Wednesday, 2017-05-24

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ildikovgmann: ianychoi: hi, are you around?10:57
ianychoiildikov, hi!11:24
ildikovianychoi: hi :)11:25
ildikovianychoi: just wanted to ask you to quickly check a Doodle poll for me11:25
ildikovianychoi: the question is the time slots in it, it should start with 5am, which meant to be UTC11:26
ianychoiildikov, thanks a lot! I have answered :)11:30
ildikovianychoi: so the time slots look like what I described above?11:32
ildikovianychoi: if yes I will send out a mail to the ML's too, just wanted to confirm with someone who's in a completely other time zone :)11:32
ildikovianychoi: I don't trust Doodle, at least when I set up the poll :)11:32
ianychoiildikov, haha if you have time let's wait for a little bit more. More feedback is nice!11:38
ianychoiildikov, but i see meeting minutes :) I don't object to uploading kmARC 's scripts on training-guides but I thought that the communication with asettle is needed :) Currently, running DevStack in openstack-infra is not easy. That would be another obstacle..11:44
asettlehello yes hi11:44
* asettle stumbles in11:44
ianychoiasettle, hello - sorry for calling u11:47
asettleNot at all, what's up? :)11:47
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ianychoiasettle, would u explain some background of the difference between training-guides and training-labs ?11:51
asettleWell, 'upstream training' is the guides, so, this stuff:
asettleThey are resources for hte upstream training program11:52
ianychoiOriginally training-labs scripts were in training-guides but the scripts are now separated11:52
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asettleAnd training labs: Tools for OpenStack Training. Automatic deployment of lean virtualized multi-node openstack cluster.11:52
ianychoiasettle, then scripts for upstream institutes -> would it be fine to store in training-guides?11:53
asettleMaintained by two separate groups. Labs are looked after by Pranav Salunke and Roger Luethi11:53
asettleianychoi: yep, I imagine so11:53
asettleI would contact Matjaz Pancur to talk about that.11:53
asettleUpstream Institute is more or less the upstream training materials now, I'm thinking you should all talk about merging the projects.11:54
ianychoiasettle, I am also okay but i am a little bit worried if some docs team members object to this direction11:54
asettleianychoi: why would they object to this direction?11:55
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asettleThe docs team members do not look after the training-guides other than Matjaz11:55
asettleHence, speak to Matjaz :)11:55
asettleTo be honest, we are attempting to spread the work out as much as possible, as you may have seen from my emails to the doc and dev MLs11:55
asettleBut this move would make the most sense to me.11:56
ianychoiasettle, I see  +1000 :)11:57
gmannildikov: hi12:56
ildikovgmann: hi :)12:56
ildikovgmann: I pinged you about a Doodle poll, namely this one:
gmannildikov: thanks. ll do.12:57
ildikovgmann: wanted to ensure you see the same time slots I specified as sometimes I mess up the time zone settings in Doodle...12:57
gmannildikov: :) sure12:58
ildikovgmann: so the intention was to have slots there in UTC, so the first there should be 0500 UTC - 0600 UTC12:58
ildikovgmann: if it's not what you see then I messed up and it converted them to your time zone, please let me know if that happened :)12:59
gmannildikov: sure, ll check after nova meeting12:59
ildikovianychoi: asettle: sorry, got a call12:59
asettleNo worries12:59
ildikovgmann: cool, tnx :)12:59
ildikovianychoi: asettle: so we talked about those files with Matjaz earlier, he's fine with the training guides repo13:00
kmARCildikov if I got it correctly the doodle is about a _general_ timeslot not specific to the next week right13:00
ildikovianychoi: asettle: kmARC has concerns regarding the purpose of the training-guides repo vs storing source files/scripts in it13:00
asettleildikov: what was the concern?13:00
ildikovkmARC: yes, it's a general one13:00
kmARCokay thanks.13:01
asettleThanks for chatting to Matjaz :)13:01
ildikovkmARC: it's just more complicated to set that up in Doodle especially now that they're switching to a new GUI :/13:01
ildikovkmARC: my bad :)13:01
ildikovasettle: that training guides is web page and slide content13:01
kmARCildikov: no problem on my side. Just let others know too :-)13:02
ildikovasettle: so if you think of the repo you don't think of anything executable so to say13:02
asettleildikov: it is indeed. But that doesn't meant we can't expand that scope :)13:02
asettleTrue, but we can expand if the team is interested. I'd rather re-use what we have and is relevant, than continue to create and leave things behind.13:02
ildikovkmARC: I will send out a mail just wanted to get confirmation from someone not in my time zone that I didn't mess up the time slots like last time before doing so... :D13:03
