Monday, 2018-09-24

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VW_we locked the meetings in at the same time each week now, correct?15:26
spotzVW_: Yep15:39
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spotzhey mrhillsman16:33
spotzApparently I was semi-registered. I was on the channels but couldn't PM anyone16:34
mrhillsmanwelcome back17:16
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josephrsandovalgreetings all!18:01
josephrsandovalare we meeting today?18:02
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leongare we having meeting today?18:05
josephrsandovali was just asking as well18:06
josephrsandovalstepping away for 5 minutes. if no meeting started by then i'll assume its not happening.18:10
spotzI can start it, let me go find the agenda. mrhillsman was here not too long ago18:10
mrhillsmansorry, sitting here right in front of my computer distracted :)18:10
mrhillsman#startmeeting uc18:11
openstackMeeting started Mon Sep 24 18:11:00 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mrhillsman. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:11
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'uc'18:11
mrhillsmannothing like a good ol mention to set off an alert :)18:11
mrhillsman#topic RollCall18:11
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spotzwiki agenda says 7/30 and 8/6 FYI18:11
mrhillsmani think josephrsandoval and VW_ are out for a bit but hope to make it before we are done18:12
spotzDang VW we almost had everyone!!18:12
mrhillsman#topic Housekeeping18:12
*** openstack changes topic to "Housekeeping (Meeting topic: uc)"18:12
mrhillsmanso, i sent the email about moving things to and setting the wiki page to "read-only"18:13
mrhillsmananyone up to take on that task?18:13
mrhillsmani think if we can have that done by end of next month that would be great; plenty of time :)18:14
mrhillsmanprobably will not take that long18:14
mrhillsmanso basically it is condensing the wiki page down to something very similar to -
leongsound good18:15
mrhillsmanand pushing patches to update - - via
mrhillsmandoes that mean both of you will work on it?18:16
mrhillsmanjosephrsandoval and leong18:16
leongi can...18:17
mrhillsman#action josephrsandoval and leong to work on setting UC wiki to "read-only" and update governance.o.o/uc/ to replace it18:17
leongbut i am wondering if i have the permission to chagne the UC wiki readonly..18:18
leongi might need to check18:18
mrhillsmanwell, not really read-only, that's why i used air quotes :)18:18
mrhillsmani mean just removing stuff from it and making it primarily a pointer rather than something that changes a lot18:18
spotzJust put a link in the page to the new area18:19
leonggot it18:19
mrhillsmanany other housekeeping/general things?18:19
spotzUn Forum/Summit session submittal?18:20
mrhillsmanyes, we need to do that for sure18:20
mrhillsmani pinged Ashlee to send a message to user groups / ambassadors in the area so hopefully that yields some sessions18:21
mrhillsmanif any of you have user/operators/developers in the area please encourage them to submit sessions18:21
mrhillsmananything else?18:22
spotzI think the ops meetup group is trying to put something together. But I meant us:)18:22
mrhillsmanspotz on the session have any catchy title?18:22
mrhillsmanyeah, i understood that, apologies18:23
spotzWe doing a meet and greet or what do we want to get out of it?18:23
mrhillsmanwe could get a few things probably18:23
mrhillsmani think we should def do the meet and greet18:24
mrhillsmanjust always a good to have18:24
spotzSo Get to know your USer Committee for one?18:24
spotzUsers and OPerators of rthe World Unit?:)18:24
leongis that consider a BoF?18:25
mrhillsmani believe so18:25
mrhillsmanso we have one BoF18:26
spotzYeah so each group can have a WG session and a BoF session, space is going quickly though18:26
leongif so.. i believe we also need to reserve a space...18:26
mrhillsmanand we can/should have a work room18:26
leong#link Berlin WG/BoF request:
leongi just added a row there18:28
leongbut we need a BoF title and description18:28
spotzJust titles I thought18:28
leongalso included WG session for UC18:28
leong#topic Berlin Summit18:29
leongmrhillsman: changing the topic heading :p18:29
spotzWell it was kinda general topic:)18:29
mrhillsmani just added something, we can change later i suppose :)18:30
leong"User Committee Hangout with Users, Application Developers, and Operators" that looks to me more like a description :)18:30
mrhillsmanok cool18:31
mrhillsmananything else housekeeping/general related?18:31
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mrhillsman#topic User Survey18:33
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mrhillsmaneveryone have access to -
josephrsandovali don't18:33
josephrsandovalhave access18:33
mrhillsmanaprice jamesmcarthur can either of you get josephrsandoval access to the survey results18:34
