Tuesday, 2018-03-20

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spotzNice mail jamesmcarthur15:44
jamesmcarthur:) thanks spotz:15:45
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mrhillsmani have a concern that i am trying to figure out the right words re that thread16:32
mrhillsmanre the branding, chris (ops meetup team) mentions often that he has issue with some wording and feeling like it is not for him16:34
spotzmrhillsman: That's why I liked Thierry's use of contributer16:34
mrhillsmanin particular16:34
mrhillsman"Who Should Not Attend16:34
mrhillsman09:39 The event is not optimized for non-contributors or people who can’t relate to a specific project team. Each team is given a single room and attendees are expected to spend all their time with their project team. Attendees who can’t pick a specific team to work with are encouraged to skip the event in favor of attending the OpenStack Summit, where a broader range of topics is discussed."16:34
mrhillsmanagreed and i was going to comment, but wanted to hold off, and ask something here16:35
mrhillsmanbecause of that16:35
mrhillsmanit made me think again back to what VW has been saying16:35
mrhillsmanwhat software should do + how software should do it16:36
spotzI guess working most closely with OSA we are very heavy on working with OPs and their feedback16:36
mrhillsmanand i think we have to be careful - correct me if i am wrong or i would like comments - of the "ptg" being discussion about "what software should do"16:36
mrhillsmanthierry mentioned some concern around the ptg also becoming less focused on actual work as initially intended16:37
mrhillsmankind of in passing when we were in dublin16:38
spotzI always took PTG (and keep in mind I haven't attended but did attend a couple mid-cycles) this as what should our priorities be for this cycle and how can we meet them16:38
spotzAnd then fleshing things out. This from attending OSA and Barbican only though16:39
VWno ptg (or the actual part of teams in rooms around specific projects) should be "how we should make the software work"16:39
mrhillsmanfrom being there, at least from my perspective and what i have been exposed to, first 2 days are that, when the other three days being getting started on work where you can16:39
VWforum sessions with dev+ops are "what should the software do"16:39
mrhillsmansorry if i am getting them mixed up16:39
VWwell, those are technically my view of the world put in to words16:40
VWso nothing official about them :)16:40
mrhillsmani agree, i like trying to boil things down to the basics as well16:40
VWbut yes, if the events are combined, then we need to honor the intent that a large part of what is ops midcycle today is intended to build connections, introduce folks to the community and, ideally, generate common feedback to drive change16:41
mrhillsmanwhile the ops midcycle in my view is both16:41
VWthe spirit of the PTG as it has been has been to allow dev teams to work on specific items for the N+1 release16:41
VWso that should be honored too16:42
VWin what ever the combined event looks like16:42
spotzWHich from the letter would be done in nightly mingling and the possibility of in the hallways16:42
mrhillsmani just think one of the key things we are missing from ops midcycle - again my perspective and what i have noticed - is the getting together and work on this piece16:43
VWyes - we need to push hard on getting more "tangible" output16:44
VWbut still give a safe space for new ops/users to get integrated16:44
spotzmrhillsman: So say folks interested in X tpoic or issue getting together to figure out what they need or how to do it?16:44
mrhillsmani only have one example i can make sense/explain well i think16:45
mrhillsmanwe have had a session about it at everyone ops midcycle16:45
mrhillsmanand the session has always ended up being a list of tools folks use at the end of the day16:47
mrhillsmani think it would be good for that to move to, most of us use nagios, what can we do to improve the state of nagios+openstack16:47
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spotzSo would it be more helpful if on a second day or the next midcycle folks do a workshop on how they use the top 3-5?16:47
mrhillsmanand then when the next midcycle happens16:47
mrhillsmanstill have the what are you using, here's the currently most supported/working, you could start here and help work here16:47
VWI don't love monitoring as an example only because I don't think it's "openstack's" place to solve monitoring16:48
VWbut I understand your point16:48
mrhillsmancool, please help with better example lol16:48
mrhillsmani just cannot get my brain to do it16:49
spotzI cam from a monitoring company so love good monitoring but... :)16:49
mrhillsmanand i would hate for the point to be missed because of the example/analogy being bad16:49
