuljuice: does neutron support any locking?18:41
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juicevipul: not that I am aware of18:41
vgnbkrSorry, I looked through the bp and didn't see it being optional.  OK, thanks.18:41
SlickNikvipul: Nope, I haven't seen anything in neutron corresponding to this.18:41
juicevipul: let me look at my api printout sheet :)18:41
vipulso when we manage networks, secgroups in neutron, will that cause this to be disjoint?18:41
vipulmeaning, i can delete a network from underneath the lock18:42
juicevipul: can you give me an example of where you see some disjointedness18:42
vipulor is that ok? since they own the network18:42
SlickNikvipul: neutron won't let you delete a network that's in use.18:42
SlickNikif I recall correctly.18:42
juicethe network they own they better have access to18:42
esmutevipul: i think it works like volume-attached..18:42
juiceI don't think we would want to prevent them from making changes there18:42
esmuteit wont let you delete it..18:43
vipulI see.. ok then this might be fine18:43
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juiceit may mean that we need to revisit the network attachment in trove-api18:43
juicecurrently, you specify the attached networks only in the create.18:43
vgnbkrFor the optional thing, I meant more like the root setting, not a global setting.18:43
juiceI don't know if we allow for that network to be detached to the old and attached to new18:43
mattgriffinSlickNik, i'm here now :) when we're ready18:44
juicevgnbkr: I think this would be a global thing - as global as the api and task manager instances are concerned18:44
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mat-loweryDoesn't Heat itself have this same problem (can't protect its resources)? Also all other projects that are Heat-like (i.e. manage OpenStack "primitives") or use Heat (e.g. Sahara maybe): are they attempting to solve this?18:45
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SlickNikmattgriffin: Okay.18:45
juicemat-lowery: good question18:45
vgnbkrjuice: so how does this differ from root-enable?  Both are to prevent the user from messing us up, but one is set global and one per-instance?  Doesn't seem constent.18:45
juiceI heard rumors of a project called Service VMs18:45
juicethere is something forming from dust currently - perhaps another project18:45
grapexjuice: Sounds mythological.18:46
SlickNikjuice: How will the locking work in the case we're provisioning using heat?18:46
juicegrapex: its in early planetary formation18:46
juiceSlickNik: the instance will need to be locked outside of Heat invocation18:46
yogeshmehraSlickNik: good question...18:46
grapexjuice: Is it currently in the hot gaseous state?18:47
juicegrapex: exactly18:47
juicebut it has some momentum18:47
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SlickNikOkay, I think it's time to vote.18:47
grapexjuice: Cool18:47
esmutevote for juice!18:47
juicevgnbkr: I'mo not sure this would be inconsistent with root-enable18:47
juiceesmute :)18:47
SlickNik#startvote Managed Instance? yes, no, still_have_questions18:48
openstackBegin voting on: Managed Instance? Valid vote options are yes, no, still_have_questions.18:48
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.18:48
juiceroot-enable is on the mysql db not the vm18:48
juicevgnbkr ^ ^18:48
yogeshmehra#vote yes18:48
juicevery small optional change guys and gals18:48
amcrn#vote yes18:48
esmute#vote yes18:48
juicethere we go we have a yes18:48
juiceanother yes18:48
hub_cap#vote yes18:49
SlickNik#vote yes18:49
juicedo go I get one more18:49
hub_capjuice: thx for the commentary18:49
grapex#vote yes18:49
hub_capim pretty sure that the bot will tell us too ;)18:49
vipul#vote yes18:49
SlickNiklol hub_cap18:49
hub_cap#vote no18:49
juiceI recently went to an auction18:49
hub_capjust cuz i wanna piss juice off18:49
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juicehub_cap: I can always count on you18:49
openstackVoted on "Managed Instance?" Results are18:49
openstackyes (6): SlickNik, yogeshmehra, amcrn, esmute, vipul, grapex18:49
openstackno (1): hub_cap18:49
grapexhub_cap: harsh18:49
SlickNik#topic List all datastore types and versions by a single API call18:50
juicethere it's on record18:50
SlickNikNehaV1: around?18:50
NehaV1hey i am18:50
SlickNiktake it away18:50
NehaV1yes i have added this bp
