Wednesday, 2017-08-02

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/training-guides master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/training-guides master: Update requirements for pike
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/training-guides master: Update requirements for pike
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openstackgerritMark Korondi proposed openstack/training-guides master: WIP: Workflow - Replace inconsistent screenshots with selectable code snippets.
openstackgerritMark Korondi proposed openstack/training-guides master: WIP: Workflow - Replace inconsistent screenshots with selectable code snippets.
openstackgerritMark Korondi proposed openstack/training-guides master: WIP: Workflow - Replace inconsistent screenshots with selectable code snippets.
openstackgerritMark Korondi proposed openstack/training-guides master: Workflow - Replace inconsistent screenshots with selectable code snippets.
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kmARC^^ ildikov, and if someone else could also review19:37
kmARCdiablo_rojo, jungleboyj, vkmc ?19:37
ildikovkmARC: thanks19:38
jungleboyjkmARC:  Sure.  Looks like a good idea.19:38
kmARCI told you guys herre:, that I'm gonna doing it :-D19:38
ildikovkmARC: +1 :)19:39
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ildikovkmARC: do you also plan to move the scripts to the training-guides repo? or whatever repo we agree in?19:41
ildikovkmARC: and look into whether the job that uploads the VM image to trballs.o.o could be doable?19:41
kmARCyeah let's move over and setup gerrit for it19:42
ildikovkmARC: don't hate me, just popped into my mind we had chats about this earlier and thought to ask before I forget :)19:42
kmARCalthough I'd prefer a separate repo19:42
kmARCI think that's the first stage19:42
kmARCnext stage is to try again the automated tarballs19:42
ildikovI'm still not sure that would be needed19:42
ildikovI mean the separate repo19:42
ildikovbut I'm also not sure it's worth arguing about it19:42
* diablo_rojo looks now19:43
ildikovare you willing to look into creating the repo, etc?19:43
kmARCI also think that it's not worth to argue :-) If it's easy, then I'd put it into a separate repo19:43
ildikovok, let's start with that option and fall back to training-guides if needed19:43
kmARCor, oooor, let's do this. Now we agree, that _TEMPORARILY_ we move it here into a subdirectory and then later, :cough: _LATER_ we factor it out into it's own repo19:44
diablo_rojoThat sounds like a good solution19:44
ildikovworks for me :)19:44
ildikovjust point me to the patch to review ;)19:45
ildikovkmARC: ^^19:45
kmARCactually, if I could import into a separate repo, then it would immediately bring me an ATC badge...19:46
kmARCwith all the commit history19:46
kmARCwho do I need to ask to create a repo..._19:47
ildikovnot sure I followed the ATC badge comment part19:47
diablo_rojofungi I would guess19:47
ildikovbut #openstack-infra is the place to know more19:47
diablo_rojoYou should be an ATC if you get that patch merged.19:47
diablo_rojoDon't think you need to make a new repo to get ATC19:48
ildikovnah, that shouldn't be needed19:48
diablo_rojokmARC, patch looks good. Just waiting on Jenkins to look at the built slides before I +219:50
kmARCya, but I'd love to keep the git commit history19:51
kmARCdiablo_rojo: thx4rvw19:51
diablo_rojokmARC, the running unit tests, and git commit --amend slides are a little large for the slide. Looks like git review, git remote show, git checkout, and git review text expands outside the console box and gets cut off.19:57
jungleboyjkmARC:  Yeah, looks good.  Just waiting for the slides to build.19:58
kmARCI saw it, but if I remove the first line then it is over the title19:58
ildikovyou can play with the font size or something like to make it fit IIRC19:58
kmARCMy thinking was this: this commit only contains "syntactical/dumb" changes, like replacing pictures with texts, and later on I'd fix with "semantical/smart" ones, like reorganizing the excercises slide19:59
diablo_rojokmARC, sounds like a good approach, but if we could make these look nice it would be excellent :) See if you can tweak the font size so it all fits? or wrap text? Whatever is easiest and I would be happy to +2 :)20:02
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kmARCokay, let me look into that20:03
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ildikovkmARC: I would do steps that keeps quality, like don't cut text off20:03
kmARCparallelly, I was pointed to the docs of how to onboard a new repo. I think I won't sleep for tonight :-D20:03
ildikovand then re-organize also step by step20:03
ildikovkmARC: I think it's ok if you do some of these tomorrow :D20:04
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kmARChm... cannot change the theme for some reason. The text was clipped before my change too20:19
kmARCLet's split it into two slides20:19
openstackgerritMark Korondi proposed openstack/training-guides master: Workflow - Replace inconsistent screenshots with selectable code snippets.
spotzsorry kmARC - I hit the wrong vote!:)21:23
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