diablo_rojo | gmann, mattoliverau tonyb[m] We really should meet, but I have a remote flexibility class at the same time, so I can't. | 00:42 |
diablo_rojo | I propose we meet an hour and a half later? | 00:42 |
gmann | diablo_rojo: i am online for another 2 hours i think so ok for me. | 00:43 |
diablo_rojo | Cool. I will ping people when I am done. | 00:46 |
diablo_rojo | Basically the only topic I had was to like.. change the meeting frequency to monthly. | 00:46 |
diablo_rojo | And see if anyone has been keeping track of ask and new contrib patches | 00:47 |
gmann | ok | 00:48 |
* tonyb[m] is available then | 00:49 | |
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diablo_rojo | gmann, tonyb[m] mattoliverau around? | 02:35 |
diablo_rojo | Shall we meet now? | 02:35 |
mattoliverau | I'm am lurking :) | 02:36 |
diablo_rojo | \o/ | 02:37 |
diablo_rojo | mattoliverau, and here I thought you had abandoned us ;) | 02:37 |
gmann | hi | 02:37 |
diablo_rojo | Shall we meet? | 02:37 |
mattoliverau | not completely, but I haven't done any homework :P | 02:37 |
diablo_rojo | mattoliverau, to be honest, I havent either. | 02:38 |
* tonyb[m] either | 02:38 | |
tonyb[m] | if it isn't product or customer related I haven't done it :( | 02:38 |
tonyb[m] | #pityparty | 02:38 |
diablo_rojo | I'm gonna start a meeting. | 02:39 |
diablo_rojo | #startmeeting fc_sig | 02:39 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Mar 25 02:39:26 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is diablo_rojo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 02:39 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 02:39 |
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: fc_sig)" | 02:39 | |
openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'fc_sig' | 02:39 |
diablo_rojo | Oh good I still remember the command. | 02:39 |
diablo_rojo | #topic Announcements | 02:40 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Announcements (Meeting topic: fc_sig)" | 02:40 | |
diablo_rojo | I've got none, but wanted to see if anyone had any lol | 02:40 |
* diablo_rojo thinks the crickets mean no | 02:41 | |
diablo_rojo | #topic Homework | 02:41 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Homework (Meeting topic: fc_sig)" | 02:41 | |
diablo_rojo | Anyone do it? | 02:41 |
* mattoliverau looks away shyly | 02:42 | |
* diablo_rojo also steps back and shifts on her feet | 02:42 | |
diablo_rojo | gmann? | 02:42 |
gmann | i did few weeks back but not this week | 02:42 |
diablo_rojo | gmann, no worries. | 02:43 |
diablo_rojo | I suspect you are the most diligent of all of us. | 02:43 |
mattoliverau | gmann: that counts :P | 02:43 |
diablo_rojo | Anything else on this topic? | 02:44 |
diablo_rojo | Lol | 02:44 |
gmann | nothing from my side. | 02:44 |
diablo_rojo | With this abundance of time we have now that we are all trapped, we should maybe try to dedicate 5 min/week | 02:46 |
diablo_rojo | Just a thought. | 02:46 |
diablo_rojo | I might block a time on my calendar for it since normally I just flat out forget. | 02:46 |
gmann | yeah, something we do and ping on channel which can be reminder or something to others. | 02:46 |
mattoliverau | good idea :) | 02:47 |
gmann | and do not forgot to ping us on channel. because monitoring does not take time but we all keep forgetting | 02:47 |
diablo_rojo | +2 I can do that when I get my calendar reminder. | 02:47 |
diablo_rojo | Maybe someone else should too | 02:47 |
diablo_rojo | Redundancy is good. | 02:47 |
gmann | yeah for all | 02:47 |
gmann | I will add for Friday which is little relaxing day for me | 02:47 |
diablo_rojo | I can set up a reminder for like.. my Monday/ AUS Tuesday. | 02:47 |
diablo_rojo | gmann, sounds good! | 02:48 |
diablo_rojo | Maybe I will do like tuesday then | 02:48 |
diablo_rojo | so they are more evenly dispersed. | 02:48 |
gmann | +1 | 02:48 |