grapexNehaV1: Right off the bat I must object18:50
grapexI was able to read through this and understand it in 15 seconds18:51
grapexThat's not long and overly verbose enough18:51
grapexNehaV1: I keed, I keed18:51
grapexI do wonder about the request url though- "datastoreandversions"18:51
SlickNikI don't like the endpoint name, but I'm not gonna bikeshed over it.18:51
NehaV1yes i dont like it either18:52
cp16neti think the idea is a valid but i am not sure about he uri and the structure of the data18:52
grapexSlickNik: But that's the funnest part!18:52
grapexI wonder if instead we could pass an extra query parameter to the datastore list call to make it do a verbose list18:52
vipulyea let's change the URL18:52
NehaV1we can think about augmenting the existing get datastores call18:52
grapexor would that not be RESTy enough?18:52
kevinconwaythis all be easier if all requests went to "/" and we just used some field in the JSON blob to let trove know what we really wanted18:52
grapexkevinconway: I like it18:52
* amcrn glares at kevinconway18:53
vipulwould it be that bad to just change the existing /datastores call18:53
SnowDustgrapes+1on extra request parameter18:53
vipuland also reply with all versions18:53
cp16netoh and everything keyed off query paramters18:53
SlickNikI don't like that we have to make 2 calls in the first place. I'd be fine just changing the existing API to return both.18:53
NehaV1vipul +118:53
robertmy_vipul: +118:53
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SlickNikvipul: you quicker than me :) +118:53
vipul:) SlickNik18:53
cp16nethmm would that be changing the contract we have on the call tho?18:53
grapexSlickNik: That wouldn't be too bad, but then we lose a lighter weight list call for just the datastore types.18:53
amcrni'll point out this is indicative of the need to merge datastore + datastore-version into one field18:54
NehaV1so the existing call returns the default version for every db type. i just want to make sure we will be able to do the same with this call18:54
kevinconwayamcrn: so just create a typeversion field?18:54
grapexamcrn: Are you saying there'd just be one resource instead of two?18:54
cp16neti feel like in order to not break our contract we have on the other URis we could do something like /datastores/versions18:55
cp16netthat doesnt have a path yet18:55
vipulit's kinda like /flavors vs. /flavors/detail18:55
vipulthey return the same thing18:55
cp16netand its pretty simple at the same time18:55
amcrngrapex kevinconway: in horizon it's being folded into one field, now we're adding a convenience uri to return it as if they're one (because it's inconvenient for n +1 calls); i'm seeing a pattern.18:55
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NehaV1thats right cp16net18:56
grapexamcrn: I think nesting them still makes sense for management though.18:56
cp16netamcrn: yeah18:56
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kevinconwayamcrn: i don't think we should tailor the API to fit one specific application like horizon. if there are uses for seperate fields then let horizon make two requests18:56
grapexamcrn: I do get your point.18:56
SlickNikokay, so we all like this.18:56
grapexMaybe the REST call should be one field, while the call to manage it should be two18:56
grapexSlickNik: Agreed, let's vote.18:56
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amcrnSlickNik: well, can't the concept of a default version be a separate bp? it really has nothing to do with adding a uri for convenience?18:57
robertmyerswhat are the benefits of haveing two different resources for datastores?18:57
kevinconwayif the cost of two API calls is significant in terms of response time then maybe we could combine, but if the only cost is a dev has to make to calls in their app i find that perfectly acceptable18:57
amcrnrobertmyers: absolutely nothing as far as I can see18:57
robertmyersthats what I thought18:57
cp16netyeah seems to just cause is problems18:58
robertmyerscan we just deprecate it?18:58
vipullet's combine them.. but leave the API urls in-tact for backwards compat18:58
kevinconwayi thought the point of having seperate type and version is that some of our abstractions are best targeted at a type and others at a version18:58
kevinconwaylike backups vs datastore upgrade18:58
grapexkevinconway: I agree18:58
