Thursday, 2019-10-03

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fungijust a reminder, since it looks like folks were creating some test stories/tasks like!/story/2006449 to test gerrit integration during the training in vietnam, that we have a!/project/opendev/sandbox project for just such cases20:07
diablo_rojo_phonfungi, yeah we explicitly say to use storyboard-dev, but some people still miss that fact and use the regular site.20:08
fungiwell, for gerrit integration exercises with the opendev/sandbox repo it makes sense to use storyboard.o.o instead ( will only update stories in the production instance), but we do have the opendev/sandbox project in sb so tasks can be created for it20:12
diablo_rojo_phonThat's fair.20:12
fungii don't see any problem with creating test tasks (sparingly) for the sandbox project20:12
diablo_rojo_phonWe have other exercises around storyboard for which we point people at -dev.20:13
diablo_rojo_phonBut for sandbox stuff I'll keep that in mind.b20:13
fungithough i wonder if it might be a good for us to periodically purge tasks for the sandbox projects just to keep the volume low20:13
diablo_rojo_phonProbably not a bad idea20:13
fungii'll noodle on that some20:14
diablo_rojo_phonSounds good.20:14

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