Friday, 2016-08-05

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mmasakiI tried to fix it.
openstackLaunchpad bug 1485789 in OpenStack DBaaS (Trove) "ubuntu systemd" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Nikhil Manchanda (slicknik)01:48
mmasakiHowever, I found trove-integration doesn't work in Ubuntu 16.04.01:48
mmasakiThere are several problems not only service scripts.01:49
mmasakiHow can we fix them? Now we have trove-image-builder. trove-integration will be maintained after Newton?01:51
mmasakiLet me know I should fix trove-integration to work on Ubuntu 16.04, or I should fix the problem in another way.01:54
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songjianamrith,I have a question, it/trove/run_tests py line203 import_tests () the function, can I delete? Because I see the back of the import are commented out02:07 proposed openstack/trove: Delete #noqa
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove: Fix for tcp_ports configuration in devstack.
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openstackgerritAli Asgar Adil proposed openstack/trove-dashboard: Add support for instance datastore-flavors
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openstackgerritMatthew Van Dijk proposed openstack/trove: Improve guestagent datastore models
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gregragenetIf any devs are online which are familiar w/ the file injection mechanism - I would like to ask some questions rather than hash it out in comments in a bug. I've read the code, and from what I can tell file injection wouldn't work if using the default values for Trove and Nova in Mitaka.17:23
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amrithask away17:32
gregragenetre: my comment on - as best I can tell Trove depends on nova to inject the files through libvirt, but the default libvirt setting is to disable injection. Is there some other mechanism in the mix that I missed when reading through the trove and nova code?17:34
openstackLaunchpad bug 1609915 in OpenStack DBaaS (Trove) "guest_id injection in guest is undocumented" [Undecided,Invalid]17:34
amrithtrove uses config drive17:35
amrithand when it runs, the two injected files end up in /etc/trove/conf.d17:36
gregragenetThe default setting in trove to enable config_drive is false.
amrithyou are correct. We pass the files parameter to nova servers.create() and they get to the guest instance17:39
amrithIt is my assumption that nova does whatever it needs to to get the files there17:41
amrithand I can see that they do in fact show up there17:41
amrithfurthermore, in debugging something recently I did in fact find that it was using config-drive under the covers17:42
amrithso, you've got me on that; I don't know how nova does things17:42
amrithwe just get our files there ...17:42
gregragenetDoes your nova.conf have an 'inject_partition' setting that's something other than '-2'? -2 is the default, which disables file injection.17:43
amrithgrep inject nova.conf17:44
amrithinject_partition = -217:44
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amrithon your guest instance; are you able to ssh into it?17:46
amrithif you are, d17:47
amrithdo this17:47
amrithcd /var/lib/cloud/data/openstack17:47
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gregragenetI'll hop on it and check.17:47
gregragenetI have a /var/lib/cloud/data directory - but not a /var/lib/cloud/data/openstack directory. The image is based on a Trusty cloud image.17:50
amrithok, one second, my image is xenial based but I doubt that's the issue; let me check17:53
amrithgregragenet, go to /var/log/ and look for cloud-init.log17:56
amrithyou should have one17:56
amrithwait, is this a guest with your customized cloud-init file or something else?17:56
gregragenetI can look in cloud-init.log - what should I look for? - this is the instance using the cloudinit file that's basically the same as the one in
gregrageneta few small changes to it - putting in my appropriate openstack settings and adding a debug account so I can login to it.17:59
amrithin that file you should see a line like this18:00
amrithubuntu [CLOUDINIT][DEBUG]: Writing to /etc/trove/conf.d/guest_info.conf18:00
gregragenetalso, for completeness, here's my settings for trove re: server_volume and use_heat:18:01
amrithyou are using heat?18:01
gregragenetegrep -r "^use_heat|^use_nova_server_volume" /etc/trove/*18:01
gregragenet/etc/trove/trove-taskmanager.conf:use_nova_server_volume = False18:01
amrithlook for a line in cloud-init.log that reads: ubuntu [CLOUDINIT][DEBUG]: Running command ['mount', '-o', 'ro,sync', '-t', 'auto',18:01
amriththe next parameter is a config drive devie18:02
amrithwhat is that device?18:02
