Wednesday, 2019-08-14

diablo_rojo_phonAs a heads up for cmurphy gmann mattoliverau and tonyb: I am at the foundation off-site this week so I won't be able to run the meeting today.00:13
* tonyb can't make it today :(00:14
diablo_rojo_phonmattoliverau: I'll leave it to you to decide if we want to have one/ if you want to run it.00:14
mattoliverauoh right. Who else is available for the meeting if we ran it?00:55
mattoliverauLooking at the homework items, there isn't any new questions or patches that haven't already had some review love.00:55
mattoliverauI added some items to the shanghai brainstorm.. but that's the only thing to really cover.00:56
mattoliverauSo happy to talk about it.. or maybe people can go read it on the etherpad and comment there. and maybe even add some of your own brainstorm suggestions00:57
mattoliverauIf people are happy to review the etherpad and move potential disssion there asynchronously then I'm OK to skip the meeting. So long as it gets some love as the summit is coming up and we want to be ready :)00:58
* cmurphy in favor of skipping01:00
mattoliverauKK, well no one else responded and in my opinion cmurphy's votes with double.. so we'll skip01:01
mattoliverauBut I'm going to be extra sarcastic and annoying next meeting (or even pre-meeing) is the etherpad doesn't get some love :P01:02
mattoliverau*if (wow typing is hard apparently)01:03
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