Monday, 2016-04-11

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/trove-dashboard: Imported Translations from Zanata
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/trove-dashboard: Imported Translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack/trove: Move the rabbit/rpc options to it's own section
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/trove: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/trove: Port more common unit tests to Python 3
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/trove: Port test_template unit test to Python 3
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haypohi. i proposed to make the python3 job voting11:12
haypoamrith: hi. did you see my change  to make the py3 check job voting?11:43
amrithI did11:43
amrithI want to put it to the trove meeting on wednesday11:43
amrithI understand the rationale of making it voting sooner11:44
amrithbut I do want to know what others feel about it.11:44
amrithhaypo, see:
haypoamrith: what do you mean by "sooner"? sooner than what?11:48
amrithsooner than later :)11:48
haypoamrith: i'm always following the same plan, the blueprint
amrithyes, I know you are11:48
amrithwe could make it voting now, or in 1 months time11:48
amrithI would rather do it now11:48
haypoamrith: we are at the fourth bullet, "* When the py34 check job becomes stable enough, make it voting."11:48
amrithbut I want to make sure that others in the team know and are generally in favor of it.11:48
haypoamrith: right now, the py3 job is really small11:49
amrithok, if that's what the plan says, I want the trove team to know and at least not be surprised when it happens. and I'd like to make sure that no one has any specific and valid objections.11:49
haypoamrith: please say it on my change, project-config team is usually fast to approve my changes11:50
amrithhaypo, read my comments on your review please. I am not going to +1 the change till wednesday. and barring any significant objection (which I don't anticipate) I will +1 it at that time.11:50
haypo(less than 2 days)11:50
amrithhaypo, I did11:50
amrithwould you like me to -1 it?11:50
amrithI didn't11:50
amrithI just put a +0 comment11:50
haypoamrith: i'm maybe better to vote -111:50
haypoi just saw your comment11:51
amrithok, will do that11:51
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haypoamrith: oh wait11:51
haypoamrith: i can just put my change as WIP11:51
amrithwell, we both did :)11:52
amrithas written, the meeting agenda item is that "I propose that we approve ..."11:52
haypo    python -bb -m \11:52
haypo        trove/tests/unittests/common/ \11:52
haypo        trove/tests/unittests/common/ \11:52
haypo        trove/tests/unittests/common/test_wsgi.py11:52
haypoamrith: ^^ currently, it's just 3 ridiculous unit tests ;)11:52
amrithhaypo, making it more than 3 is something yo are working on, yes?12:00
haypo is the next patch12:01
haypofollowed by
amrithok, just checking. I got a sudden fear that it would be one of those "IKEA: some assembly required by the project teams" :)12:01
haypofor i'm waiting for peterstac feedback12:01
amrithhave to run now, will catch u later12:01
amrithI'll ping peter later today12:01
amriththere are several reviews that need some TLC from the team.12:01
haypowhat does TLC stand for?12:02
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openstackgerritMorgan Jones proposed openstack/trove-specs: Multi-Region Support
vgnbkrcp16net, Re: multi-region spec above15:54
vgnbkrI figured how to include an editable image in the rst doc, but the Gerrit view doesn't show it.  It will show if you covert the rst to html, but I'm not so sure how useful that is.15:56
vgnbkrYou can use GoogleDocs or LibreDraw to create the svg files, but it seems more useful to just include the GoogleDocs - at least you can convert it to Google independent format.15:57
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack/trove-specs: Add support for hbase in Trove
openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack/trove-specs: Add support for hbase in Trove
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dougshelley66haypo TLC="Tender Loving Care"18:20
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tellesnobregahey amrith, regarding your storage capabilities spec. I saw sergey's comments on splitting into smaller specs, more detailed for each new implementation, I would like to know if you have started working on any of them, specially cinder one19:23
amrithI'm not intending to split the spec, I was thinking of splitting only the implementation.19:25
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tellesnobregaare you sure about that, from my point of view, it will make a lot simpler for reviewing if we could split up19:28
amrithreviewing the spec or the code?19:28
tellesnobregaspec as well19:28
tellesnobregacode too19:29
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amrithI very much doubt that splitting the spec will make sense as you'll end up with tons of overlap19:29
amriththe hard part is coming up with the overall abstraction of how storage will be viewed by trove19:29
amrithjust making a point fix to do snapshots on one storage type isn't really what I'm after19:30
tellesnobregai understand19:30
amrithbut, that said, please feel free to submit specs for specific parts of the implementation that you have ideas about19:30
amriththat'll make it easier to understand19:30
amrithand you have the session where you can discuss it at summit19:31
amrithsgotliv_, yt?19:31