amrithshould be /dev/sr018:02
gregragenetI will look.. Is your trove*conf set up w/ use_nova_server_volume = True ?18:03
amrithno setting, whatever the default is18:03
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gregragenetI just grepped through cloud-init.log for 'mount' - no mount calls.18:06
gregragenetand just tried mounting /dev/sr0 manually, and the device does not exist.18:07
gregragenethere's the config_drive settings in my nova - which I believe are the defaults: grep config_drive /etc/nova/*18:10
gregragenet/etc/nova/nova.conf:#config_drive_skip_versions=1.0 2007-01-19 2007-03-01 2007-08-29 2007-10-10 2007-12-15 2008-02-01 2008-09-0118:10
gregragenet/etc/nova/policy.json:    "compute_extension:config_drive": "rule:admin_or_owner",18:10
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amrithhow did you setup your nova and trove? are they devstack based or other configuration tools based?18:14
amrithon my setup, nova does have that setting you pointed to (inject_partitions) set to -2. yet I do see a dev/sr018:16
gregragenetRPM packages for Mitaka on CentOS7, then Ansible customizations starting with the install-guide guidance at - and then any changes which were required to get services working.18:16
gregragenetI believe that /dev/sr0 would be from configdrive.18:17
amrithso, I have (in nova.conf)18:17
amrithnova.conf:force_config_drive = True18:17
gregragenetthe default for that is False.
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amrithyes, so mine uses config drive.18:19
amrithso, with your proposed change, how does your cloud-init file make its way over to the guest?18:20
gregragenetbtw, random factoid, looks like you can't do libvirt live migrations w/ the default config_drive_format (iso9660)... but you can if switched to 'vfat'.18:20
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gregragenetthe cloudinit is passed into the nova create call as 'userdata'. That userdata makes its way into the metadata service (haven't looked at the plumbing here). And then when the guest boots and starts cloud-init, which makes a http req to the metadata server using the special ip - it pulls down that cloudconfig file parses it and takes the appropriate actions.18:25
amrithso you are passing your file on the same conduit that is being used for the injected_files taht Trove is trying to send anyway18:26
amrithon your guest, do you have an /etc/trove/conf.d directory?18:27
amrithsince you are getting it from the special metadata IP, you should also see on that server, the meta_data.json file18:28
amrithwhich should include the two injected files18:28
gregragenetLemme look for the meta_data.json, but I feel like I checked for that and didn't see anything trove related. I'll double-check.18:29
ShaikApsaramrith: Could you please review the change
amrithwell, config-drive or metadata-ip are merely conduits; eventually the stuff is processed in the same way in cloud-init18:29
ShaikApsaramrith: This change is for task Manager.publish_quota_notifications failure18:30
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amrithyes, let me check.18:31
gregragenetin the nova_client.servers.create files and userdata are passed in via different arguments (files and userdata). checking into my VM for meta_data.json18:31
amrithShaikApsar, I was confused by the novaclient changes that I see in (
ShaikApsaramrith: 2016-08-04 21:15:09.057 24042 DEBUG oslo_service.periodic_task [-] Running periodic task Manager.publish_quota_notifications run_periodic_tasks /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo_service/
ShaikApsaramrith: Initially i thought issue is with nova client and later i came to know that we were trying to get tenant list using nova client18:34
ShaikApsaramrith: we should use keystone client to get tenant list and i removed all the novaclient changes from my previous patches18:34
ShaikApsaramrith: nova_client = remote.create_nova_client(self.admin_context) is the wrong18:35
gregragenetthis is what's in meta_data.json:18:38
* amrith waits eagerly18:38
gregragenetroot@webui-trove:~# curl 2>/dev/null |python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print obj.keys();'18:38
gregragenet[u'random_seed', u'uuid', u'availability_zone', u'hostname', u'launch_index', u'project_id', u'name']18:38
ShaikApsaramrith: 'for tenant in nova_client.tenants.list():' this line is wrong18:39
gregragenetthe uuid is the uuid for the instance..18:39
amriththat's all correct18:39
amrithlooks like the stuff that trove is providing isn't making it over18:40
amrithmind changing the nova flag (force_config_drive = True) and restarting the nova services and retrying?18:40
amrithwithout your cloud-init change18:40
