Monday, 2018-04-23

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zioprotoI just wanted to drop by to say that 18:00 UTC is 20:00 in my time zone ... I will try to attend the meeting if I am already done feeding my daughter. Cheers :)11:40
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spotzI thinkit's meeting time, anyone else about?14:05
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spotzHey VW, I think it's just us14:10
VW18:00 today14:10
VWbut it's good to "see" you this morning :)14:10
spotzI'm always back from the barn 9ish:)14:11
spotzTraffic into SA has gotten worse so I drive in earlier but then have to wait while pony finishes eating or until I decide to just let her finish in her paddock:)14:12
VWI see14:12
spotz#ponyworldproblems Though most ponies EAT everything in front of them14:13
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VW_we doing this?18:03
apriceJimmy and I are here18:04
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VWOk - one second18:04
VW#startmeeting uc18:05
openstackMeeting started Mon Apr 23 18:05:28 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is VW. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:05
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'uc'18:05
VWreminder - current agenda items are here - #link
VW#topic roll call18:06
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VW#chair mrhillsman zioproto spotz18:07
openstackCurrent chairs: VW mrhillsman spotz zioproto18:07
john_studarusHello! N. America ambassador here - first time attender18:08
spotzWelcome john_studarus18:08
VWhello john_studarus - glad you can be here18:08
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VW#chair leong18:09
openstackCurrent chairs: VW leong mrhillsman spotz zioproto18:09
john_studarusThanks! Three OSt meetups last week so it is nice to do something virtually - way less exhausting  :)18:09
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VWalrighty then.  We have a modes group.  Let's keep on moving18:10
VW#topic Vancouver UC Events18:10
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leongsorry was late..18:10
VWno problem leong18:10
VWgood to see you18:10
VWjamesmca_: are you the best person to talk about the current list and status of the events and sessions we really want UC folks in18:11
jamesmca_VW: there are a few things....18:11
jamesmca_Tues & Wed will have one room almost entirely dedicated to Ops related sessions18:12
jamesmca_Thur @ 2:45 is the UC/Ambassador/User Group session18:12
jamesmca_It would also be good to know who will be tehre on Sunday to join the joint Board/TC/UC meeting18:13
jamesmca_to represent the UC18:13
VWI'll be there18:13
spotzjamesmca_: Just let me know and I'll show up from OUI18:13
VWit's probably all afternoon, spotz - just fyi18:14
jamesmca_Basically, it would be good to have someone from the UC in the room to address questions that might come up.18:15
spotzvw We'll be in there all day, just need to know when to excuse myself and where to show up:)18:15
jamesmca_The UC also has the opportunity to speak on the agenda, if that's something you all want.18:15
VWyep - I'll be there.  Sounds like spotz will be around and I bet mrhillsman will be there18:15
VWwhen do we have to have agenda stuff submitted?18:16
mrhillsmanhad something run over18:16
leongjust fyi.. @leong won't be at vancouver summit this time18:17
VWvisa issues, right?18:17
jamesmca_VW: I'm not sure, but I believe it's ASAP18:17
VWOK - I put an agenda item to touch on that next week18:17
mrhillsmani'll be there Sunday and i hope to be in the joint session the entire time18:18
jamesmca_Also encouraged for UC to attend the meeting tomorrow as well18:18
mrhillsmansomething internal may come up but unless there is something my wife really needs me for i will be there18:18
jamesmca_9-11am Central18:18
mrhillsman++ Thank you for reminder on the time :)18:18
mrhillsmani believe it is on my calendar but things :)18:19
VWcan someone either send (or share the link for) the details18:19
jamesmca_Re: forum - we tried to put all the Ops related topics back to back on Tues/Wed. I can't think of any critical general sessions everyone should be at.18:19
mrhillsmani have 7am jamesmca_18:19
mrhillsmanTraining session reminder: OpenStack Board Meeting, April 24, 2018 7am pacific, conference call18:19
apriceVW: here is the link for tomorrow's board meeting:
jamesmca_@mrhillsman: that's pacific18:19
spotzI should be ok, meeting at 11:3018:20
mrhillsmanah, damn u google18:20
leongVW: is more on USA visa issues on return18:20
mrhillsmani just looked at the time ;)18:20
VWOk - so for Vancover: spots, VW and mrhillsman will attend as much of the joint session as we can on Sunday.  Lots of Ops stuff Tues, Wed and they double session with abassodors and user groups on Thursday18:21
VW#actoin mrhillsman VW spotz leong zioproto Have any ideas for board meeting topics in Vancouver thought of by 4/30 meeting18:21
spotzvw - typo on that18:22
jamesmca_VW: I would consider presenting on the plans we discussed at Dublin PTG and subsequent decisions made by UC18:22
VWthat's reasonable18:22
mrhillsmanwe can start an etherpad to flush out details?18:23
jamesmca_We kind of already do have an etherpad ;)18:23
jamesmca_The one from PTG that outlines all the decisions UC is currently voting on.18:23
mrhillsmanthat one with...18:23
jamesmca_Basically, we need to outline decisions, UC votes, and roadmap for agenda for the coming year.18:24
VWso, we need to get some work going on turning all that into presentation materail18:27
VWmaterial even18:27
VWprobably outside of normal meeting times18:29