ildikovasettle: I'm with you, kmARC raised the concern on our meeting on Monday13:03
kmARCAh okay. No worries I always feel like a retard that 1) cannot remember what time differences are between certain time zones I already visited 2) cannot do basic grammarschool arithmetic for calculating UTC-Zurich time -.-13:04
asettlekmARC: you and me both13:04
ildikovasettle: I'm not opposed to having a new repo with a clean purpose either to be honest, but if we find enough connection points to the training-guides repo, I would just reuse that too13:04
asettleildikov: totally understandable concern, but I think we can make it work :)13:04
asettleWell, let's take it to the ML and see what others think? I'm happy to merge the two. I think that would be my first choice. Of course, not adverse to creating something new either.13:05
ildikovasettle: you mean training-guides and training-labs as for merging?13:05
ildikovasettle: as I think training-labs have the purpose of teaching people how to deploy OpenStack, so it's more from a user than contributor perspective13:07
ildikovasettle: that's what we found when we last investigated where to put our files and figured that our training efforts are not a match to what they do13:07
asettleAh, I was thinking of merging training-guides and your material13:08
asettleNot training-labs13:08
ildikovasettle: oh, ok13:08
asettleAlthough I am starting to think we need one umbrella 'OpenStack training' repo, and within that have the labs, guides, and your material13:08
asettleOtherwise it's confusing13:08
ildikovasettle: wasn't sure when I read back the chats I missed earlier here13:08
asettleYou use the training-guides, yes?13:08
ildikovasettle: the contribution training does13:09
ildikovasettle: it might make sense having some separation between teaching how to contribute to OpenStack and how to deploy and use it though13:10
kmARCildikov: what's the reason we only consider UTC 5:00AM - 11:00AM?13:11
ildikovkmARC: we are looking for an alternating slot that's doable for Europe and Asia in addition to the one we have13:12
kmARCAh okay, makes sense. That's what we agreed on the meeting, now I remember13:12
asettleHmm that's a good point ildikov13:12
ildikovasettle: so I wouldn't do an umbrella one, but I think our source files could live under the training-guides repo13:13
ildikovkmARC: yep :)13:13
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jungleboyjildikov: You are just looking for the EMEA members to fill out your doodle poll?14:13
ildikovjungleboyj: not necessarily, if you wish to get up that early :)14:14
jungleboyj:-)  I am such a morning person ... not.14:14
jungleboyjI will let you guys work it out and figure out if I can make it.  :-)14:15
ildikovjungleboyj: sorry, there's not chance to find anything that will work for everyone :(14:16
jungleboyjIt is ok.  We are a very international team.  Makes it challenging.14:18
ildikovyep :( :)14:19
ianychoijungleboyj, question: what is your preferred timezone? 9am-6pm in Texas?  ildikov: I am pretty fine to also consider US time zones :)14:27
ildikovianychoi: we will keep the 2000 UTC slot as one14:28
jungleboyjianychoi:  Yes, I am in the Central time zone.14:28
jungleboyjYeah, that current time slot works well for me.14:28
ildikovianychoi: we are looking for an alternating slot, so we can have 2000 UTC on Monday one week and another slot for the other week14:28
ildikovianychoi: and the other slot would be more Europe and Asia friendly14:29
ianychoiildikov, jungleboyj: I am still fine:) Actually 2000 UTC is 5 AM in my area - For 2100 UTC, I can attend from 2130 UTC - That's what I attended to Docs team meetings previouslly. For me, by 1600-1700 UTC would be unually fine - great!14:30
ianychoi(I try to awake all the time as much as possible but 3am-6am in my time zone is too diffidult unfortunately T.T)14:31
ildikovianychoi: thanks for offering, but we just cannot expect everyone who's not in the US to give up on sleeping :)14:32
ildikovianychoi: 2000 UTC in my time zone is already 10pm...14:32
ianychoiildikov, I truly understand :) OMG T.T Don't worry about it too much - I usually see eavesdrop.o.o :)14:33
ildikovianychoi: so we're going to experiment with alternating slots, we have enough people I think in Europe and Asia to be successful with that14:33
ianychoiildikov, +1 :) Thanks a lot for considering alternative time slots!14:34
ildikovianychoi: np :)14:34
jungleboyjNice that we have enough people involved that it is a challenge.  :-)14:36
* jungleboyj is thinking positive.14:36
ildikovjungleboyj: +1 :)14:38
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ianychoi+1 :)15:44
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spotz+1 on the late side!:)23:13
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