Friday, 2015-01-30

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openstackgerritDoug Shelley proposed openstack/trove: Changed hardcoded Mongodb username to variable
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openstackgerritPeter Stachowski proposed openstack/trove-integration: kick-start doesn't warn on stale image file
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openstackgerritPeter Stachowski proposed openstack/trove-integration: kick-start doesn't warn on stale image file
openstackgerritPeter Stachowski proposed openstack/trove-integration: kick-start doesn't warn on stale image file
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denis_makogonjodah, it seems like we have to refactor whole extensions to allow technology-specific implementations12:02
openstackgerritDoug Shelley proposed openstack/trove: Changed hardcoded Mongodb username to variable
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openstackgerritOleksandr Kyrylchuk proposed openstack/trove: Added 'redis' test group to int-tests
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denis_makogondougshelley66, yt ?12:41
dougshelley66denis_makogon, hi12:42
denis_makogondougshelley66, hi there, i've got question about mongodb users patch12:44
denis_makogonhave you been thinking about avoid user hardcoding user names?12:45
dougshelley66denis_makogon, I would like to eliminate all the hardcoding but seems like a pretty big project - see my reply to your comment in the review12:45
denis_makogonsure let me take a look12:45
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denis_makogonhave you posted it ?12:47
dougshelley66denis_makogon, strange i thought it went with the comments back to Nikhil12:51
denis_makogondougshelley66, i can see only response about SUSE12:52
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dougshelley66denis_makogon, sorry looks like it got lost in the Gerrit wilderness..Basically my reply was that I agree with you but we should probably think about this across all guests.12:53
dougshelley66denis_makogon, create something like a Trove specific footprint for each one12:54
denis_makogondougshelley66, good news, nice to heat that we're sharing the same opinion.12:54
dougshelley66but it is a larger project and requires some thought etc12:54
dougshelley66denis_makogon, as we've been working on building guests outside of ubuntu, there have been several issues related to how the databases set up on each operating system12:56
dougshelley66denis_makogon, for example, the discussion in my review on changing the mysql datadir is one thing12:56
denis_makogondougshelley66, sure, i do agree, that we need more eyes/thought on this12:56
dougshelley66denis_makogon, but we need to be able to keep moving forward while we figure out how to allocate resources to solve these larger things12:57
denis_makogondougshelley66, that's also true, you'll have my +1 on, just wanted to hear your thoughts, thanks12:58
dougshelley66denis_makogon, appreciate the thoughts and discussion - thanks12:59
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amrithdenis_makogon, a quick update for you. I've used existing cassandra guest images that I have with trove and I'm able to boot without an issue. I've been trying to recreate your cassandra permission issue and am hitting a different problem. Once I get around that I'll get back to your issue. At this point I'm not able to see the same permission issue as you with the standard elements and a recently cloned source tree.13:09
amrithdenis_makogon ^^13:09
amriththe other problem I'm hitting is
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vkmcamrith, I was hitting the same13:29
amrithvkmc, it appears that a fix was submitted for the swift issue 9 hours ago13:30
amrithI have that fix but no go13:30
vkmcamrith, yeah, I'm reading the review... hmm13:31
vkmcanother one I hit by using redstack is this one
vkmcbut I'm not sure if its due to the workaround I did to have it up and running13:33
denis_makogonvkmc, we've been seeing this issue for a long, but i have thoughts about why does it happens, but have to verify it13:38
vkmcdenis_makogon, I tried to debug it but I would need to try a few more things13:41
vkmcI was able to reproduce it both with nova-network and neutron13:41
vkmcI dunno if its a networking issue or if its some problem related to the time instances need to finish booting13:42
denis_makogonvkmc, it'll be useful to compare two dev boxes - devstack and redstack, especially networking part including SSH keys and access13:42
denis_makogonvkmc, there's a simple test, boot VM from mysql image and try to ssh into it, if not, it'll be useful to unpack image using qemu utils13:43
denis_makogonand see how SSH keys if SSH key from devstack host is equalt to key for ubuntu user in authorized_keys inside the image13:44
vkmcdenis_makogon, good idea... I tried simply launching the image with nova and sshing to it, but I noticed that cloudinit scripts takes more time than expected to finish setting up the networking configuration13:46
vkmcenough to make trove-taskmanager time out13:47
vkmcbut again, its maybe due to my environment13:47
vkmcI have to try it again13:48
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amrithvkmc, peterstac suggested also cherrypicking this change. I'm trying that now.13:52
peterstacamrith, vkmc: It seemed promising to me, but I haven't tried it yet either :)13:54
amrithpeterstac I'll try it out, no point all of us trying the same (potentially useless) thing13:55
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peterstacamrith: sure, np ;)13:55
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amrithpeterstac, vkmc that patch is promising14:21
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vkmcamrith, is it? coooool! does redstack install already passed the failure point?14:23
amrithit isn't done yet14:23
amrithbut it passes the earlier failure point14:23
peterstacamrith: might be good to +1 the review if it works (try to expedite the merge)14:24
amrithas soon as install finishes14:25
vkmccool :)14:26
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openstackgerritDuk Loi proposed openstack/trove: Inject guest conf files to configurable location
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amrithdenis_makogon, ping16:46
denis_makogonamrith, hi there16:46
amrithhi, re: I have a different fix/proposal. What would you suggest I do? -1 your change and suggest the alternative or submit a patchset? The latter would, I think, be easier given that I have the set setup ready to go.16:47
amrithin any event, I don't think the change proposed is the right one.16:48
openstackgerritDenis M. proposed openstack/trove: Fix poll_until retriever while creating an instance
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denis_makogonamrith, what kind of change are you talking about (i mean yours) ?16:50
denis_makogonamrith, i would completely ok with any change that would be accepted by cores as th best one16:51
amrithlet me do this in that case, I'll propose a new patch-set on the same review. it may have an additional patchset in the trove-integration repository as well; not certain.16:52
amriththe reason I say that is that the change is dependent on two things (at least)16:52
amrith1. the elements that you use, and 2. the setup you use in which to run trove.16:52
amrithstock (unmodified) trove, as it is in master and trove-integraiton as it is in master work for me.16:53
amriththat is likely an artifact of my setup.16:53
amrithI think I understand why it won't work for you16:53
denis_makogonso, what's the problem ?16:53
denis_makogoni'm interested16:54
amrithlet me send you a change set, you'll see what I'm proposing.16:54
denis_makogonwould it be easier to get it through regular review ?16:54
amrithyes it would, that's why I proposed that I'd submit a patch. but I didn't want to just stomp on your change, wanted to ask you first.16:57
denis_makogonsure, i'm stepping away in favor of your fix16:57
denis_makogonamrith, i have to leave soon, could you mail me, once you'd submit your patch? Thanks17:00
amrithi will do that denis17:02
amrithdenis_makogon, ^^17:02
amrithyes, I want to make sure that whatever I submit works on a more 'normal' setup.17:02
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denis_makogonamrith, sure, thanks for help17:05
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amrithno worries17:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove-integration: readme clarifications for new developers using redstack
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openstackgerritMorgan Jones proposed openstack/trove-specs: Trove Replication V2
vgnbkrHey all: as per our discussion at the meeting on Wednesday, I have pushed up the specification for the V2 replication functionality.  If you're coming to the Mid-Cycle next week, please have a read.21:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove: Added 'redis' test group to int-tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove: Changed hardcoded Mongodb username to variable
openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove: Updated from global requirements
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