Monday, 2017-01-30

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andreykurilinamrith: wow. Most jobs had already succeeded.00:57
andreykurilinWe did it!00:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove: unwedge the gate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove: Add i18n translation to extensions 3/3
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/trove: Adding mongodb support to xenial
rpittauhi all o/09:11
rpittauseeing an exception when running root-disable in newton09:13
rpittauBadRequest: Username root is not valid: 'root' is not a valid user name. (HTTP400)09:13
rpittauroot-enable works fine09:14
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amrithandreykurilin, yes, we did it (something)11:53
amrithhave to still figure out why I had to whack one method to just nullify it11:53
amriththis is a problem for upgrade11:53
amrithandreykurilin, thanks much for your help11:53
amrithdougshelley66, you will want to take a look at this change very closely as it will cause your hair to curl11:53
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amrithhi rpittau12:21
rpittauhi amrith12:21
amrithnot sure what that is. what datastore?12:21
amrithin newton?12:22
rpittauit seems a bug, the root user should have ignore_users set to []12:22
rpittauI have client version 2.7.0 and server 6.0.012:23
rpittauserver = guestagent12:23
amrithno matter what user, there is a set of ignore_users12:28
amrithfor example, the internal users.12:28
amrithyou should NOT be able to muck with those through trove12:28
amriththat's my understanding of how ignore_users works12:28
rpittauyes but I found that in mysql the root user is a special user12:28
amrithyou should ONLY be able to manipulate root user through root-enable/disable commands12:28
amrithyes, that's why it should be in ignore_users.12:29
rpittaubut when I'm using root-disable12:29
rpittauI get that excepion12:29
amrithok, i understand. I am merely saying that the statement "the root user should have ignore_users set to []" is false.12:29
rpittauoh ok, because it's how it's set in mysql, at least my understanding of how it's implemented as special mysql user12:30
amrithroot is a db user12:30
amritha db user has no ignore_users list12:30
amrithan ignore_users list is a server wide configuration12:30
amrithhopefully per datastore12:30
rpittauhold on, let me find that in the code12:31
amrithso I don't understand the statement "the root user should have ignore_users set to []"12:31
rpittauI'm sorry, it should set the ignore_users to []12:33
rpittauif you look at the RootUser class for mysql12:34
rpittauOverrides _ignore_users from the MySQLUser class.12:35
rpittauunder trove/guestagent/db/models.py12:36
rpittauline 102212:36
amrithone second12:39
rpittausure :)12:39
amrithok, am back12:49
amrithhmm, what's /db/?12:50
amrithis this specific to newton?12:50
amrithor are you on master?12:50
rpittauI'm on newton12:50
amrithone second, let me switch branches12:51
amrithok, so where are you getting this exception?12:53
rpittauit's in trove/guestagent/db/models.py12:54
rpittauline 95312:54
rpittauthe _is_valid_user_name function is checking the _ignore_users value12:54
rpittauI guess the ignore_users value is set to [] only during root-enable ?12:56
amrithshould also set it in root-disable13:26
amrithI think13:26
amrithnot in general13:26
amrithbut in root-disable13:26
amriththis is all different in ocata13:27
rpittauyeah, I saw it13:27
rpittauI believe the disable command sent by the client is a delete13:27
rpittauthat's probably why the root user is still ignored13:27
amrithbut since you are talking about newton, fixing this will be hard13:35
rpittauI understand13:35
amrithbecause the only fixes allowed in newton (stable) will be backports.13:35
rpittauI will give it a try with ocata13:36
amrithso it would be great if you can find a fix you can backport into newton from master13:36
amrithbut I don't see one immediately13:36
rpittaume neither, the structure is very different13:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove: Add i18n translation to others 3/3
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openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack/trove: TrivialFix: Use os_cache instead of no_cache
openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack/trove: TrivialFix: Use os_cache instead of no_cache
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openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack/trove: Fix Deprecation: context property tenant
openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack/trove: Fix Deprecation: context property tenant
openstackgerritMerged openstack/trove: Add i18n tranlastion to guestagent datastore 2/5
openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack/trove: Fix Deprecation: context property tenant
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trevormcI have an odd suspicion that the gate cannot bring up an instance for the same reason I can't. I don't know what's causing it but whenever I do operations as the demo user I can bring up an instance, otherwise I get timeouts.23:52
trevormcThis job failed because of a timeout and this line made me think it has to do with being an admin because module create works just not as admin.

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