amcrnkevinconway: the problem is that everything thus far has been tied to a version.18:58
grapexbut it does seem like increasingly few things in Trove do *everything* based exclusively on type18:58
grapexthey seem to always need a version too18:58
amcrngrapex: yep18:58
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grapexNever say never though. It could be useful to keep them as seperate objects in Trove at least. And I think it's easier to deal with them seperately using Trove manage18:59
grapexfor the API calls though I agree, one call would be easier18:59
amcrneither way, back specifically to this bp: the ability to set a version as a default for that type does not exist, i'd like to see this implemented separately from the convenience uri being spoken about.18:59
amcrnactually it does, i'm an idiot18:59
cp16netmaybe as separate obejcts but not as separate api calls to get them18:59
NehaV1for purposes of keeping it clean, i will suggest that we have db type and version both stored separately18:59
kevinconwaywould the convenience call replace the existing calls or simply live along side them?18:59
grapexkevinconway: the current blueprint is for it to live alongside19:00
cp16netkevinconway: i think that was debated... i was for it living along side19:00
SlickNikOkay. So let's vote on this.19:00
vipulmy vote would be to replace existing /datastores call and make it 'convenient'19:00
SlickNikAnd we can have the combination of type/version as a separate bp.19:00
grapexvipul: No one at Rax is really using it- *yet*. This is pretty late to totally change the API though.19:01
esmutei wonder if we can do something with the datastore views to present the versions nicely19:01
vipuleven if it's just an API response? grapex19:01
vipulwe're not changing the requests or removing anything19:01
vipuljust addign more info19:01
kevinconwayespecially if it's an API response. that's our primary contract with application developers19:01
hub_capwe cannot _change_ the api19:01
hub_capits done19:01
hub_capwe are integrated19:01
hub_capwe can only add to it19:02
vipulyou cannot add more to the reponse?19:02
SlickNik#startvote List all datastore types and versions by a single API call? yes_with_new_route, yes_and_change_existing, no19:02
openstackBegin voting on: List all datastore types and versions by a single API call? Valid vote options are yes_with_new_route, yes_and_change_existing, no.19:02
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.19:02
amcrnhub_cap: i think vipul is saying if you add an "optional" field to the existing response payload, you havent' broken the contract19:02
hub_capyes vipul u can add to it19:02
grapex#vote yes19:02
openstackgrapex: yes is not a valid option. Valid options are yes_with_new_route, yes_and_change_existing, no.19:02
hub_capyes absolutely amcrn (sorry i just came back and read what grapex said)19:02
vipulwell there we go.. so that's all i'm suggesting19:02
hub_capok so is "yes and change existing" really "yes and add to existing?"19:02
grapexSo hub_cap is saying we can't change existing19:02
hub_capwe cannt modify existing19:02
cp16net#vote yes_with_new_route19:02
hub_capwe can add to19:02
hub_cap{a, b} can become {a, b, c} but cannot become {a, d}19:03
openstackVoted on "List all datastore types and versions by a single API call?" Results are19:03
vipul#vote add_to_existing19:03
openstackyes_with_new_route (1): cp16net19:03
hub_capthx SlickNik lets fix the vote options19:03
SlickNik#startvote List all datastore types and versions by a single API call? yes_with_new_route, yes_and_add_to_existing, no19:03
openstackBegin voting on: List all datastore types and versions by a single API call? Valid vote options are yes_with_new_route, yes_and_add_to_existing, no.19:03
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.19:03
vipul#vote add_to_existing19:03
openstackvipul: add_to_existing is not a valid option. Valid options are yes_with_new_route, yes_and_add_to_existing, no.19:03
amcrnvipul: your "add_to_existing" is assuming the extra ?parameter correct?19:03
SlickNikOkay, to be clear I changed the options.19:03
grapex#vote this_is_silly19:03
openstackgrapex: this_is_silly is not a valid option. Valid options are yes_with_new_route, yes_and_add_to_existing, no.19:03
SlickNiklol @ grapex19:03
vipulamcrn: no, just change it as-is19:03
grapex#vote yes_and_add_to_exisiting19:03
