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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/trove: Consider datastore version when generating configs https://review.openstack.org/91556 | 00:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Jamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/trove: Really remove admin_token from configs https://review.openstack.org/95057 | 03:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Shalini khandelwal proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: Corrected conditional check for invalid SERVICE_TYPE https://review.openstack.org/92058 | 04:29 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/python-troveclient: Enabled F821, H306, H402, and H404 flake8 rule https://review.openstack.org/66369 | 04:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/trove: Update database-api to follow OpenStack conventions https://review.openstack.org/94989 | 05:32 |
openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/trove: Update database-api to follow OpenStack conventions https://review.openstack.org/94989 | 05:33 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/trove: Imported Translations from Transifex https://review.openstack.org/95082 | 06:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Sushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/python-troveclient: Corrects trove-client output https://review.openstack.org/95094 | 07:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Sushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Corrects spelling errors https://review.openstack.org/69383 | 07:25 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/trove-integration: Corrected conditional check for invalid SERVICE_TYPE https://review.openstack.org/92058 | 08:18 |
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shalini_ | hey SlikNik !! | 08:41 |
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denis_makogon | shalini_, i've misspelled SlickNik's nick | 09:24 |
shalini_ | denis_makogon, so there should be you in place of 'I'. | 09:27 |
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denis_makogon | shalini_, yup, i meant "you" | 09:29 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/python-troveclient: replaced e.message https://review.openstack.org/93605 | 10:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Zu Qiang proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: Reset the no_proxy when the node is installed behind a proxy https://review.openstack.org/94892 | 11:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Sushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: Corrects condition to check valid SERVICE_TYPE https://review.openstack.org/95154 | 12:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Denis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: Add stack_id to base instance model https://review.openstack.org/67873 | 13:26 |
openstackgerrit | Denis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: Refactor taskmanager. Split heat/native/migration code path https://review.openstack.org/91331 | 13:26 |
openstackgerrit | Sushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: Corrects condition to check valid SERVICE_TYPE https://review.openstack.org/95154 | 13:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Denis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: Refactor taskmanager. Split heat/native/migration code path https://review.openstack.org/91331 | 13:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Denis M. proposed a change to openstack/trove: Refactor taskmanager. Split heat/native/migration code path https://review.openstack.org/91331 | 14:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Craig Vyvial proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: Configurations stored in the database https://review.openstack.org/79852 | 14:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Craig Vyvial proposed a change to openstack/python-troveclient: adding configuration paramters mgmt api https://review.openstack.org/79851 | 14:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Sushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/python-troveclient: Corrects trove-client output https://review.openstack.org/95094 | 17:15 |
SushilKM | hello hub_cap | 17:19 |
hub_cap | howdy | 17:19 |
SushilKM | am fine, how abt u | 17:19 |
SushilKM | wanted to check u on this review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/66849/2/trove/tests/util/users.py | 17:20 |
SlickNik | In a meeting, can't talk now. Check back later. | 17:21 |
hub_cap | i have little context now, but it looks like i was agreing w esp in what to do SushilKM | 17:21 |
hub_cap | so id say ask him / do what he says ;) | 17:21 |
esp | yo | 17:22 |
hub_cap | supg | 17:22 |
SushilKM | okies .... | 17:22 |
esp | not much.. | 17:22 |
SushilKM | hey esp so can u recall about that review | 17:26 |
esp | yep SushilKM | 17:26 |
* esp lookiing at it | 17:26 | |
