Monday, 2017-07-10

*** ramineni has joined #openstack-valence03:44
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openstackgerrithubian proposed openstack/valence master: Implement Spec : refactor to support Multi-PodManager. Part1: input sushy lib and build up the example of its usage and create our supported podm objects
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openstackgerrithubian proposed openstack/valence master: Implement Spec : refactor to support Multi-PodManager. Part1: input sushy lib and build up the example of its usage and create our supported podm objects
openstackgerrithubian proposed openstack/valence master: Implement Spec : refactor to support Multi-PodManager. Part1: input sushy lib and build up the example of its usage and create our supported podm objects
openstackgerrithubian proposed openstack/valence master: Implement Spec : refactor to support Multi-PodManager. Part1: input sushy lib and build up the example of its usage and create our supported podm objects
openstackgerrithubian proposed openstack/valence master: Implement Spec : refactor to support Multi-PodManager. Part1: input sushy lib and build up the example of its usage and create our supported podm objects
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openstackgerritNate Potter proposed openstack/valence master: Add remote drive redfish functions

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