openstackgrapex: yes_and_add_to_exisiting is not a valid option. Valid options are yes_with_new_route, yes_and_add_to_existing, no.19:03
grapex#vote yes_and_add_to_existing19:04
vipulkeep URI intact.. no query param needed amcrn19:04
vipul#vote yes_and_add_to_existing19:04
amcrnvipul: cool, just clarifying for myself and others :)19:04
robertmyers#vote yes_and_add_to_existing19:04
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SlickNik#vote yes_and_add_to_existing19:04
amcrn#vote yes_and_add_to_existing19:04
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esmute#vote yes_and_add_to_existing19:04
NehaV1#vote yes_and_add_to_existing19:04
SlickNikAny more votes?19:04
yogeshmehra#vote yes_and_add_to_existing19:04
amcrn#vote lunch19:04
juice#vote yes_and_add_to_existing19:04
openstackamcrn: lunch is not a valid option. Valid options are yes_with_new_route, yes_and_add_to_existing, no.19:04
openstackVoted on "List all datastore types and versions by a single API call?" Results are19:05
openstackyes_and_add_to_existing (9): SlickNik, NehaV1, robertmyers, amcrn, juice, yogeshmehra, esmute, vipul, grapex19:05
kevinconway#vote wait19:05
juiceamcrn :)19:05
vipuldenied! juice19:05
openstackMeeting ended Mon Apr 28 19:05:13 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)19:05
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SlickNikWe're already overtime19:05
openstackMinutes (text):
SlickNikThanks guys19:05
icchaHey I just wanted to introduce myself. I am new to the cloud databases team here19:05
juicemattgriffin: c you next week :/19:05
amrithSlickNik, nice job! very efficient with the new tools ...19:05
amytronwelcome iccha !!19:05
juicehello iccha:19:05
icchaBeen working on glance prior to this as glance core for past two years, and excited to be working on trove19:05
juicebut where is "here"?19:06
icchahey juice ! amytron !19:06
vipulcool! welcome19:06
SlickNikmattgriffin: Yes, sorry we ran out of time. See you next week!19:06
icchajuice: at rackspace with the cloud databases team19:06
icchahey vipul19:06
amytronjuice:  iccha just moved to austin from blacksburg19:06
juiceoh cool19:06
amytronjuice:  she's one of my cats now :)19:06
amcrnwelcome iccha19:06
juiceum where is blacksburg?19:06
SlickNikiccha: Nice! Welcome...19:06
mattgriffinSlickNik, np. thanks! next week then :)19:06
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juiceamytron: ah yes the ol' wrangler!19:07
hub_capeveryone can say hi to her in person at openstack summit, yer goin right iccha ?19:07
icchathanks SlickNik ! Yup its from virginia, the blacksburg office is where Brian Waldon and Mark Washenbeger originally were from19:07
SlickNikamrith: Thanks! Figured might as well use them to keep things moving.19:07
icchayes i ll be there hub_cap ! :)19:07
hub_capiccha: so yer saying youre moving to nebula?19:07
juiceis there tour bus taking ya'll from austin to atl?19:07
hub_capOHHH TOO SOON?!?!?!19:08
amcrniccha: there's a tradition that all new rackers buy everyone free drinks at summits, just fyi.19:08
hub_capjuice: the idea was proposed, but proposed too late19:08
hub_capamcrn: "buy free drinks" does not compute19:08
vipuloh yea it's been around for years amcrn19:08
juicehub_cap: I think amcrn was providing a loop hole19:08
icchaamcrn: technically i have been with rackspace two years, so not new :p19:08
amrithhub_cap, should we have the chat about where "free drinks" come from?19:08
grapexamcrn: Oh man do they make us buy those now?19:09
grapexamrith: The beer fairy?19:09
esmutethat is a still a long ride19:09
hub_capamcrn: lets have the chat about buying free drinks19:09
hub_capcuz if the drinks are free, how do u buy them?19:09
amcrnhub_cap: you got a pad and pen? it involves some calculus19:09
hub_capoh wait its cuz tesora buys them all right amcrn amrith ?19:10
amrithgrapex ... no. the stork carries a keg of beer. but now that you can only have one keg in hand luggage, extra kegs have to be paid for ...19:10
hub_capand gives them to iccha who gives them to amcrn19:10
amrithno hub_cap, wrong again19:10
grapexamrith: I think the beer fairy is friends with the Red Bull Bunny. They seem to visit the summits together19:10
SlickNiklol @ grapex19:11
hub_capman pandora is asking me to interact w a add19:11
juiceamrith: I am glad there is someone around to give hub_cap some ....19:11
