Wednesday, 2017-07-19

openstackgerritMerged openstack/valence master: Fix podmanager create and update functions
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-valenceclient master: Updated from global requirements
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ramineni_Hi All14:28
ntpttr_laptophey everyone14:30
ntpttr_laptoplooks like nobody has written any specific topics for today on the agenda14:31
ntpttr_laptopdoes anyone have something they'd like to discuss with the team?14:32
ntpttr_laptopglad we got all of our summit proposals in on time, and they looked good :)14:32
mkraiYes waiting for the voting to open :)14:33
ntpttr_laptopthanks for everyone's work on that14:33
lin_yangwhen the voting will be open?14:33
ramineni_ntpttr_laptop: mkrai: right :)14:33
ntpttr_laptopnot sure, but probably won't be too long. I'll keep an eye out for it14:34
mkrainext week most probably14:34
ntpttr_laptoplooks like shuquan and bian aren't here today, this may end up being a short meeting14:34
mkraiIf I remember correctly its 25th july14:34
ramineni_ntpttr_laptop: may be we can finalize on how to proceed with resource management, unified resource DB14:34
ntpttr_laptopI'll make sure to get reviews done for everything in my backlog14:34
ntpttr_laptopramineni_: sure14:34
ramineni_if have time14:34
ntpttr_laptopramineni_: looks like we definitely do :)14:34
ntpttr_laptopI'm happy to implement a DB that contains more information, should we have an entry for each device or one for attachable devices in general?14:36
ntpttr_laptopwhat added info should be included?14:36
ntpttr_laptopobviously in use/not in use for attachable and composable resources14:37
mkraiI vote for seperate db in general but not sure of the information to be added in db14:38
ramineni_ntpttr_laptop: once the node is composed , the resources which can be used for dymanic attachment after composing14:39
lin_yangagree, including node uuid if this device is in use will be helpful14:39
ntpttr_laptopI can rework the spec based on the comments you guys have left, I have a decent idea about what we want to do there14:39
ramineni_we can include all resources in one DB?14:39
ntpttr_laptopramineni_: probably not if we do this14:39
ramineni_these attributes specifed here looks useful to me for managing pooled resources, we can store in DB,14:40
ntpttr_laptopshould we include things like details about stuff like systems in our DB, like memory amount and the like?14:40
ramineni_ntpttr_laptop: i meant we have one sperate devices DB,14:40
ramineni_no, pooled_group_id, resource state ,resource type14:41
ramineni_i thought these would be useful14:41
ntpttr_laptopramineni_: what is the pooled_group_id?14:41
ramineni_ntpttr_laptop: in our hardware it would specify , which node it can be attached14:42
lin_yangntpttr_laptop: for device detail, I am afraid that not all device have the same attributions14:42
mkrailin_yang: I agree14:43
ntpttr_laptoptrue, they don't14:43
ramineni_lin_yang: properties or extra info should be good? to categorize them if want to be stored14:43
ramineni_otherwise we can leave it14:43
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ntpttr_laptopthis design is left over from when we originally designed what we wanted from the DB with malini, and talked about not storing details like that on our side but pointing to them in the pod to be able to make calls and get details14:44
ntpttr_laptopfor things like lists you'd list what we have in the db, pod, location, uuid, etc14:44
ntpttr_laptopand then to get details make calls to redfish to make sure the information is as up to date as possible14:45
ntpttr_laptopthough I'd be okay with changing that and making our DB larger if that's what we think is best at this stage14:45
ramineni_but does device detail change over time? except it is still accesible or not?14:46
ntpttr_laptopramineni_: that's the thing, probably not14:46
ntpttr_laptopso yeah, I'm okay with expanding the DB14:47
ntpttr_laptopI'll rework what I have there and we can come back to this, does that sound good?14:48
lin_yangmost likely the details will not change, but we have to double check the device is still accessible or not, right?14:48
ntpttr_laptoplin_yang: yes14:48
ntpttr_laptopthat's the thing that we have to be careful of14:48
lin_yangso we can get all detail we needed at that time14:48
ramineni_ntpttr_laptop: sounds great, thanks14:48
ramineni_lin_yang: right14:48
ntpttr_laptopmaking sure the database is in sync with the pods on what's in use and what isn't14:48
mkraintpttr_laptop: sounds good14:48
ramineni_ntpttr_laptop: can you review this spec and functionality , and add any comments , i will rework on the spec accoringly14:49
ntpttr_laptopsure, I'll open it up in a tab14:49
ramineni_ill address the comments lin_yang pointed out14:50
ramineni_ntpttr_laptop: great, thanks14:50
ntpttr_laptopanything else folks would like to discuss while we're here?14:51
lin_yangramineni_: please make sure correct the db if found any mismatch for device status14:51
ramineni_lin_yang: right , will add that14:52
lin_yangramineni_: thanks14:52
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MrittikaWe need to review all bps14:52
ntpttr_laptopMrittika: yep14:53
ntpttr_laptophi btw, and hi hubian14:53
hubiansorry , i'm late14:53
lin_yangI will rework the task management spec
MrittikaAnd mark approved or more14:54
lin_yanghubian: Hey14:54
ntpttr_laptopsure thanks lin_yang14:54
hubianhello lin_yang14:54
MrittikaThanks lin-yang14:55
hubianI'll check the meeting record to see what  i miss this meeting14:55
ntpttr_laptophubian: not a ton - we discussed DB changes14:55
ntpttr_laptopand said thanks to everyone for work in getting our summit submissions in - voting opens I think next week14:56
MrittikaHubian are you demoing in flash summit?14:57
hubianflash summit ?14:57
MrittikaIn august14:58
hubianwaht's your mean here the summit of flash ? the flash storage summit ?14:58
hubianoh , maybe i will not14:59
hubianSeems it is my first time hear this ~ sorry ~15:00
MrittikaOk I heard there is a pooled nvme demo by Lenovo at the summit15:00
MrittikaSo I wanted to know if that has Valence in it15:01
hubianOK , i could connect with our PodManager development team to see if it is theris demo15:02
ntpttr_laptopsounds good15:04
ntpttr_laptopany other topics folks?15:04
ntpttr_laptopnext week I'll send out a reminder to fill out the etherpad agenda again so we can remember to use that :)15:05
lin_yangnone from me15:05
hubianThanks ntpptr_laptop for doing this ~15:06
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ramineni_none from me15:06
ntpttr_laptopno problem! and thanks for your work on our summit submission15:06
ntpttr_laptopdid you see the changes I ended up making by the way?15:06
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hubianyeah ~ i saw it ~15:07
ntpttr_laptopcool, hopefully you thought it was all right15:07
hubianmuch better15:07
hubianof course , it is ok ~15:08
ntpttr_laptopwell hopefully one of our talks is accepted!15:08
ntpttr_laptopokay last call for another topic, looks like it might be wrapping up15:08
ntpttr_laptopgoing once15:08
ntpttr_laptopgoing twice15:08
ntpttr_laptoplooks like that's it for today. I've got tabs open for reviews that I'll make sure to do today, and I'll also take a look at our BPs outstanding15:09
ntpttr_laptopthanks everyone15:09
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mkraiThanks everyone15:09
lin_yangthanks everyone, bye15:10
hubianthanks bye ~15:10
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openstackgerritNate Potter proposed openstack/valence master: [WIP] Implement NVMe Device Functions
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