Monday, 2017-07-24

mrhillsmanjamemcc you around?05:40
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jamemccHi Melvin16:48
jamemccLooks like UC meeting cancelled for today.  Guess we need to get coordinated better.  I had added the 1 agenda item that is there on Friday.16:51
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openstackgerritEdgar Magana proposed openstack/governance-uc master: Adding Amy are offcial for UC election
openstackgerritEdgar Magana proposed openstack/governance-uc master: Adding Amy as offcial for UC election August 2017
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mrhillsmanyou still around jamemcc20:03
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mrhillsmanugh, firewall is real21:07
rockygoh, yeah.21:27
mrhillsmani finally have stable connection21:35
rockygHow?  I use iaccess there for lots, but can't for irc21:36
mrhillsmanoriginally i setup openvpn on a digital ocean droplet21:39
mrhillsmanand it was working fine21:39
mrhillsmanbut i guess it got tagged or something idk, it just stopped working, tried another, same21:39
mrhillsmanflavio mentioned purevpn and it looks to be working thus far21:39
rockygcool.  Yeah, the govt is cracking down on unregistered vpns21:41
mrhillsmanit costs of course but i think i will grab the 2yr plan21:41
mrhillsmani just bought one month to try21:42
mrhillsmanthere's 7 day trial21:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance-uc master: Adding Amy as offcial for UC election August 2017
rockygAh.  Well, with the new rules for ISPs and carriers in the US, youl\'ll want a good one, anyway21:42
rockygSo, you're either up *really* early or *realy* late21:43
mrhillsmanwas up really early21:43
mrhillsmanwell, i guess i still am, it's 5:43am21:43
mrhillsmani got up around 421:43
mrhillsmanand fought trying to get on the internet for about an hour or so :)21:44
rockygSo, nap around 1pm?21:44
rockygThey all do that in China.21:44
rockygAt least at Huawei.21:44
mrhillsmannope, no nap21:44
mrhillsmanbut i have been able to get to bed before 921:44
mrhillsmani normally wake up around 5:3021:44
rockygOuch.  One of those "morning" people21:45
rockygMilitary training?21:45
mrhillsmanhigh school21:45
mrhillsmanbus is a bit too far to walk so early with the way things are today21:46
mrhillsmanso i drop him off at the stop21:46
rockygAre you going to Shenzhen after OS Days?21:47
mrhillsmannah, probably after orientation in september21:48
mrhillsmanalong with lance21:48
mrhillsmanand whoever else joins team21:48
rockygOh.  good choice!21:48
rockygYou going to the PTG?21:48
rockygNot sure for me yet.  I'd have to do it through Quality and Ops.  No budget for me on the OSDT21:49
mrhillsmanah ok21:50
mrhillsmani had a chance to talk with chris hoge to really understand interop21:50
rockygBut, if we could get a cross project session on public cloud canonical roles, that could go a long way21:50
mrhillsmanis there a thread discussing that already?21:50
mrhillsmani am meeting with folks working the clamping the apps gap and interop21:51
mrhillsmannothing other than that, probably just go to other sessions relevant to those21:51
rockygno thread yet.  Problem with starting that thread is that most developers don't get it, so we need a dev who does to start the thread.  I bet Lance does21:54
rockygZhipeng does, but is not comfortable yet starting threads.  And these devs don't seem to be particularly up on basic  design tools like truth tables for permission.21:55
rockygI've gotten so cynical.21:55
rockygAnd, we're in a recorded channel ;-)21:55
mrhillsmanyes...yes you have hehe21:55
mrhillsmanconfession is the first step to recovery :)21:56
rockygI'm not sure there is a cure for this one.21:56
mrhillsmani think we basically just need to first put up the user story, maybe through product working group dev proposal or what not, and work with Lance or some other folks to round it out21:57
mrhillsmanprobably not good to simply introduce it at the PTG21:57
mrhillsmanlike the whole idea of SIGs - get the discussion going between folks not pushing for implementation but dialogue first and then sort out what can/cannot be done later21:58
rockygWe'd need to schedule the session in advance anyway.  I can email Lance.  I think our PTLs plus you and Zhipeng can flesh a start out, then bring in the Publicl cloud operators.21:59
rockygUser stories don't seem to have *any* traction.21:59
mrhillsmanand we do not necessarily need PTLs or Cores but just some developers who understand openstack and can help shaping the convo21:59
rockyg True.22:00
rockygLemme talk with Zhipeng about getting a truth table out of the Pub Cld WG with all the archetypes defined.  If we start from there, the devs who get it can steer.22:01
mrhillsmanyeah, i think that is the key, just ensuring we have a well-rounded discussion from the jump and always push for input from all stakeholders22:01
rockygcool.  If we get the public right, we get the scientific to review and we should have it pretty much in good shape.22:02
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