amrithgrapex, the red bull bunny is hub_cap's personal friend.19:11
juicehub_cap: it's all ads these days. I don't know why companies pay money to annoy potential customers19:11
hub_capamrith: :D19:11
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hub_capjuice: yea but now i get 4 hrs of listening19:12
hub_capcuz i clicked a button a few times on a target ad19:12
amrithhub_cap, would you drink free beer if you were required to interact with ads?19:12
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hub_capamrith: duh, yes19:12
hub_capif i was grapex id give my soul away for free tshirts and silly plastic things in a bag of goodies19:12
amrithso the bug is that pandora isn't providing beer?19:12
hub_capcp16net: too19:12
hub_capamrith: yes19:12
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hub_capif u want to find how to get the most free stuff at a conference, follow cp16net and grapex around19:13
cp16net#vote lol19:13
cp16netoh i didnt vote...19:13
hub_capNehaV1: what happens when youre api changes, do u become nehaV2?19:13
esmutei like their shirts and hats19:13
NehaV1i dont know how i got versioned19:14
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NehaV1this channel19:14
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esp is back19:22
peterstacesp: It's been back for a while now ;)19:23
esppeterstac: lol, why didn’t you tell me :)19:23
cp16netyeah review is back19:25
cp16netyou can change your prefernces to a reallkevinconway: i was  confusing new view of changesets19:26
esphehe.  I had get a new RSA host key tho19:27
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espand it doesn’t look like gerrit is talking to the irc channel atm19:27
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit upgrade to 2.8 complete. See: Some cleanup tasks still ongoing; join #openstack-infra if you have any questions.19:32
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amrithesp, is up19:37
amrithjust saying19:37
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juicefinally gerritt integration! come to mama19:57
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iccha /q hub_cap20:00
icchahey hub_cap , wanted to clairfy what was meant by add to existing in the earlier convo20:01
icchaso the wiki suggested a new route right20:01
icchawhich we are not going with i presume20:01
ashishsnigam hi.. Can anyone tell me how can i refer default datastore in tempest?20:02
ashishsnigamI was referring this
espthx amrith :)20:03
hub_capiccha: thats being updated20:03
hub_capNehaV1: is chatting to me now about updating the bp to reflect the vote from today20:03
imsplitbithello all, can I get some eyes on please?  many thanks!20:04
SlickNikjuice: That's really awesome!20:09
icchasweet! thanks hub_cap , NehaV1 feel free to ping me if I can help in any way20:09
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cp16netjuice: thats kinda neato20:13
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juicecp16net: slicknik: if I am not mistaken it has some useful notifications as well20:15
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hub_capNehaV1: if iccha is gonna do the work for the bp, make her do the updating of the bp (i think iccha wants to do the bp update!)20:27
NehaV1yes sure20:27
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hub_capjuice: what is that?20:30
hub_capyour ide?20:30
juicehub_cap: pycharm20:30
hub_capemacs gerrit support is lacking, chmouel did some work on it but its only for a single review20:31
juiceit has some nice features however given the dynamic nature of python the ide is limited (e.g. find usages, go to declaration..)20:31
hub_capfo sure.. its a glorified text editor for python :)20:32
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juicehub_cap...well I wouldn't go that far20:33
hub_capok its a glorified text editor w/ grep and find built in20:34
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hub_capand a fancy gunmetal look20:34
hub_capmore accurate juice ?20:34
juicehub_cap: you nailed it :P20:34
juiceI was going to say you were leaving out the most important part20:35
hub_capmy ide is so pretty20:35
juicelet me!20:35
hub_capno vi is for editing a /etc/network/interfaces20:35
espjuice: you got a min?20:35
juiceesp: yep20:35
espdo you recall what this does?  I was going to remove it but I don’t know if you had some magic in there.
