Wednesday, 2021-06-09

yugegePlease take a look,I have improved the commit message : , many thanks!03:05
lxkongyugege: I didn't see this patch has been updated06:05
lxkongThe commit message is still the same06:05
*** siziyu has joined #openstack-trove06:09
siziyuBut i edit it in the web06:10
siziyuAnd saved06:10
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*** siziyu is now known as yugege06:16
yugegeReally, it has changed in my web06:19
lxkongyou need to publish your change07:25
yugegeHow to publish my commit message? git commit -a --amend?07:44
yugegeWhen I just want to update my commit message,what should I?07:50
yugegeWhen I just want to update my commit message,what should I do?07:55
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*** lowercase has joined #openstack-trove14:48
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