mrhillsmanit is a pain point imo like deployment tools16:50
mrhillsmanwe did not have, now we do16:50
mrhillsmannot that we are going to solve every op issue of course16:50
spotzSo is that maybe a good example to use, it tells a success story16:50
mrhillsmanbut the general big ticket stuff feels like16:50
mrhillsmanwe should have some collaboration around them16:51
mrhillsmanand there are devs interested but stop participating when ops are not involved16:51
mrhillsmanagain this has been my experience since first midcycle16:51
mrhillsmanlike right now, i got messages from dev/devops/ops folks who attended tokyo about those repos and ops tools in general16:52
spotzexample? Trying to think through the whole isssues to help word16:52
mrhillsmansorry spotz can you elaborate16:58
spotzSo in regards to those repos, what are the messages you're getting?16:59
mrhillsmanwell they are inactive primarily16:59
mrhillsmanand what happens is activity increases because of visibility from the midcycle but it dies down17:00
spotzmrhillsman: But ops are activilely using or they would use if supported?17:00
mrhillsmanthey would use if active17:00
mrhillsmansome are indeed using17:00
mrhillsmansome community folks who have been around use17:01
mrhillsmanand new folks gravitate to them because of course they can potentially help them get up to speed quickly17:01
mrhillsmanwith PoCs and the like17:01
spotzAnd are we sure the projects don't have their own? I know OSA does.17:01
mrhillsmanyeah, i was part of the push for that with osa17:02
mrhillsmanbecause of the lack upstream17:02
mrhillsmanfrom my time with osic17:02
mrhillsmanwe wanted to do it upstream17:02
spotzJust trying to figure out if devs don't know they should be helping there or if ops don't know they exist elsewhere. AKA major communication failures17:02
mrhillsmannon-tool specific rather17:03
mrhillsmanfrom the guy who started the repos, he said he felt like not enough folks were getting involved17:03
mrhillsmansorry, lost connection for a moment17:04
mrhillsmanwe're going to start back having meetings next month in an attempt to try again17:05
spotzJust trying to figure out if devs don't know they should be helping there or if ops don't know they exist elsewhere. AKA major communication failures -repost in case missed17:05
mrhillsmanand i am hoping with openlab resources we have a chance to have an environment where these things can be tested17:05
mrhillsmanyeah, comms is a part of the issue17:05
mrhillsmanbut i think even with comms, not having a workflow that is solid may be the root17:06
mrhillsmanimho the repos have been serving as catch-alls17:06
mrhillsmanthat is getting into the weeds a bit of course17:08
spotzWell a few things just looking about, 'a location for OPerators' then a link to 'developers.html' I don't think I've ever had an OPs person show up at the git and gerrit lunch and learns17:08
spotzOh and use at your own risk:)17:08
spotzBut yeah this next repo I looked at is 2 years old:(17:10
spotznova has something 4 months old17:10
mrhillsmanyeah it's spotty17:11
spotzSo maybe a great forum tpoic would be on those repos, how to contribute, how to ask a project for help?17:12
mrhillsmani think first would be for osops17:13
spotzI'm assuming it's ops maintained for the most part with dev assistance?17:13
mrhillsmanhere is that project for osa - https://github.com/openstack/monitorstack17:14
mrhillsmanit came out of a lack of collaboration in osops around monitoring17:14
mrhillsmanunless it went a different direction, it is not specific to osa right, but it is maintained by the osa folks well17:15
spotzNot many folks ask for help on it in the channel, this is the one I was thinking of https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-ops17:15
mrhillsmanah yes, that one too :)17:16
mrhillsmanthe osic devops team i was working with was helping with that17:16
spotzYeah it's still maintained when need be:)17:17
mrhillsmanfor example the influxdb stuff we heavily worked on and probably why it is not touched as much17:17
spotzBut OSA is heavy ops and has great relationships both ways17:17
mrhillsmanbecause one of the things we wanted to do was use it to build up ideas around doing opsy things with your openstack17:17
mrhillsmanyes, that is the ideal state i think for all things that sit in the middle17:18
mrhillsmanso it is a deployment tool which is enough of a concern that it galvanizes folks who contribute and/or use openstack17:19
mrhillsmanwe were trying to push monitoring, fleet management, etc17:19
spotzSo we can see who else are in the middle and make sure everyone is talking between the 2 sides. But how  can we get ops/devs to talk more elsewhere?17:19
mrhillsmani do not think we can have a single solution honestly17:20
mrhillsmanSIGs i think are going down the path to helping17:20