hub_capjuice: where is a good place ot drop an image in the public that doesnt end up showing ads that are nsfw20:36
esphub_cap: omg...20:36
juicehub_cap: I am not so sure :)20:37
juiceesp: are you referring to line 527?20:38
esphub_cap: a shoe box that you keep in your attic?20:38
icchahub_cap: cloud files ;)20:38
SlickNikhub_cap: how big is said image?20:38
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espjuice:   def _delete_resources(self, deleted_at):20:39
esp        # Note: What does this do? Fix time drift?20:39
esp        pass20:39
juicepass is same as no-op. let me take a look at in in context20:39
espjuice: is this necessary?  it’s actually called in delete_async below20:39
hub_capiccha: _free_ ;)20:40
hub_capSlickNik: small20:40
SlickNikhub_cap: imgur.com20:40
hub_capSlickNik: 300k20:40
espjuice so it lookes like you expect the child class to impl it maybe?20:40
hub_capmy ide :)20:41
hub_capesp: i hate u (just read what u said)20:41
esphub_cap: lol20:41
espjuice I will just put a not there that says implement in child class20:42
hub_capjuice: loks a lot like yer ide doesnt it? cept w/o all the gunmetal20:42
hub_capand juice if u look at the very top it says /scpc:work:/opt/stack20:43
hub_capim remote editing /opt/stack on a machine i named work20:43
hub_capcanyour pycharm do that??!!?!?!20:43
juicebeads of sweat are forming on my forehead20:43
espgerrit glitched for me for a sec20:44
juicenever tried20:44
espsomething in the matrix got changed20:44
hub_capdid u see a cat walk by esp?20:44
hub_capu cna do it, just click thru 47 tabs and type 18 things in to them20:45
hub_capclick test connection20:45
hub_capand yer off20:45
hub_capi have to prepend mine w/ /work:/path/to/file20:45
hub_capSlickNik: and i are using the editor from the future maaaannnnnnnn20:46
hub_capits like, cosmic20:46
hub_capbut it is a memory hog20:47
juicehub_cap: I like the simplicity of the interface. kind of reminds me of those first "IDE" I used to write C in DOS20:49
glucashub_cap: bah, memory is cheap these days #emacsFTW20:49
hub_capyea juice glucas its using 244M20:49
amrithhub_cap, memory problems only occur on lenovo laptops ;) some of us are running 16gb on cheap dell hardware20:49
hub_capthats my mapped memory, so thats shared too20:49
hub_cap22 M writable/private20:49
hub_capjuice: it might be the one u used ( glucas is hip to it, so is amrith )20:50
hub_capid be curious to see what yer ide is using juice ;)20:51
hub_capyea amrith i must admit this machine only has 8G in it20:51
hub_capand currently 5G free ;)20:51
amrithhub_cap, yes I went and looked at it. not only do you have 8, that's the max ;(20:52
juiceesp: do not remove that - it is being called by _delete_async below20:52
amrithotherwise a wonderful machine20:52
hub_capamrith: why would i need more?!?!20:52
hub_capi can prov 16G machines all day long20:52
hub_capive also got 16 more G between 2 machines in my home network i can feed off of if needed hehe20:53
juicethere is a function in BuiltInstanceTasks that which will override it for those cases20:53
amrithwell, I don't have a lab like that ... my rack doesn't have that much space20:53
hub_caplol amrith ;) in reality when i do prov work machines i use 4G ones20:53
hub_capive found remote editing text and running those python scripts doesnt really require much more20:54
amrithtrue, very true20:54
juicehub_cap: my ide is only using virtual memory :)20:54
hub_capjuice: then yer ide is slow as poo20:55
juicehub_cap: did you catch the comment earlier about prune juice20:55
hub_capim ont sure thats a real phrase20:55
hub_capin the words of the great MJK, I've come round full circle20:57