sgotliv_amrith, yes19:32
tellesnobregaamrith, sure19:32
tellesnobregai want to help on this implementation, and i think i can do that by doing the cinder part (which i have done some digging and have a pretty good idea of how that is going to work)19:34
tellesnobregajust need to fit that into your changes on the overall spec19:34
tellesnobregaso I will go ahead and write this spec on the cinder part and we can discuss it better in austin19:35
amrithawsome, thanks19:37
tellesnobregathanks :)19:37
amrithtellesnobrega, when do you expect to have a spec up? having it up before the summit would be an advantage so people can read it ahead of the summit and come prepared.19:49
amrithotherwise we'll spend the time with everyone reading it for the first time during the session.19:49
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tellesnobregaamrith, at latest by the end of the week I will have something up19:51
tellesnobregabut hopefully before next trove meeting19:51
amriththanks much19:52
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openstackgerritPetr Malik proposed openstack/trove: Reuse Cassandra connections
openstackgerritPetr Malik proposed openstack/trove: Reuse Cassandra connections
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flwang_amrith_: hi may i know any progress about this bug ?21:23
openstackLaunchpad bug 1445295 in OpenStack DBaaS (Trove) "Guestagent config leaks rabbit password" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Amrith (amrith)21:23
flwangSlickNik: ^21:24
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SlickNikflwang: I believe that we've had a couple of conversation around this — the assumption that the trove guest image for a given deployment is public isn't usually true. In almost all deployments of Trove that I have seen, the trove guest-image is protected and only deployable by the Trove service into a specific 'Trove' tenant.21:58
flwangSlickNik: ok, thanks21:59
flwangSlickNik: btw, if we configure trove to deploy all db vm into service tenant, the security concern should be addressed then, right?22:00
SlickNikflwang: Yes, the security concern is mitigated quite a bit by deploying into a service-tenant.22:01
flwangSlickNik: if the db vm is deployed into service tenant, then does that mean we need an extra network to make sure the db vm and talk with user's app vm?22:03
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SlickNikflwang: Yes, Trove supports adding extra networks to the db instances dynamically at instance creation time using the --nic parameter.22:05
flwangSlickNik: nice22:05
toskyflwang: or you need a separate rabbitmq instance, or maybe something using rabbitmq virtualhosts22:05
toskynot all deployments put the VMs in a separate tenant22:05
flwangtosky: yep, that exactly triggers my another question22:06
flwangsince we're going to deploy trove into our public cloud22:06
flwangso we don't really want to put db vm into service tenant for scaling and billing concerns22:06
flwangtosky: if we configure trove to deploy db vm into user's tenant, then what's the best practise? thanks22:07
toskyflwang: separate rabbitmq22:07
toskybut not take my words as "the official best practise"22:07
toskyI simply remember the discussions22:07
flwangtosky: but with separated mq, user still can grab the mq password, right?22:07
flwangand the 'black' user may fork a message to delete another user's db22:08
toskyflwang: well, that at least prevents access to the system bus22:09
flwangin other words, a separated mq still can't resolve this issue
openstackLaunchpad bug 1445295 in OpenStack DBaaS (Trove) "Guestagent config leaks rabbit password" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Amrith (amrith)22:09
flwangthe only benefit is the separate mq crack won't  impact the infra22:09
flwangpls fix me if i missing something22:09
toskycall it "only" :)22:10
toskyyes, it's the required first step22:10
toskythen you can try to mitigate (no shell access to the instance), but still you need to make sure that the user does not have shell access through the database tools22:11
toskyI'd suggest you to reopen the discussion about the topic on the list, and/or attend the next Trove weekly meeting22:12
flwangtosky: i know this topic has been raised many times but still can't find an official link about this from trove team22:13
daleestosky, there is no need for shell or breaking in to the instance - if the trove instance is deployed in a user tenant it can be snapshotted and mounted. ive done this myself while investigating this issue.22:14
flwangtosky: SlickNik: do you think a dedicated MQ(rabbit) account per tenant deserves a blueprint/spec to track this?22:14
toskydalees: that too22:15
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flwangtosky: SlickNik: do you think a dedicated MQ(rabbit) account and dedicated MQ topic per tenant deserves a blueprint/spec to track this issue?22:40
toskyflwang: I'm not the one who can answer; my suggestion (mailing list and/or trove meeting) stands22:47
flwangtosky: i see. thanks22:48
flwangtosky: btw, when you said 'make sure that the user does not have shell access through the database tools',  did you mean it's possible get into the instance though some database tool?22:49
toskyflwang: speculation on my side; I'm not totally up-to-date with all the advanced functionalities of modern databases, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is the equivalent of a system() call22:50
flwangtosky: i see22:53
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