mrhillsmanco-locating/re-branding/adjusting PTG/Ops Midcycle17:21
mrhillsmanthe Forum17:21
spotzEveryone deploys differently, a single overall solution would not be good. But like you mentioned a workflow17:21
mrhillsmanSo i think maybe getting that work^17:21
spotzA how to get help, a how to communicate, etc17:21
spotzEven just a point of contact17:22
mrhillsmanwe started working on this right - https://www.openstack.org/community/17:22
mrhillsmanand i believe Jimmy, Lauren, etc are always working and wanting feedback - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/UC-Rocky-PTG17:22
mrhillsmanline 10817:22
mrhillsmanso i think we are moving great down the path of getting folks introduced into the community and over time will understand where we can make additional adjustments17:24
mrhillsmanwe have moved quite a bit from my original post lol i think17:26
spotzSo I think you have the content of your post:)17:26
mrhillsmanbut yeah, just wanted to get some feedback17:26
spotzNo I think it's all related17:26
spotzThat's why I like talking things out and asking questions, you get to the meat of things17:26
spotzWow San Antonio meetup hasn't done anything in a year:(17:28
mrhillsmanhouston has not done anything in a year at least too i think17:28
mrhillsmanwell, we participated in the 24 hour devops thing17:28
mrhillsmanbut that was all online17:28
spotzI've gone to 2 of the Austin ones17:29
spotzhelps living in the middle17:30
mrhillsmani am thinking about moving nearer to austin, not sure yet17:30
mrhillsmanbut for the activity compared to Dallas, Houston, San Antonio17:30
spotzI like Austin, not necessarily the traffic or the cost:)17:31
mrhillsmanjust unreasonably far for "water cooler" talking/networking17:31
spotzI miss that part of Castle for sure17:31
spotzOk I just joined SA and Austin from our groups though already in the meetup for Austin17:34
mrhillsmanactually just reminded me of something17:35
mrhillsmanneed to email ashlee to email ambassadors to ask their user groups for forum topics :)17:37
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jamesmcarthurjust catching up on this18:16
jamesmcarthurBased on teh discussion today, it still feels like Ops Meetups are stuck on either "nobody is engaging, so we have to present" or "people are upset about X"18:17
jamesmcarthurIt feels like if we can provide a framework for conversation and how to improve the software, that would be very well received.18:17
jamesmcarthurAnd result in good engagement.18:17
mrhillsmani think from the improving software perspective we have the things in place18:29
mrhillsmanand are moving in a good direction18:29
mrhillsmansoftware being "openstack proper" (nova, neutron, glance, etc), not tooling related18:30
mrhillsmanbut there are things that ease using/operating openstack18:30
mrhillsmanthat are relevant primarily to ops midcycle18:31
mrhillsmanand so with the proposed ptg/midcycle changes, how do we ensure that work is done, as imho it is the missing piece coming out of midcycle18:32
mrhillsmani am not sure deployment tools came out of midcycle but are a good example of bringing home the point18:32
mrhillsmanrather than spending a large number of cycles with, "openstack is too hard to deploy", x thing is hard for users/operators/app-devs, we can work on y thing to address x18:34
mrhillsmanvs x thing is hard discussion being prolonged18:34
jamesmcarthurRight - I think you have to set goals for the attendees.18:35
jamesmcarthurLike the first thing that should be said at the start of the Meetup is: Our goal is to identify 5 ways in which we can make the software better for users.18:36
jamesmcarthurOr somesuch18:36
jamesmcarthurAnd just have every work session focus back on those primary goals.18:36
mrhillsmanalso in addressing chris' concern which is related18:36
mrhillsmanif we are talking about combining18:37
mrhillsmangoing back to matt's what vs how we do that more or less at the ops midcycle granted varying degrees18:38
mrhillsman"then we need to honor the intent that a large part of what is ops midcycle today is intended to build connections, introduce folks to the community and, ideally, generate common feedback to drive change"18:41
spotzI don't see where the 'intent' isn't kept and perhaps made more beneficial as long as we make sure neither side seems slighted18:53
* VW needs to read lots of scroll back18:57
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mrhillsmanpeople get caught up - rightfully so at times - on words19:18
mrhillsmanso i just wanted to be sure we thought a bit more about the messaging and had very clear messaging19:18
mrhillsmanand also again from a personal opinion/hope/perspective to think about work beyond the projects used to build "openstack" to those that help use/operator19:19
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