jamesmca_Yeah... we could just use the etherpad as a fraemwork for a slide deck18:30
jamesmca_I have an openstack powerpoint template you all can use18:30
VWcool - upload that to a google docs presentation or something and we can start from there18:31
VWthe last thing I had for vancouver is we had talked about meet and greet and/or breakfast18:32
VWany more word on that jamesmca_18:32
jamesmca_no sir18:32
jamesmca_^^ that's the link to the powerpoint template18:33
mrhillsmani have one that is in slides and editable18:34
jamesmca_that one is in slides and editable... or it should be :)18:35
mrhillsmanunless you do jamesmca_18:35
leongme too...:-)18:35
mrhillsmani think it is creating a new one though for each click18:35
mrhillsmani could be wrong18:36
mrhillsmanif someone else opens we can see18:36
jamesmca_it's just a blank slide deck18:36
jamesmca_you can download it and edit it18:36
mrhillsmanbut edit it online together18:37
leong+1 mrhillsman18:38
jamesmca_right, the one that I shared has sample pages for different types of content18:38
jamesmca_can be converted to a google deck18:38
jamesmca_whatever works for y'all though :)18:38
mrhillsmanthis one has them too18:39
mrhillsmanmy guess is chris uploaded it all18:39
mrhillsmanwhen you go to add a new slide it shows the other sample pages but either way works we can just consolidate when the time comes if someone chooses either way18:40
jamesmca_sounds good :)18:40
spotzHa and here I was thinking it auto added the users name until companies showed up:)18:42
leongshould we also try to get all WG/Team to provide a quick summary update?18:42
mrhillsmani think it is reasonable to ask18:44
leongi will ping Financial Team18:44
mrhillsmani can add a slide for each of the items in the etherpad18:45
VWso, time check - 15 minutes18:45
mrhillsmanand put the info from each in the speaker notes18:45
mrhillsmanleong what do you think about an email to the leaders of them18:46
mrhillsmani know financial is sensible because of some potential language barrier18:46
mrhillsmanjimmy has that spreadsheet with each leaders name and email18:46
leongmrhillsman: you mean sending an email to each Team/WG leader?18:47
mrhillsmanthat or all of them at once18:47
leongook.. i will do that18:47
mrhillsmannot sure if we have then update the deck itself or just ask for 1 or 2 top things to update board/tc/uc on18:47
leongwhat about SIG? should those fall under UC updtes?18:48
leongmrhillsman: they can just email to UC/me and we will update the deck in a more consistent manner?18:48
jamesmca_leong: since SIGs aren't under official governance (or co-governance), I'm not sure where that would fall18:49
leongjamesmca_: that's the tricky part..18:50
mrhillsmani believe thierry and i discussed doing an update18:50
mrhillsmani will check back with him, that was some time ago18:50
leongso i am wondering in the future where and how this SIG will provide updates to UC/TC/Board?18:50
VWI don't know that the board needs to have specific updates from every WG, Team or SIG18:51
VWthat's a lot more granular than a board needs to go18:51
VWI don't think it hurts for us to include key highlights from teams and working groups under our watch in our update18:51
jamesmca_VW: agreed - i think some highlights would be enough18:52
mrhillsmanyeah, things to be aware of18:52
mrhillsmanlike when the product team spun down18:52
mrhillsmani will ping thierry re sig update18:52
VWwe only have a few minutes18:53
mrhillsmanwe did previously and kept it high-level18:53
VWI'm going to bump the next two agenda items to next week?18:53
VWThis has been useful discussion18:54
mrhillsmansounds good18:54
jamesmca_2 quick things:18:55
leong@action leong to email team/wg leader to request for update18:55
jamesmca_- Take the user survey!18:55
mrhillsmanthat will give me a chance to watch the videos which i missed the link being sent out because i chose digest -_-18:55
VW#topic other business18:55
*** openstack changes topic to "other business (Meeting topic: uc)"18:55
jamesmca_- And the second I'll save til next week18:55
leong@action mrhillsman to check with theirry on sig update18:55
VWFYI - I will be iffy next week for attendance18:55
mrhillsmanits (hash)action :)18:55
VWI'll be in SFO on the 30th for meetings all day18:55
VWbut will try to be on for this18:56
mrhillsman#action leong to email team/wg leader to request for update18:56
mrhillsman#action mrhillsman to check with theirry on sig update18:56
mrhillsmanleong: ^ hash ;)18:56
jamesmca_Please everyone take the user survey and make sure you don't see anything out of sorts.18:56
VWwill do!18:57
mrhillsmanthought it was closed for feedback already18:57
jamesmca_mrhillsman: it is. this is to test functionality and make sure no errors.18:58
mrhillsmanok cool18:58
mrhillsmanwill make sure to do it today sir18:58
mrhillsmanthx for the reminder18:59
VWanything else?18:59
spotz1 minute, only cause I've got diversity next:)18:59
mrhillsmanpara me18:59
jamesmca_thanks everyone :)18:59
VWthanks all for joining.  Start updating your caledars for Vancouver sessions18:59
VWjamesmca_: let us know if breakfast with the UC and/or meet and greet materialize19:00
VWthanks all19:00
mrhillsmanThank you for chairing VW19:00
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openstackMeeting ended Mon Apr 23 19:00:21 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)19:00
openstackMinutes (text):
leongi have tested the user survey..:-)19:00
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apricethanks everyone!19:26
apriceleong: mrhillsman VW: if you come across any survey feedback, please email me and jamesmca_ directly.19:27
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