Wednesday, 2017-09-06

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/python-valenceclient master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritAkhil jain proposed openstack/python-valenceclient master: Flavor operations added
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack/valence master: Add to redirect to respective podmanager
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack/valence master: Update podmanager controller to use generic interface
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack/valence master: Update podmanager controller to use generic interface
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack/valence master: Update podmanager controller to use generic interface
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack/valence master: Update Node controller to make it generic
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack/valence master: Support filter while listing composed nodes
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openstackgerritAkhil jain proposed openstack/valence master: Add storage field to flavors api
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ntpttr_laptophi all14:31
lin_yanghi ntpttr_laptop hello everyone14:32
shuquanhi guys14:32
ntpttr_laptophey shuquan, been a while :)14:32
shuquanlong time no see14:33
ntpttr_laptoplooks like maybe just the three of us, unless ramineni and hubian are here14:34
lin_yanghey shuquan14:34
ntpttr_laptopand Mrittika has been coming sometimes14:34
shuquanhi lin :)14:34
ntpttr_laptophave you been on vacation shuquan? Or what brings you back?14:35
lin_yangyeah, sometimes Mrittika joined later, but we already early closed14:35
ntpttr_laptoplin_yang: last week she joined at the beginning114:35
shuquanno vacation. I focused on customer last month.14:36
lin_yangntpttr_laptop: cool14:36
ntpttr_laptopah very good14:36
shuquanwe had a RSD PoC on China Union14:36
ntpttr_laptophow did it go?14:36
shuquanJust finished it. So I come back. :)14:36
ntpttr_laptopthere haven't been a lot of developers working on this project, so we're making progress but it is slow progress14:36
ntpttr_laptopat the moment Lin and I are working on finishing the sushy extension for RSD, rsd-lib14:37
ntpttr_laptopand the client project for it python-rsdclient14:37
ntpttr_laptopand anusha is working on moving valence over to use generic pod mangaer inerface14:37
ntpttr_laptopI think hubian is pretty busy but he was working on finishing the multipodm stuff14:37
shuquanthank you for your update :)14:38
ntpttr_laptopAnyways, I just got an email this morning saying that we had a lightning talk accepted for the Sydney summit14:38
lin_yangshuquan: cool, could you share share more details on that PoC? it focus on which area, networking or storage?14:38
ntpttr_laptopthat makes two talks accepted14:38
lin_yangntpttr_laptop: that's great14:39
shuquanyes.i sent a mail to them about the logistics.14:39
shuquanso they send the mail today. :)14:39
ntpttr_laptopshuquan: did your PoC involve anything with Valence, or was it mostly your RSD tech showcased?14:40
shuquanthey missed sending the result to us. I checked the summit schedule today and found that I had 2 topcis!!14:41
ntpttr_laptopshuquan: yeah it's awesome!14:41
ntpttr_laptopshuquan: do you have any slides or something from the PoC, or is it proprietary? We're pretty interested in how things are being used :). And if there's anything you feel would be good to contribute upstream that'd be cool14:42
ntpttr_laptopI'm not sure if I'll get to go to Sydney even though the talk was accepted, we'll see14:42
shuquanas you know, valence makes slow progress. I have to use it combined with our own solution.14:43
ntpttr_laptopyes that's true, but if anything in your own solution would work in Valence and you could contribute it we would give it quick reviews14:43
shuquansure. I'd like to upstream. So I come back. :)14:44
ntpttr_laptopglad to hear :)14:44
ntpttr_laptopwell it looks like there might not be a whole lot else to discuss in the meeting and I know it's likely late for you, so owe can wrap things up14:44
shuquanI think I need some time to prepare internally. Maybe I can give some update in the following meetings.14:44
ntpttr_laptopnext week I'll be sure to send out an email before the meeting to see if there are topics folks want to discuss14:44
ntpttr_laptopthat would be great shuquan14:45
ntpttr_laptopthank you14:45
ntpttr_laptoplet us know if there's something we can do14:45
shuquanwe don't start the psme networking yet, right?14:45
ntpttr_laptopI don't think so14:45
ntpttr_laptopthat would be a good thing to add for sure14:46
shuquani see.14:46
lin_yangas I know, podm 2.1 didn't support so much networking functionalities, so we don't work on that part right now14:46
shuquanbasic networking functions are supported, such as vlan CRUD14:47
lin_yangit only support assign vlan on node composition, right? cannot change it after composition14:48
shuquanregarding to psme storage, some OEM make further progress on networking.14:48
lin_yangokay, interesting14:49
lin_yangOEM extend it on psme level, or podm?14:49
ntpttr_laptopif some support it while others don't, it'll have to be handled by the separate driver mechanism that anusha is working on14:50
shuquanyes, i think so.14:51
ntpttr_laptopsome way of checking if an action is supported by the OEM PODM14:51
lin_yangcool, so it can be used for several user cases, like ironic multi-tenancy14:51
ntpttr_laptopyou can check out the patches that anusha has written to see if it might work for you14:51
ntpttr_laptopand then submit the code as a driver for your manager14:51
shuquanso we'll check the latest code these days.14:51
ntpttr_laptopmaybe there would be a way for you to add the functionality to
ntpttr_laptopokay that sounds like a plan anyways, let us know if you have any questions or need any support for this14:54
ntpttr_laptopthere aren't many of us still but we'll do what we can14:54
lin_yangthanks for the update, shuquan14:55
ntpttr_laptopyes, thanks14:55
ntpttr_laptopI'll talk to you later folks :)14:55
shuquanthanks guys14:55
shuquansee you14:55
lin_yangthanks, bye14:55
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