Saturday, 2019-04-27

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/contributor-guide master: Imported Translations from Zanata
openstackgerritMerged openstack/contributor-guide master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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ildikovOffice hours today are planned for 4pm - 6pm in the Hyatt20:42
ildikovthere's a bar/restaurant on the lobby floor, can grab a table there and see if anyone besides us shows up :)20:42
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PrinzElvisIldikov: I’m here in Convention center, is there anyone from institute ?21:12
ildikovPrinzElvis: we're meeting in the Hyatt at 4pm21:13
ildikovPrinzElvis: there's a bar/restaurant place on the lobby floor21:14
ildikovthe plan is to meet up there with people who're around21:14
ildikovwe'll be there till 6pm according to plans and the training starts tomorrow morning at 9am also in the Hyatt on the 3rd floor21:15
PrinzElvisOk 👌21:16
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