diablo_rojo | #action gmann and diablo_rojo to ping channel periodically to remind us all to do homework | 02:49 |
diablo_rojo | Anything else before we move on? | 02:49 |
* diablo_rojo thinks not | 02:50 | |
diablo_rojo | #topic Meeting frequency | 02:50 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Meeting frequency (Meeting topic: fc_sig)" | 02:50 | |
diablo_rojo | So. We havent met in like.. a long time. | 02:50 |
diablo_rojo | So I am kinda thinking maybe we switch to monthly instead of bi weekly? | 02:51 |
diablo_rojo | And do we still like the time? Or should we knock it earlier? Or later? | 02:51 |
diablo_rojo | Is this day still good for people? | 02:51 |
gmann | yeah, I am ok to move it monthly. and anyways we will continue on monitoring newby on weekly basis. | 02:52 |
diablo_rojo | gmann, exactly, we don't need to meet that often if we know we are regularly-ish doing the homework anyway | 02:53 |
gmann | yeah | 02:54 |
diablo_rojo | I will post something to the ML to get more feedback on the topic. | 02:55 |
diablo_rojo | But figured I would bring it up with you all first. | 02:55 |
diablo_rojo | tonyb[m], mattoliverau opinions? | 02:55 |
mattoliverau | for any new contributor monthly is probably too long to wait for love on patches. | 02:56 |
mattoliverau | so long as we have the new calendar checks going | 02:57 |
tonyb[m] | I think meeting monthly is fine, although a weekly "do the homework" ping wouldn't hurt | 02:57 |
diablo_rojo | mattoliverau, well we should be doing checks weekly, but only be meeting on other stuff monthly. | 02:57 |
mattoliverau | monthly meeting cadence is fine. and if we need to ramp up again later we can always change that | 02:57 |
tonyb[m] | +1 | 02:57 |
diablo_rojo | Yeah if we are like.. prepping for an event (evenutally..hopefully..someday..) we could meet more often. | 02:57 |
mattoliverau | :) | 02:58 |
gmann | yeah, its like moving the homework part form meeting and keep doing on weekly basis | 02:58 |
diablo_rojo | But in general we don't have that many new topics so once a month is fine I think. | 02:58 |
diablo_rojo | +2 | 02:58 |
diablo_rojo | #action diablo_rojo will summarize this to the ML for input | 02:59 |
diablo_rojo | #topic Open Discussion | 02:59 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Open Discussion (Meeting topic: fc_sig)" | 03:00 | |
diablo_rojo | Anyone got anything else? | 03:00 |
gmann | nothing from me. | 03:00 |
diablo_rojo | mattoliverau, or tonyb[m] ? | 03:01 |
mattoliverau | nope | 03:01 |
* diablo_rojo wants to go row 1k meters if we are done | 03:01 | |
* diablo_rojo thinks we are done :) | 03:03 | |
diablo_rojo | Have a good rest of your day everyone! | 03:04 |
diablo_rojo | #endmeeting | 03:04 |
*** openstack changes topic to "- for community members doing training, coaching and mentoring to help on board new community members! - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_Upstream_Institute" | 03:04 | |
gmann | you too. and stay safe everyone. | 03:04 |
openstack | Meeting ended Wed Mar 25 03:04:16 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 03:04 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fc_sig/2020/fc_sig.2020-03-25-02.39.html | 03:04 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fc_sig/2020/fc_sig.2020-03-25-02.39.txt | 03:04 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fc_sig/2020/fc_sig.2020-03-25-02.39.log.html | 03:04 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/contributor-guide master: Imported Translations from Zanata https://review.opendev.org/714847 | 07:11 |
openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/training-guides master: Imported Translations from Zanata https://review.opendev.org/714902 | 09:31 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/training-guides master: Imported Translations from Zanata https://review.opendev.org/714902 | 10:46 |
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