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esp | SushillKM: sorry was on a call, so if I remember correctly I was thinking that since the __init__ takes more params than what we originally show in __str__ in would be good to include those if they are present. (excluding the auth_key) | 17:42 |
SushillKM | so what i understand from this is that remove the extra arguments/members from init which are not in __str__ | 17:44 |
SushillKM | or is it reverse of this | 17:45 |
SushillKM | to include them in __str__ | 17:45 |
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SushillKM | hey esp r u there | 18:26 |
esp | SushillKM: sorta :) | 18:27 |
esp | what’s up? | 18:27 |
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SushillKM | https://github.com/openstack/trove/blob/master/trove/tests/util/users.py#L44 already puts in the services in __str__ | 18:27 |
SushillKM | and tenant is same as tenant_id | 18:27 |
SushillKM | so would you still look for me to add them in the __str__ method of ServiceUser class | 18:28 |
esp | I’m don’t think tenant is the same as tenant_id. where do you get that from ? | 18:30 |
SushillKM | i m saying about their values | 18:31 |
SushillKM | like here | 18:33 |
SushillKM | https://github.com/openstack/trove/blob/master/etc/tests/localhost.test.conf#L26-L27 | 18:33 |
SushillKM | what say .... | 18:34 |
esp | yeah, in the local.test.conf today that’s true but they are different params for sure right? I don’t think it should be assumed that they will always be the same value | 18:34 |
SushillKM | still if needed i can ammend that | 18:34 |
SushillKM | okies so tenant needs to be there | 18:35 |
esp | yep, if you amend it I think that’s all that needs to be done | 18:35 |
SushillKM | cool | 18:35 |
esp | thx SushillKM :) | 18:35 |
SushillKM | i m updating that in a few mins | 18:35 |
SushillKM | :) | 18:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Nikhil Manchanda proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: Add support for a neutron-based install https://review.openstack.org/78123 | 18:49 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/trove: Imported Translations from Transifex https://review.openstack.org/95082 | 18:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Sushil Kumar proposed a change to openstack/trove: Cleans up ServiceUser.__str__ method https://review.openstack.org/66849 | 19:24 |
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SushillKM | hey esp i have updated https://review.openstack.org/#/c/66849 please review the same ... | 19:28 |
SushillKM | :) | 19:28 |
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cp16net | amcrn: so i am a little scared about making one of these changes to my datastore review | 19:34 |
cp16net | amcrn: "should be configuration_parameters not configuration-parameters" | 19:34 |
amcrn | cp16net: why? | 19:35 |
cp16net | amcrn: i know someone is going to kill me for changing that from someone that is parsing the data | 19:35 |
cp16net | amcrn: because it was part of the spec... | 19:36 |
amcrn | cp16net: meaning you've already deployed this change prior to it being merged? so if it changes, you've got downstream tools that rely on it? | 19:36 |
cp16net | meaning this was returned the other way when the config groups was first deployed | 19:37 |
cp16net | because it just spit out the json file | 19:37 |
amcrn | oh, really? | 19:37 |
cp16net | yeah... | 19:37 |
cp16net | because it was the json file format that was technically the contract before for the parameters | 19:37 |
amcrn | i think i'm confused, where is configuration-parameter being returned today? | 19:37 |
amcrn | in the api | 19:38 |
cp16net | from reading the validtion-rules.json file | 19:38 |
amcrn | why can't the file and the api contracts differ? | 19:38 |
cp16net | https://github.com/openstack/trove/blob/master/trove/configuration/service.py#L257 | 19:39 |
cp16net | amcrn: because it literally was being returned | 19:39 |
cp16net | you change the file the output would chnage | 19:39 |
cp16net | so maybe we could say that _not_ contract but i dunno | 19:40 |
amcrn | i think there's a slight misunderstand regarding my comment; i'm merely positioning that any facing apis use underscores vs. hyphens | 19:40 |
cp16net | it was the response | 19:40 |
amcrn | the rest of the internals can be different | 19:40 |
cp16net | thats the problem | 19:40 |
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cp16net | its change the response that was returned | 19:40 |
cp16net | changing* | 19:41 |
amcrn | what reponse are we referring to? | 19:41 |
amcrn | configuration-create? | 19:41 |
cp16net | configuration-parameter-list | 19:41 |
amcrn | so that, today, returns a payload with "configuration-parameters" vs. "configuration_parameters" | 19:41 |
amcrn | ? | 19:41 |
cp16net | yes | 19:41 |
amcrn | :/ | 19:42 |
cp16net | btw i'm not saying that your comment is not valid | 19:42 |
amcrn | then we can't change it; ok, i see what you're saying | 19:42 |
amcrn | wasn't aware of that (and didn't notice it) | 19:42 |
cp16net | and i started making the change until i saw i was changing the view | 19:42 |
amcrn | gotcha. thanks for walking me through that. i'll add a note to the review saying "disregard, there's already prior art" | 19:42 |
