Thursday, 2017-04-27

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kmARCa quick update on the broken API in the training vm. It looks like it's not broken at all, couldn't find the errors. It turned out I hit a bug similar to this:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1634453 in devstack "Error: Unable to retrieve the flavors." [Undecided,Expired]09:02
kmARCyes, there are browsers in which horizon has client side errors09:02
kmARCin firefox it works09:02
ildikovkmARC: thanks for the update!11:25
ildikovglad it's not overall broken :)11:26
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kmARCildikov: So quick summary:12:55
kmARC1) I ran out of time, wont be able to provide you with the image before midninght Sorry for that12:55
kmARC2) ova archive size is now 1.1G \o/12:55
kmARC3) this size I was not be able to achieve with 100% automation, it has a manual step :-(12:56
kmARCtonight (until 2359CEST) I'll upload the image and update README12:56
kmARCwill ping you when it's done12:56
kmARCThe new image brings Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) and latest devstack. CirrOS vm can be launched with all default networking, ssh into the box works.12:57
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ildikovkmARC: all good, thank you!14:44
ildikovkmARC: I thought to send out the info about the image on Monday and have that also as a reminder to people who haven't responded yet14:45
ildikovkmARC: so you can sleep tonight if you want :)14:45
kmARCno, actually I want to release it today so that we can test it14:46
kmARCI would be happy to have 5 volunteers14:46
csatariI can test.14:58
csatarikmARC provide me the details.14:58
kmARCOkay, will ping you later14:58
ildikovkmARC: good point!15:24
ildikovI can give it a try tomorrow too15:24
ildikovand I know madorn was interested in testing it too15:25
spotz_Yeah and if there's anything madorn will find it15:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] Use and nano
openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] Improve wording in the Closing Exercise slides
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spotz_ildikov: diablo_rojo_phon ok doesn't look like anyone from Babrican will get there early enough to join19:08
diablo_rojo_phonspotz_: sad panda :/19:32
spotz_diablo_rojo_phon: I did get the information for their onboarding room if we do have anyone interested in the project19:41
diablo_rojo_phonspotz_: good call :)19:42
ildikovspotz_: thanks for trying19:50
spotz_ildikov: No prob, I know you asked a while a go but we should have been bugging/confirming before people made their flights19:53
ildikovspotz_: it's ok, we cannot have an expert in the room for every single student anyhow19:54
spotz_ildikov: True and even if we had none we can point people to the relative onboarding rook19:55
ildikovI got roughly 30 confirmations so far, which is not that seriously many and people will appreciate our work even if cannot answer every single question right there19:55
ildikovyeah, exactly, as we have those it will be way better than on any Summits before19:56
ildikovso I think overall we're pretty good19:56
spotz_And we'll make it fun which I think is more important20:04
kmARCildikov: csatari:
kmARC^- second link is the README22:10
kmARCa bit outdated, but works22:10
kmARCtomorrow until noon will update that too22:10
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