Wednesday, 2024-03-13

opendevreviewwu.chunyang proposed openstack/trove master: Remove use of autocommit
hamburglerHey all, having a bit of a hard time figuring this out backups, I get this error while doing this - -, Swift is configured correctly, logs can dump to it etc, I'm a bit confused as to 1) whether to place docker_image and backup_docker_image in trove.conf or trove-guestagent.conf - I have seen examples using [mysql] header in either, and depending 16:35
hamburglerwhich file that is, unsure of the syntax to be used here,, I looked through options in and can't seem to make heads or tails there
tkajinamhamburgler, I've never deployed used trove, but bsed on the way config files are used, you sould put these to trove-guestagent.conf. the file will be injected to trove instances16:39
tkajinamhamburgler, I don't think you need that "docker pull" part. AFAIK these need image names16:39
hamburgleroops sorry i tried without docker pull :) that shouldnt be there16:40
tkajinamhamburgler, did you set datastore_manager in trove-guestagent.conf ?16:43
hamburgleri did not but it does say it defaults to mysql16:43
tkajinamhamburgler, there might be a logic I overlooked but this line says it defaults to None16:45
hamburglerhmm one sec let me run it16:45
tkajinamhamburgler, I've seen that Trove PTL responds to questions in ml. probably you can get better response in ml16:47
tkajinamI think his (or her ?) irc nick is wuchunyang but I've never seen that account for a while16:49
hamburgler2024-03-13 09:45:53.311 68 WARNING trove.common.cfg [None req-ae148117-7e01-4d10-b693-31f3ac08f6d2 2b59ac8eeab74e4f9940452d973276c5 e19406d9b28d48c6b53e5f7172ae9d50 - - - -] Manager name ('datastore_manager') not defined, using 'mysql' options instead.16:52
hamburglerso when it is not defined it is using that16:52
tkajinamoh, ok17:01
tkajinamI may try re-creating the db instance (if you haven't tried it after you modified trove-guestagent.conf ... that's all I can think of now17:04
tkajinamas I mentioned earlier  asking help in ml would be a better option now17:04
hamburgleryeah it does work without using backups if i dont specifying everything, i can use the database, just not backup which is frustrating17:11
hamburglerwill check there17:11
hamburglerty :)17:11

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