Tuesday, 2019-10-29

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spotzjayahn: didn't see any responses to my mail so not sure if we'll have a meeting now or try again in an hour11:31
spotzthere are responses bac to bed for an hour:)11:32
jayahnI am confused. original meeting time is due in an hour. mail says "back an hour" .. is this mean in two hours from now? or it means now?11:37
jayahni am in transit. i can join meeting from mobile phone if necessary.11:39
spotzjayahn: Europe changed time, US hasn't yet, not sure where Asia is12:25
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jayahnspotz: yeap, i know. :) however, i believe meeting time is based on UTC. it should not be matter if some region changes time based on its own policy (summer or winter time)12:32
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jayahnanyway, so today's meeting is on 1230 UTC or one hour from now?12:32
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spotzjayahn: Yeah I know, for the longest time UC meeting was 10am Central it didn't adjust.12:32
spotznope now:)12:32
spotzI just felt bad for studarus waking up at 4:3012:33
spotz#startmeeting uc12:33
openstackMeeting started Tue Oct 29 12:33:17 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.12:33
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.12:33
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'uc'12:33
spotz#topic ROll Call12:33
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jayahn4:30 :(  that is bad. we should talk about setting up meeting time a bit later then.12:33
spotzjayahn: Yeah but next week will be 5:30 - it is on the agenda though12:34
spotz#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/uc12:34
spotzAgenda for those that need it12:34
spotz#topic Old Business12:34
*** openstack changes topic to "Old Business (Meeting topic: uc)"12:34
spotzI thought we'd startoff with the Summit as it's next week.12:34
spotzbelmoreira:  will be representing at the Meta Sig session12:35
spotzDoesn't look like the deck has gotten any love yet for the leadership meeting12:35
belmoreiraI updated the info related to the OpenStack Day CERN12:36
spotzOk thanks and I just changed Berlin to NY, I'll see if I can't get updated info from the group12:37
spotzVietname is this week?12:37
jayahnah, yeap. I need to update some info there.12:37
spotzOk I've moved OPS, Cern and Viietnam to the top of that grroup in case we end up just deleting the others. studarusdid you attend any events you want to add or update?12:39
spotzstudarus: ^12:39
studarusthinking what I attended this year...12:39
studarusthe years have meshed together - let me check my travel logs and I'll update12:40
jayahnstudarus: you were in korea. :)12:40
studarusyes, OpenInfra Korea12:40
studarusI forget which were OpenStack and which were CNCF...12:41
spotzstudarus: great thanks! That I think is a new slide, maybe use the Tokyp  one?12:41
studarusjayahn - you ran the Korea event?12:41
spotzaprice: if you want to send me new user surrvey info I'll update that slide12:42
jayahni can add korea one there as a new slide12:42
jayahnkorea was co-hosted by four communities: openstack, kubernetes, ceph, and ocp12:42
spotzjayahn: ohh that might be good for Adjacent Communities?:)12:43
jayahnspotz: sure12:43
spotzI think our gooing forward is the same at this point, so just updated Denver too Shanghai as we rreally haven't started any new initiatives with the election so late and new goals not finished12:44
spotzSo we still have committ goals untouched yet12:45
spotzmelsakhawy: You want to work on the goals section? I'll get updated UC stats from jimmy12:48
melsakhawysure , I can take care of it12:48
spotzOk that should cover all the slides, hopefully OPS team will meet in an hour if not I'll email the team12:51
spotzAny thing else we need to discuss for Summit?12:51
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belmoreirayes, do you know if we can  attend the leadership meeting?12:52
melsakhawysorry , got disconnected. I will update the goals section12:52
spotzYeah I gave the link to the schedule by email after last week's meeting. UC presentation is around 2, but get there at lunch so you can get seats:)12:54
spotzAnd sometimes keynote conflicts shuffle the schedule so always better to be early12:54
jayahnmy flight arrives at 12:35. I am not sure how long it takes to get there from airport.12:55
studaruskeynote practices cause the conflict12:56
spotzJust head over when you can jayahn12:56
jayahnand.. I do have keynote practice at 4:30pm. :)12:56
belmoreirawould you be there studarus?12:57
studarusI have an airplane ticket and a visa12:57
studarusbut it'll depend on work.12:57
belmoreirajust to try to avoid that no one will be there on time :)12:58
studarusI am primarily worried about Internet connectivity from China12:58
studarusespecially for workshops...12:58
spotzstudarus: Using OVH resources or is smeone in China providing them this Summit?12:59
studarusOVH says they have a workaround so I'm seeing if I can port workshops over to OVH13:00
spotzOk, you could also check with Fungi he might have some insight on the connectivity or can get it13:02
spotzI'm going to go ahead and change topic but we can come back to this in open discussin if needed13:03
spotz#topic User Group and Ambassadr Goals13:03
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spotzThis is a carry over from the last meeting13:03
spotzstudarus: You had the action item I believe13:05
studarusyeah - I searched through my old emails and read through what the foundation told me around the user groups13:05
spotzwell jayahn to to give the non-US aspects to consider13:05
jayahnyeah. it was my action point.. and i did not give them yet. ;( sorry.13:06
studarusthe last discussion with the foundation was to give user groups official status if they have had a meeting and a plan going forward to have others13:06