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espjuice: gotcha21:02
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TomasR_Hi, guys, can you help me troubleshoot this problem:22:33
TomasR_api.log:2014-04-29 00:31:24.788 432 ERROR trove.common.exception [req-c0f9bf33-fbf4-4535-affb-af5b426857e9 222c54b44c4746aa8072537e9f05e8cb 7d359600815144eeac268a10efaba62b - - -] Cannot find compute instance a7b5f984-5c68-4738-a709-0433b1dbffc3 for instance 5e4db7ec-cd19-4646-af72-5d0cd7858c91.22:33
TomasR_Instance in Compue Nova is running and I can log to it, but mysql instance stays in BULD state22:34
SlickNikHi TomasR_22:35
SlickNikThe mysql guest goes from BUILD to ACTIVE when the 'prepare' call on the guest succeeds, and a heartbeat is sent back.22:36
TomasR_Hi, SlickNik I was posting some error here a bit earlier, but very few people were active, so decided to try again. I also was able to fix one problem with HTTP 401 and authorization.22:37
TomasR_So, I see these two related errors:22:37
TomasR_in api.log "Cannot find compute instance "22:37
TomasR_and in guestagent.log (in guest instance): Making async call to cast heartbeat for instance: None heartbeat22:38
dougshelley66any cores out there who could push this one over the finish line?
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TomasR_Looking at these logging lines on the internet, I expect to see instance ID instead of "None" in the guestagent.log22:39
SlickNikTomasR_: Yes, it seems like something is off with that. Without context (and just from that 1 log line) it's very hard to say what it may be though.22:40
SlickNikTomasR_: Can you gist the output of the prepare call in the guestagent and link it?22:40
SlickNikTomasR_: Or the even the guestagent log.22:42
TomasR_one moment22:42
SlickNikTomasR_: I'm busy with something right now, and can't look right away, but I'll probably be able to take a look sometime later this evening.22:42
TomasR_SlickNik, no problem. I'll share the details and I can see if you were able to find something useful tomorrow22:43
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openstackgerritDan Nguyen proposed a change to openstack/trove: Add a new column and indexes to agent_heartbeats
TomasR_SlickNik, here is the link
TomasR_I added configuration files and log files.23:04
openstackgerritDan Nguyen proposed a change to openstack/trove: Partially implements guest agent upgrade strategy
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SlickNikTomasR_: Cool, thanks!23:09
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esmuteTomasR_: looks like the GA came up successfully23:10
esmute2014-04-28 22:30:47.091 930 INFO trove.guestagent.datastore.mysql.service [-] Service Status is RUNNING.23:10
esmutenot sure why the heart beat didnt make it to the conductor23:10
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TomasR_SlickNik, esmute: I'll leave my IRC window opened, but I will not be online for the next 7 hours. It's 00:11 in UK. Off to sleep now. I'll check chat history in the morning, in case you find something useful.23:12
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openstackgerritDan Nguyen proposed a change to openstack/trove: Added route for Admin API to support guest upgrade
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openstackgerritDan Nguyen proposed a change to openstack/trove: Added route for Admin API to support guest upgrade
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SlickNikgrapex: ping23:58
SlickNikgrapex: got a quick question for you when you have a moment.23:58

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