Sunday, 2022-03-13

opendevreviewHirotaka Wakabayashi proposed openstack/trove master: Stop using deprecated functions in std Python lib
hiwkbygrami[m]: Hello, I am not a maintainer of Trove, but the following patch may be useful for you if trove-dashboard sends an invalid(old) request to trove-api when creating an instance.10:51
hiwkbyDoes anybody kindly merge the following PR? TaskManager from master branch is failing to start.
hiwkbyThis patch should be merged soon because unit tests on master branch are failing too. This means the other issues on master branch will be blocked until this patch is merged.11:15
grami[m]hiwkby: thanks yeah tried my Google fu but was not coming up with anything so thought did anyone else have this problem. Thanks for the link I'll see if I can patch at test.  11:18

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