studarusand if there is no other group in the region13:06
studarusthe party money is for marketing so that some buzz and photos get generated13:07
studarusdo we want to ask the foundation to change from this?13:08
spotzI think it's a good question to ask as we move from OpenStack more to OpenInfra. Are the UG just OpenStack and hence b-day might be more important13:10
jayahni think it will be better to ask the foundation first. since they engage with user group for various reason, they might have some idea13:10
spotzI hope that made snese:(13:10
studarusdo we want to ask them via IRC or email?13:12
studarusand what do we want to ask them?13:12
spotzI pinged aprice earlier and she didn't respond so I'd say email. I also dropped Jimmy and Allison an email already for the updated numbers for the slides13:14
studarusso ask them for the official latest user group policy around membership and funding?13:14
spotzI think in my mind part of the question is the User Gruops solely focusedon OpenStack or OpenInfra. And if the money can nly be for OpenStack b-day or used for x,y,andz?13:14
studarusI was told I can't use the $$ for speaker travel - just the birthday13:15
jayahnsorry to interrupt, just let everyone know I need to leave in 10min.13:16
spotzThanks jayahn - Any thing you need to comment/say real quick?13:16
jayahnmeeting time change?13:17
spotzOh yeah, so I believe next week we will be back n regular time everywhere. This week it was going to be super early for studarus so we bumped. Is everyone good with the meeting time with the time changes?13:17
studarusI'm in Dallas today so it isn't awful  :)  7:30 instead of 5:30am13:18
spotzstudarus: Ha! And I moved it to later for you:)13:18
studaruswhat will it be next week?13:19
belmoreirain 2 weeks?13:19
jayahnhm... today is on time 12:30 UTC. has not been changed.13:19
jayahnsorry, you should talk with UTC13:19
jayahnotherwise, it will always confuse me13:19
spotzsorray jayahn13:20
spotzAccording to my google calendar in the US we will move to an hour earlier which is really early if studarus is home13:21
studarusnext week I should be in Shanghai so that doesn't matter13:21
spotzI'd be up later then I normally got riding so just means I don't ride which I gave up when we moved the meeting anyways13:21
jayahnI am usually okay between 12:30 UTC and 15:00 UTC. However,  I do have another irc/weekly meetings on Tuesday; one in 13:30 UTC and another one in 15:00 UTC.13:22
spotzWe could move back to Monday and change to 13:30, my Monday morning conflict is going away13:23
jayahnthat works for me13:23
melsakhawyworks for me as well13:23
spotzbelmoreira:  and studarus?13:23
studarusthat's fine13:24
spotzI may be in Luxembourg for our next meeting if I can ever get plane tickets:(13:24
belmoreira13:30 UTC on Monday will not always work for me. once per month. I have a conflict with another meeting13:24
spotzI hate to put things on Fridays as that's the day most folks are likely to take off:)13:25
belmoreiraThursday (13:30 UTC) is OK for me13:25
jayahnit also works for me13:25
spotzmelsakhawy and studarus?13:25
jayahnI need to leave, I will followup later.13:26
spotzthanks jayahn13:26
melsakhawyworks for me13:26
studarusFri or Thur is fine 133013:26
spotzok thurs at 13:30!13:26
spotzI will most likely miss the next meeting is I end up in Lux as that's when I travel home unless it falls in my Hathrow layover13:26
spotzOk back to User groups, I always thought it was a small amount to the UG not enough for travel13:27
studarusThe $500?13:29
studarusbtw, WeWork is no longer giving free space for Meetup groups13:29
studarusso that avenue is going to hurt some groups13:30
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spotzYeah WeWork is in big trouble13:30
spotzSo maybe we should ask if some of the money could go towards space?13:30
spotzWho knows how long Rackspace will donate space to User Groups in my area too13:32
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studarusI think we're out of time...13:34
spotzoops sorry!13:34
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spotzEveryone have a safe trip to Shanghai if you're going@13:34
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Oct 29 13:34:46 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)13:34
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/uc/2019/uc.2019-10-29-12.33.html13:34
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/uc/2019/uc.2019-10-29-12.33.txt13:34
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/uc/2019/uc.2019-10-29-12.33.log.html13:34
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apricespotz: saw your email about the user survey and will respond today.14:57
spotzthanks aprice!14:57
apricespotz studarus jayahn: i agree that email is best to talk ambassador / UG role. perhaps drop an email to me and ashferg. maybe we can find time onsite next week to talk as well14:57
apricethe new UC meeting time conflicts with another meeting we have, so OSF folks will likely be catching up like this post meeting.14:58
spotzaprice: Ok. It was just getting too early with the time change14:59
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spotzI'll be heading to Luxembourg on Yuesday night but might be at a decent time difference to dial into things. Will need to see14:59
apriceyeah totally - will always catch up after :)15:00
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spotzaprice: I'd say come to Wurstfest but not sure you'll still be here this weekend:)15:21
apricespotz: no, i leave Thursday . :( have fun though!15:22
spotzaprice: You might make it back before it ends. Originally I was going to stay there longer. Unfortunateely I have a free day in Europe and all me friends will be in China!15:36
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