jamesmcarthuryes - no problem18:35
mrhillsmanty sir18:35
spotzHe's magic:)18:35
mrhillsmanalright, so the netpromotor one is done thankfully18:35
jamesmcarthur@josephrsandoval: you should be able to get in now18:36
jamesmcarthursorry about that18:36
mrhillsmanhowever the other two need attention - like trauma unit style18:36
mrhillsmanwhat do you like most and further enhancement18:36
mrhillsmanis anyone not aware of what we are doing?18:36
spotzI started looking at the besides Open one but needed to get ready for grace hopper. I'll try to do some tagging tonight as I've started already18:37
jamesmcarthurYeah, so at a high level, the reason for the tagging is so that we can do advanced data analysis on the free-text answers.18:37
mrhillsmani think if everyone spent at least one hour today we will be done honestly18:38
jamesmcarthuryeah... it goes pretty fast once you get started18:38
mrhillsmanand we have 20 minutes left in the meeting that i would like to take advantage of18:38
mrhillsmanthrow on some headphones for 15-20 minutes and tag as much as you can; of course quality over quantity :P18:38
mrhillsmananything else for the meeting?18:39
jamesmcarthursorry for my late attendance. Lost track of time. I will catch up on the logs.18:39
mrhillsmanno problem18:39
jamesmcarthurjosephrsandoval: if you have trouble logging in, ping me directly :)18:40
josephrsandovalim in18:40
mrhillsmanjamesmcarthur if two people tag the same question one after another and hit update, does the page reflect both tags, or a full page refresh is needed to see any updates from others18:42
jamesmcarthurit should allow people to tag concurrently...18:42
jamesmcarthurbut it's probably worth a quick test to be sure18:42
mrhillsmanwould be nice to have a "x is typing..." or some visible tip to that effect18:42
spotzOr should we assign folks sections?18:43
jamesmcarthuruno momento18:43
jamesmcarthurmrhillsman: ha ha! we do have a pretty small budget you know ;)18:43
jamesmcarthurAs much as I want to recreate Slack in our survey tagging :P18:43
jamesmcarthurone sec - let me test18:43
leongis there a common/agreed "tag" to use? for example: IT vs Information Technology vs Software Development18:43
mrhillsmanleong i would say there is not18:44
mrhillsmanbut jimmy would know18:44
mrhillsmani generally look at what is already there real quick when i load the page18:44
mrhillsmanat the bottom left i always load all the questions :)18:45
jamesmcarthurok - yeah, you can do it concurrently18:45
jamesmcarthuri thought that's how we set it up, but just double checked and tested18:45
jamesmcarthurleong: no, I do another round where I merge tags18:46
jamesmcarthurSo just use whatever makes sense to you18:46
leongjamesmcarthur: noted18:46
leongi got to switch network.. brb...18:46
jamesmcarthurThanks everyone for your help!18:48
leongstarted tagging18:49
mrhillsmanalso leong the responses are great for finding common tags18:49
mrhillsmanlike stability, reliability, etc18:49
ianychoi_o/ (curiously I am not sleeping right now)18:54
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mrhillsmanwe're just speed-tagging :)18:55
ianychoiwow :)18:55
mrhillsman5 more minutes18:55
mrhillsmanhigh interval tagging hehe18:55
ianychoijamesmcarthur, just a quick question - are there translators on answers for other many languages (e.g., China)?18:56
spotzhey ianychoi18:56
ianychoispotz, hi :)18:57
leongi can do the chinese one..:)18:57
leongbut not korean :-)18:57
jamesmcarthurianychoi: aprice and I are still working on that.18:57
jamesmcarthurleong: ianychoi: the problem is the volume18:58
jamesmcarthurianychoi has graciously offered to do the Korean translation, but there are hundreds of answers to translate18:58
leongi got to drop now.. will continue tagging tonight...18:58
leongjamesmcarthur: let me know anything i can help18:58
jamesmcarthurSunny, who works at the Foundation is working on some of the Chinese trasnlation for us18:58
jamesmcarthurthank you leong!18:58
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jamesmcarthurianychoi: we have reached out to Frank re: some of this, but as we noted, it requires an NDA and isn't something we can post to Zanata18:59
ianychoijamesmcarthur, haha yes too much responses.. but I will try to finish :)18:59
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openstackMeeting ended Mon Sep 24 19:00:36 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)19:00
openstackMinutes (text):
spotzthanks all19:00
mrhillsmanthanks everyone19:00
mrhillsmanhopefully we got a good amount done and folks feel comfortable with the process19:01
ianychoithanks all19:01
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VW_sory mrhillsman and spotz - just rolled back in19:33
spotzParty pooper!19:33
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VW_Every party needs a pooper, that's why you invited me....19:55
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