cp16net | yeah i think it was an oversight | 19:42 |
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cp16net | v2! | 19:43 |
cp16net | :-P | 19:43 |
amcrn | haha | 19:43 |
amcrn | cp16net a qq while we're on the topic of this review | 19:43 |
cp16net | need to just add it to the laundry list of stuff | 19:43 |
cp16net | sure | 19:43 |
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amcrn | my comment regarding the loading of the file was on-point, right? | 19:43 |
amcrn | or am i missing why that still needs to be loaded | 19:43 |
cp16net | yes | 19:43 |
cp16net | i f'd up that apparently | 19:43 |
amcrn | lol | 19:43 |
amcrn | ok, was just making sure it wasn't left for some reason like maybe cross-comparing against the values in the db or something | 19:44 |
cp16net | it was a great idea to change the name of the file | 19:44 |
cp16net | i thought i covered all those places | 19:44 |
cp16net | i changed one and missed another | 19:44 |
amcrn | one other scenario to test is the deletion (aka deleted=0) of a parameter, but there's an instance with a configuration-group with that parameter already set. | 19:45 |
cp16net | thanks for looking it over because after looking at this same code for like 6 months its all blending together and i make mental notes that miss apparently | 19:45 |
cp16net | LOL | 19:45 |
cp16net | i made a mental note of that one as well | 19:45 |
amcrn | saweeet | 19:45 |
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iccha1 | SlickNik: amcrn cp16net vipul if the core would like to approve this. changes made based on prev meeting discussions https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/datastore-visibility | 20:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Anna Shen proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: Add neutron switch for int tests https://review.openstack.org/87856 | 20:18 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/python-troveclient: Corrects trove-client output https://review.openstack.org/95094 | 20:27 |
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SlickNik | iccha1: Thanks for the update. Will take a look. | 20:36 |
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iccha1 | SlickNik: do we have bp meeting on monday? | 20:41 |
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SlickNik | iccha1: Nope, it's memorial day and most people will be out. | 20:45 |
SlickNik | iccha1: I'll send out an email on the Mailing List about it. | 20:45 |
iccha1 | okie thanks SlickNik ! | 20:45 |
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cp16net | amcrn: you still around? | 20:58 |
amcrn | cp16net: yep | 20:58 |
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cp16net | amcrn: not sure what the "precendent" is on deleted having a default set for the database | 20:59 |
cp16net | i see both | 20:59 |
cp16net | 2 files have defaults and 2 files dont | 20:59 |
cp16net | files that dont have it: | 21:00 |
cp16net | https://github.com/openstack/trove/blob/master/trove/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/012_backup.py | 21:00 |
cp16net | https://github.com/openstack/trove/blob/master/trove/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/009_add_deleted_flag_to_instances.py | 21:00 |
cp16net | files that do: | 21:00 |
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cp16net | https://github.com/openstack/trove/blob/master/trove/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/020_configurations.py | 21:00 |
cp16net | https://github.com/openstack/trove/blob/master/trove/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/013_add_security_group_artifacts.py | 21:00 |
* cp16net shruggs is there really is a precedent | 21:01 | |
amcrn | i believe the correct precedent is to not default it, and that's for indexing reasons | 21:06 |
amcrn | there's a super long old mailing list thread about it, but i don't have it on me | 21:06 |
cp16net | oh... | 21:09 |
cp16net | thats cool i was just looking because i know i just copy pasta parts of that | 21:09 |
cp16net | so i wasnt sure | 21:09 |
cp16net | i'll make those changes. | 21:11 |
dougshelley66 | cp16net - is "pasta parts" a technical term :) | 21:12 |
cp16net | dougshelly66: its in my repertoire | 21:13 |
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openstackgerrit | Anna Shen proposed a change to openstack/trove: Add neutron support https://review.openstack.org/88349 | 22:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Anna Shen proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: Add neutron switch for int tests https://review.openstack.org/87856 | 23:37 |
openstackgerrit | Anna Shen proposed a change to openstack/trove-integration: Add support for a neutron-based install https://review.openstack.org/78123 | 23:37 |
openstackgerrit | Anna Shen proposed a change to openstack/trove: Add neutron support https://review.openstack.org/88349 | 23:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Anna Shen proposed a change to openstack/trove: Add neutron support https://review.openstack.org/88349 | 23:52 |
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