amrithI'm doing the opposite; removing the force_config_drive = True in nova.conf and retrying18:41
gregragenetI would suspect it would work if I make that change.. ATM the environment I have that I can do that on is a cluster that some other team members are using. so it'll take a little bit for me to make the change.18:48
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amrithand I roached my environment in trying to kill nova; trying to rebuild19:43
gregragenetI'm trying use_nova_server_volume = True in my trove conf, similar (not exact) operation path, but without me having to coordinate restart of nova across my cluster.19:45
amrithdoes force_config_drive require more of a restart?19:46
gregragenetI wasn't sure if that required restart of all nova-compute instances, or of just the controller side ones. either way, there's other users of nova on this cluster, I'm the only one using trove, so I don't have to coordinate w/ anyone to restart trove services.19:49
amrithmy usual explanation is 'testing high availability'19:50
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gregragenetoops wrong param. I need to change use_nova_server_config_drive in trove. trying again.20:02
gregragenetuse_nova_server_config_drive=True injects /etc/trove/conf.d/guest_info.conf into the VM correctly.20:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove-dashboard: Imported Translations from Zanata
gregragenetSo perhaps that should default to True in ? - given that nova defaults to not automatically creating a config drive unless the nova client (trove) requests it.20:13
amrithgregragenet, that seems to make sense20:14
amrithwith that, does the code on master work for you?20:15
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gregragenetIt works w/ Mitaka, so I'd assume it also works w/ master as the default config settings for Nova and Trove related to config drive have not changed since Mitaka.20:23
gregragenetI have to drop off.. meeting w/ the Hadoop guys to deliver the bad news that I don't have Sahara up yet. Thank you for all the time and help debugging this.20:25
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/trove: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-troveclient: Add vCPUs to flavor-list
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove: Introduce "icmp" option for security group rule
openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove: Fix config registration for Trove tempest plugin
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amrithgregragenet, thanks for your help getting to the bottom of this.21:45
amrithgregragenet, you are correct; my question re: works with master was to say that it works without your proposed change to cloud-init etc.,21:46
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gregragenetyes. we can drop the cloud init change - it is unnecessary assuming the docs make the injection mechanisms incl. the config_drive setting, and having that default to True. I'd really like there to be an explicit error message when trove-guestagent starts up and guest_id is Null - that cost me a lot of time troubleshooting, and I think it may affect a lot of users if their guestimages are misconfigured such that they don't read in the correct21:56
gregragenet injected files.21:57
amrithgood points, I'll update the bug and re-open it21:58
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amrithgregragenet, would you please resubmit your change with the change to the default; use_nova_server_config_drive = True and let's get the CI to run through it. Also a similar change in trove-integration to establish it for the future. thx22:06
amrithalso any additional error message changes in guestagent; I think all of those should be fine.22:07
gregragenetI just abandoned my cloudinit pr... but i'll start a new one.. it may take me a bit to find the correct spot to detect and error out that the guest_id is missing.22:08
amrithI'll post some suggestions in the bug; I'm thinking trove/cmd/ would be a good place to start22:10
gregragenetyes. that looks like an obvious place. RuntimeError, same as if datastore_manager is missing?22:12
amrithyes, I'm trying it out22:12
amrithI'm surprised that your system didn't fail with that error22:13
amrithI'd assume that you would have tripped on that22:13
amrithsince datastore_manager only comes from the injected files22:13
amrithyes, as best as I can tell, you should have hit that error22:18
amrithsorry, fat fingered it22:20
gregragenetI probably did get the error for datastore_manager, but then that param will always be the same value across all guests for a given datastore, so the value can be baked into the image, or injected via cloud-init.22:27
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